Mike Bloomberg "bought" Nancy Pelosi the House Majority with $100,000,000

Will democrats "unite" and vote for Mike Bloomberg if he "buys" the democrat nomination?

  • NO. Bernie supporters will either vote 3rd party or stay home in protest, never "billionaires"

    Votes: 8 61.5%
  • YES. Because the alternative is another 4-years of Trump

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • I as a (D) would refuse to vote for either

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I as an (R) would refuse to vote for either

    Votes: 3 23.1%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
Mikey had a little "Freudian Slip" in last night's debate claiming he "bought" the House majority for Nancy Pelosi and the democrats in 2018 for only "$100,000,000.

Trump also said that he "knows" how the political system works....I assume by "buying politicians".

We know how laws and "Tax Loopholes" are made.....money talks.....bullshit walks.
So much for "democracy" and "one man one vote".

My poll question is, will democrats vote for Mike Bloomberg with the same energy that they would vote for George Soros or Barak Obama?
Or is "party switcher" Billionaire MIke and his financial support for Republicans like Pat Toomey, and Lindsey Graham "a bridge too far"?

Would Mike be the fox in the hen house? Would the "occupy wall street" voters vote for Mike?
It's tough to imagine Bernie's "socialists" rallying around Mike Bloomberg.
Mikey had a little "Freudian Slip" in last night's debate claiming he "bought" the House majority for Nancy Pelosi and the democrats in 2018 for only "$100,000,000.

Trump also said that he "knows" how the political system works....I assume by "buying politicians".

We know how laws and "Tax Loopholes" are made.....money talks.....bullshit walks.
So much for "democracy" and "one man one vote".

My poll question is, will democrats vote for Mike Bloomberg with the same energy that they would vote for George Soros or Barak Obama?
Or is "party switcher" Billionaire MIke and his financial support for Republicans like Pat Toomey, and Lindsey Graham "a bridge too far"?

Would Mike be the fox in the hen house?

Wait, wait, wait! I seen that also! So the Dems screaming about finance reform had DOOMBERG invest 100 million to win the House? Is that what the Left is telling us, as they brow beat everyone with their phony campaign finance reform narrative?

Say it isn't so!

May I say this is a very good thread-)
Mini-Mike is what we sailors call "dead in the water." All that money he amassed from creepy Wall Street deals though. That is indeed impressive for such a stupid, untalented douchebag.
LOL, the democrats are caught in a "catch 22".

The only "democrat" that can possibly beat Trump is a "closet Republican" billionaire who they oppose on almost all financial issues.

If the democrats ignore Billionaire Mike and just assume that the US will see the light and vote for socialist Bernie, will they win?

So do the democrats sell out and vote for the lesser of the evils Billionaire Mike, or vote with energy & conviction for Socialist Bernie?
Uh oh! Watch out! The mighty Bloomberg surges in the polls! He is the best pragmatic moderate candidate, and he will defeat Trump! Bloomberg's rise is now unstoppable!!

a few days later...

new poll comes out

California (KQED): Sanders 36, Warren 18, Biden 10, Buttigieg 9, Bloomberg 5

L e L
I wonder what Mikey will do when he gets shut out of getting any delegates on super-Tuesday after wasting $500m?
Will he drop out or finance Bernie's run?
LOL!! He'd be more likely to finance Trump's re-election.
If Bernie is cheated out of getting the nomination I think it will be an end to the "revolution". Bernie has already said multiple times he will support whoever is the nominee. If he does I think many of his supporters will either not vote or vote TRUMP in protest. Bernie's movement will loss its impact due to him selling out a 2nd time.
If Bernie is cheated out of getting the nomination I think it will be an end to the "revolution". Bernie has already said multiple times he will support whoever is the nominee. If he does I think many of his supporters will either not vote or vote TRUMP in protest. Bernie's movement will loss its impact due to him selling out a 2nd time.

Mr/Mz Kitty, don't you believe it for an instant!

The reins will be passed to AOC, Talib, and the rest of the squad. Heck, AOC has had her people create a super pac to..…….wait for it...…….defeat DEMOCRATS in blue districts, so as MORE SOCIALISTS are in congress.

Americans need wake up if they are honestly against SOCIALISM, or one day we may not be able to stop them; and that day is not far off if BERNARD and the squad, along with a few Democratic members of the Senate have their way!

Mikey had a little "Freudian Slip" in last night's debate claiming he "bought" the House majority for Nancy Pelosi and the democrats in 2018 for only "$100,000,000.

Trump also said that he "knows" how the political system works....I assume by "buying politicians".

We know how laws and "Tax Loopholes" are made.....money talks.....bullshit walks.
So much for "democracy" and "one man one vote".

My poll question is, will democrats vote for Mike Bloomberg with the same energy that they would vote for George Soros or Barak Obama?
Or is "party switcher" Billionaire MIke and his financial support for Republicans like Pat Toomey, and Lindsey Graham "a bridge too far"?

Would Mike be the fox in the hen house? Would the "occupy wall street" voters vote for Mike?
It's tough to imagine Bernie's "socialists" rallying around Mike Bloomberg.
The hypocrisy reeks to high heaven.

taxpayers bought trump $120 million bucks worth of FUKN' GOLF !
Mikey had a little "Freudian Slip" in last night's debate claiming he "bought" the House majority for Nancy Pelosi and the democrats in 2018 for only "$100,000,000.

Trump also said that he "knows" how the political system works....I assume by "buying politicians".

We know how laws and "Tax Loopholes" are made.....money talks.....bullshit walks.
So much for "democracy" and "one man one vote".

My poll question is, will democrats vote for Mike Bloomberg with the same energy that they would vote for George Soros or Barak Obama?
Or is "party switcher" Billionaire MIke and his financial support for Republicans like Pat Toomey, and Lindsey Graham "a bridge too far"?

Would Mike be the fox in the hen house? Would the "occupy wall street" voters vote for Mike?
It's tough to imagine Bernie's "socialists" rallying around Mike Bloomberg.
Democratic Party is a bunch of hypocrites. Hate successful people with money...but accept the money and influence assholes like Bloomberg and Soros provide. Laughable.

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