MILO: Trump Slims Down Lena Dunham. Is There Anything He Can’t Do?


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Classic Milo. :lol:

MILO: Trump Slims Down Lena Dunham. Is There Anything He Can’t Do?

by Milo7 Feb 20171324
7 Feb, 2017 7 Feb, 2017
Lena Dunham claims (claims!) she is losing weight because Donald Trump has convinced her not to eat.

The Catholic church won’t declare a person a saint until after their death, but if this extraordinary statement is true, maybe a miracle of this magnitude deserves an exception?

Dunham revealed the news on the Howard Stern Show, during which the actress went through her tired post-election routine of explaining that promising to move to Canada was “just a joke.” She also said Hillary Clinton was “the best qualified candidate we’ve ever had.”
But in the middle of her schtick, an amazing revelation emerged. Lena said “Donald Trump became president and I stopped being able to eat food…

Everyone’s been asking like, ‘What have you been doing?’ And I’m like, try soul-crushing pain and devastation and hopelessness and you, too, will lose weight.”

More at link:

MILO: Trump Slims Down Lena Dunham. Is There Anything He Can’t Do? - Breitbart
TD glad you put that pic of that photo taken of you hitch hiking back up again my I always say that is a photo someone took of you
I have no idea who the fuck "Lena Dunham" is but yes there's shitload of things he can't do....
  • Ever take any kind of responsibility for anything
  • Get through a day without rubbing crushed Cheetos all over his face
  • Stop staying up all night to send whiny tweets
  • Grow the fuck up
  • Stop boinking his daughter
  • Release his taxes
  • Learn how to pronounce the word huge
  • Sit in a chair without pointedly displaying the image of a vagina
  • Learn how the fuck to respect people

Just a few....
Classic Milo. :lol:

MILO: Trump Slims Down Lena Dunham. Is There Anything He Can’t Do?

by Milo7 Feb 20171324
7 Feb, 2017 7 Feb, 2017
Lena Dunham claims (claims!) she is losing weight because Donald Trump has convinced her not to eat.

The Catholic church won’t declare a person a saint until after their death, but if this extraordinary statement is true, maybe a miracle of this magnitude deserves an exception?

Dunham revealed the news on the Howard Stern Show, during which the actress went through her tired post-election routine of explaining that promising to move to Canada was “just a joke.” She also said Hillary Clinton was “the best qualified candidate we’ve ever had.”
But in the middle of her schtick, an amazing revelation emerged. Lena said “Donald Trump became president and I stopped being able to eat food…

Everyone’s been asking like, ‘What have you been doing?’ And I’m like, try soul-crushing pain and devastation and hopelessness and you, too, will lose weight.”

More at link:

MILO: Trump Slims Down Lena Dunham. Is There Anything He Can’t Do? - Breitbart
Trump should patent the idea.

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