Militant sodomites disrupt church service

You really don't see the simple fact that: They ALL do it, even your "group" ... that's just blindness.

The church of Christ separates things pertaining to God from politics, we don't use our way of worship as a means of political gain and take to the streets and airwaves promoting it.

LOL ... yeah, right. I've seen it often enough ... even an advertisement on our local Fox station. Sure.

The Church of Christ on Foxnews? You must be smoking some wacky tobaccky.
{W}hy is it that people who call themselves Christian and would never abide by the laws of Kashreit hang their hats on Leviticus in order to view gays with contempt. Always seemed a bit selective to me.

One fits their agenda. The other does not. Most neochristians eat pork and condemn incest.

Rest assured that Mr Bass cares less about what people do 9in their homes

than?... less than... less than what? less than whom? Less than you used to? Less than you care about something else?

, however its a different story when certain people...{attack} others who disagree with them as hatemongers.

You mean most of your posts?

These people chose to make what they do in the privacy of their beds political, so as such they deal with the consequences that come with it.

You chose to make your bedtime stories political, so you can deal with the reult or go back home.

The church of Christ separates things pertaining to God from politics, we don't use our way of worship as a means of political gain and take to the streets and airwaves promoting it.

So, now you can decide which passages of God's Word are valid? You are above God now, able to edit his word and ensure that only those passages you feel should be applied are read, whilst the rest is to be ignored?

If quoting Leviticus and the Books of Moses is for Jews only, why did Jesus and the apostles quote these same Old Testament scriptures in the books of the New Testament? Peter for example, references the evil of those in Sodom and Gomorrah as an example of what Christians shouldn't be like.

So, now you're saying Jesus did agree with and teach Leviticus? You're flip-flopping again

The Church of Christ on Foxnews? You must be smoking some wacky tobaccky.

Fox is full of neocons- many of whom are hypocritical neoxtians
And no worse than indoctrinating children to deny Christ. That list appears to be endless as well.

You indoctrinate you kids to believe in the tooth fairy, pray to myths and fairy tales, killl all non-believers, and call upon an evil imaginary friend to justify their actions- we'll teach ours to think

Have you? Christ has a little different view than Leviticus. Your argument might sell to a Jew, but not a Christian.

Gott ist Gott. So, God changed his mind? Then ypou're admitting that god is imperfect and a failure, and that god's imperfect reacist law had to be abolished because your evil god fucked up?

Absurdly extreme assumption on your part. You aren't teaching kids to think anymore than anyone just because you choose to indoctrinate them with your poison instead of mine.

Your second sentence is not only a strawman, but stupid. I don't have to admit anything to you nor prove anything to you. My statement says your statement is wrong, because it is.

You are superimposing an intellectually dishonest argument over the facts. Things change. You argument basically states they are not allowed to. But the TRUTH of the matter is, that's only so when it suits YOU, right?

If you want to piss and moan about God, waste your breath on someone else. I'm neither buying nor selling. Especially with someone like you who is EVERY BIT as intolerant as those you attempt to point a finger at.
Christ has a little different view than Leviticus. Your argument might sell to a Jew, but not a Christian.

Which argument?

I agree that Christ said different things than Leviticus. So why is it that people who call themselves Christian and would never abide by the laws of Kashreit hang their hats on Leviticus in order to view gays with contempt. Always seemed a bit selective to me.

You are the one creating a strawman in order to claim Christians base their arguments on Levitican law. I have made no such argument. In fact, I made one to the contrary.
You lefty liberal homo supporters are hypocrites and running out of excuses and quit trying to change the subject, why are you all refusing acknowledge the wrong in what happened here? You bash Christians for not being loving and not following the Bible's message of love but come up short and full of excuses and downright avoid bashing gays for their hypocrisy.

To what point? So you can hear your tongue rattle against your teeth? What business is it of yours what people do in the privacy of their own home?

Rest assured that Mr Bass cares less about what people do 9in their homes, however its a different story when certain people take to the streets and airwaves promoting their sexual lifestyle as a means for political gain and attacking others who disagree with them as hatemongers. These people chose to make what they do in the privacy of their beds political, so as such they deal with the consequences that come with it.

I can somewhat agree with you. To me, if you have to define yourself as a person by your sexual behavior, you aren't all that much of a person. However, it is STILL their choice to do so, and to express themselves.

I do not however agree with them expressing themselves in the manner related in the OP just as I do not agree with anyone hypocritically demanding their rights while using violence to deny others theirs.
Rest assured that Mr Bass cares less about what people do 9in their homes, however its a different story when certain people take to the streets and airwaves promoting their sexual lifestyle as a means for political gain and attacking others who disagree with them as hatemongers. These people chose to make what they do in the privacy of their beds political, so as such they deal with the consequences that come with it.

Speaking of people promoting their lifestyle as a means for political's the hypocracy diet working out for you Ass Chucker?

By the way........quoting Leviticus ISN'T for Christians, it's for the Levite Priests. Unless you're Jewish, you really shouldn't be using that book. I mean, as a CoC believer, would you and your church use a manual from the Catholic priesthood?

It's the same thing dipshit.

If quoting Leviticus and the Books of Moses is for Jews only, why did Jesus and the apostles quote these same Old Testament scriptures in the books of the New Testament? Peter for example, references the evil of those in Sodom and Gomorrah as an example of what Christians shouldn't be like.

You're as bad the other way as whatever that knucklehead God-hater is. I didn't state quoting Leviticus is for Jews only, did I? The strawmen are multiplying in this thread faster than rabbits.:cuckoo:
This has turned into just another God-hating rant thread. Why is it even in the Flame Zone?

You religious freaks ... both for AND against ... need to take your silly-ass, judgmental acts back to the religion forum. That's the reason it exists. That and to keep your childish asses out of my fucking airspace.
And no worse than indoctrinating children to deny Christ. That list appears to be endless as well.

You indoctrinate you kids to believe in the tooth fairy, pray to myths and fairy tales, killl all non-believers, and call upon an evil imaginary friend to justify their actions- we'll teach ours to think

Have you? Christ has a little different view than Leviticus. Your argument might sell to a Jew, but not a Christian.

Gott ist Gott. So, God changed his mind? Then ypou're admitting that god is imperfect and a failure, and that god's imperfect reacist law had to be abolished because your evil god fucked up?

You aren't teaching kids to think anymore than anyone just because you choose to indoctrinate them with your poison instead of mine.

:lol: How do you lie so blatantly and think you're 'saved'? Whats it like to be so stupid and delusional? You brainwash your kids. I encourage all to use their brains. Of course, Martin Luther thought logic and reason were evil to, so it's not like you're the first moron with a bible.
Your second sentence is not only a strawman, but stupid.

'Gog is God' is a 'stupid strawman'? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

I don't have to admit anything to you nor prove anything to you. My statement says your statement is wrong, because it is.

:lol: I can cite scripture to support everything I've said about your religion. All you have is an appeal to yourself, gross ignorance, and a distinct lack of 'true' scottsmen.

You are superimposing an intellectually dishonest argument over the facts

I am drawing logical conclusions from the facts
Things change.

a 'perfect' god cannot change, for perfection is eternal. The laws changed because the jews lost control to the Romans and the gentiles wanted in on the new cult
You indoctrinate you kids to believe in the tooth fairy, pray to myths and fairy tales, killl all non-believers, and call upon an evil imaginary friend to justify their actions- we'll teach ours to think

Gott ist Gott. So, God changed his mind? Then ypou're admitting that god is imperfect and a failure, and that god's imperfect reacist law had to be abolished because your evil god fucked up?

You aren't teaching kids to think anymore than anyone just because you choose to indoctrinate them with your poison instead of mine.

:lol: How do you lie so blatantly and think you're 'saved'? Whats it like to be so stupid and delusional? You brainwash your kids. I encourage all to use their brains. Of course, Martin Luther thought logic and reason were evil to, so it's not like you're the first moron with a bible.

'Gog is God' is a 'stupid strawman'? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

:lol: I can cite scripture to support everything I've said about your religion. All you have is an appeal to yourself, gross ignorance, and a distinct lack of 'true' scottsmen.

You are superimposing an intellectually dishonest argument over the facts

I am drawing logical conclusions from the facts
Things change.

a 'perfect' god cannot change, for perfection is eternal. The laws changed because the jews lost control to the Romans and the gentiles wanted in on the new cult

Did you miss the part I said you're wasting your time? I'm not lying nor am I a liar. You however, are an intolerant piece of shit and I'm not making much distinction between you and idiots like Fred Phelps at the moment.

You and your argument are full of shit. Peddle it elsewhere. And I suggest you take that kindly suggestion to heart because frankly, you intolerant fucks grate on my nerves and I have NO problem ripping you a new asshole and pouring iodine on the wound.

As I said, you're no better than those you point a finger at.
I love gunny for the laughs

I love gunny for the laughs


What makes it funny is that he's usually right.

He's strikin' out on this one. First he says not indoctrinating your kids with his fairy tales is indoctrination, then he denies the very word of the book he draws his religion from. Like all neochristians, it shows him to be a hypocrite and inherently dishonest when it comes to cherry-picking whatever passages support his personalized religion.
I love gunny for the laughs


What makes it funny is that he's usually right.

He's strikin' out on this one. First he says not indoctrinating your kids with his fairy tales is indoctrination, then he denies the very word of the book he draws his religion from. Like all neochristians, it shows him to be a hypocrite and inherently dishonest when it comes to cherry-picking whatever passages support his personalized religion.

Meh, he has a christian view, but he also knows that every group has it's fringe, even his. No one is denying that the fringe exists except a few, which is why I always give them a hard time about it. I also give some of the "leftists" a hard time to for the same reason, the only difference here is that Gunny isn't harsh enough to rag on his own as much as I am.
Speaking of people promoting their lifestyle as a means for political's the hypocracy diet working out for you Ass Chucker?

By the way........quoting Leviticus ISN'T for Christians, it's for the Levite Priests. Unless you're Jewish, you really shouldn't be using that book. I mean, as a CoC believer, would you and your church use a manual from the Catholic priesthood?

It's the same thing dipshit.

If quoting Leviticus and the Books of Moses is for Jews only, why did Jesus and the apostles quote these same Old Testament scriptures in the books of the New Testament? Peter for example, references the evil of those in Sodom and Gomorrah as an example of what Christians shouldn't be like.

You're as bad the other way as whatever that knucklehead God-hater is. I didn't state quoting Leviticus is for Jews only, did I? The strawmen are multiplying in this thread faster than rabbits.:cuckoo:

Mr Bass never said you saw that way, he was addressing ABS' comments, Mr Bas has never taken the views that the Old Testament is for Jews only, thats contrary to what we believe.
I can somewhat agree with you. To me, if you have to define yourself as a person by your sexual behavior, you aren't all that much of a person. However, it is STILL their choice to do so, and to express themselves.

Agreed, it is their choice to express themselves, but not in the manner in which they did by disrupting a church service and grabbing somebody else's cross and stomping on it. In addition to that, these same homosexuals must accept the fact that people who disagree with there sexual lifestyle equally have the right to express their disagreement and should not be pressured, bullied, threatened, sued into being silent and called hatemongers and bigots. This runs directly contrary to what the preach.

I do not however agree with them expressing themselves in the manner related in the OP just as I do not agree with anyone hypocritically demanding their rights while using violence to deny others theirs.

Agreed and the Bass has never advocated violence against these people, hell, even the church who's service they disrupted didn't even press criminal charges and simply forgave them, which is very Christian like and what did those intolerant homosexuals do? They further step on those people by calling them intolerant hatemongers and showed no remorse for their actions. If church goers would have disrupted these homosexuals from having sex in the privacy of their homes those homosexuals would have no doubt pressed charges.
Still its rather funny that the extreme liberal elements of USMB refuse to condemn the actions of these disruptive and intolerant gays, they want those who oppose the homosexual lifestyle to shut up, but people like these individuals are given a free pass?
Still its rather funny that the extreme liberal elements of USMB refuse to condemn the actions of these disruptive and intolerant gays, they want those who oppose the homosexual lifestyle to shut up, but people like these individuals are given a free pass?

Most of us don't care either way, we don't see "gay people" or "christians" until the news or some nut points that out, what we do see are criminals or protesters.

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