Democrat party = Authoritarian party


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
The DNC now has as it's front runner someone who would rather praise socialist dictatorships than he would critique him. At the tail end with Bloomberg, you essentially have a former Republican who refuses to call China a dictatorship, which is an obvious lie. Then you have all the other liars in between.

Why the love for dictatorships within the DNC?

Really this has been a natural progression by Progressives as they continually lean towards collectivism. Just continue to undercut state rights and increase centralized federal power to the point of the President basically deciding everything from what doctor we see to how our children are educated in kindergarten. Then they get Trump in there and they all act like he has too much power and can't believe it is unchecked.

No different from the R Party. Both are essentially criminal gangs.
Sanders distances himself from 2011 editorial on his Senate website praising the American dream in Venezuela

Here is how clueless the DNC front runner Sanders is.

As the political situation in Venezuela deteriorates, an editorial endorsed by presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., that praised the socialist country as a place where the "American dream is more apt to be realized" in 2011.

The piece from the Valley News editorial board, which discussed the U.S. jobs and wealth gap, was posted under the "must read" section on Sanders' official Senate website.

"Less remarked, however, is the fact that America's wealth gap is also a race gap," the editorial board wrote. "As the Pew Research Center reported last week, the median wealth of white households is 20 times that of black households and 18 times that of Hispanic households. Think about that. In 2009, the typical black household had $5,677 in wealth — defined as assets minus debts; the typical Hispanic household had $6,325; the typical white household, by contrast, had $113,149.

"These days, the American dream is more apt to be realized in South America, in places such as Ecuador, Venezuela and Argentina, where incomes are actually more equal today than they are in the land of Horatio Alger. Who's the banana republic now?" the piece states.

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When asked if Sanders still endorses the article, Sarah Ford, the deputy communications director for Sanders' 2020 campaign, told the Washington Examiner he agrees with overall premise of the article, but specifically disavows the reference to Venezuela.

"Sen. Sanders agrees with many of the important points raised in that article with regard to wealth and income inequality," she said. "With regard to the article's reference to Venezuela, Sen. Sanders has been critical of the Maduro government's repression of dissent and called for international aid to end the ongoing humanitarian crisis, so would not endorse that specific claim."

Violence has escalated in Venezuela as Juan Guaidó, whom the United States recognizes as the legitimate president of the country, called for his supporters to take the country back from strongman Nicolás Maduro's regime. Shocking videos have emerged from Venezuela, with one showing a military vehicle running over pro-Guaidó supporters.
Bernie repeats praise of Castro's Cuba & throws China in

Bernie Sanders was questioned by ‘Fredo’ Cuomo at a CNN town hall on Monday. He doubled down on his praise of Castro’s Cuba and then praised the authoritarian communist government of China.

“I will take one more step down the road from the stigma from some of your fellow Democrats,” Chris Cuomo said during a Sanders town hall event. “You said on 60 Minutes this weekend, ‘It is unfair to say that everything is bad with the way that Fidel Castro ruled in Cuba.’

“Now, Democratic members of Congress who represent Cuban Americans in Florida, obviously you got to win there, they’re attacking your comment as absolutely unacceptable, singing the praises of a murderous tyrant,” Cuomo continued. “Response?”

“The response was when Fidel Castro first came to power … he initiated a major literacy program,” Sanders claimed wrongly.

“There was a lot of folks in Cuba at that point who were illiterate. He formed a literacy brigade, they went out and helped people learn to read and write. You know what? I think teaching people to read and write is a good thing.”

Castro’s literacy program was an indoctrination program.


Sanders then regaled communist China. Chinese communists murdered 45 million of its own people to bring in communism. They currently have at least a million Muslims in concentration camps getting re-trained.

“China is an authoritarian country becoming more and more authoritarian. But can anyone deny, I mean the facts are clear, that they have taken more people out of extreme poverty than any country in history,” Sanders continued. “Do I get criticized because I say that? It’s the truth. So that is the fact, end of discussion.”

That is absolutely untrue. Communism never takes anyone out of poverty. What got people out of poverty was the capitalism of the United States.

Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders doubles down on support for Fidel Castro’s policies. #CNNTownHall

— Nicholas Fondacaro (@NickFondacaro) February 25, 2020


It’s ironic that Chris Cuomo put Bernie on the spot. It’s ‘Fredo’ who said communism is uplifting. It isn’t — ever.

CNN host Chris Cuomo, the brother of NY Governor Andrew Cuomo, said about communism, “What is the point of this communist regime [Cuba] if it is not to truly make everyone equal — not at the lowest level; not by demoralizing everyone, but lifting everyone up?” Too many Democrats now believe that in principle.

Many Democrats feel the same way about Castro and Cuba as Bernie. It’s evident in their politics. CNN and these other networks that now object to the hard-left senator are duplicitous. They are the ones who gave the hard-left the ability to rise in power.

Sanders sees Castro as heroic and China as a socialist success story.
Bernie praises Cuba and USSR as far back as the 1980s

Bernie Sanders praised communist Cuba and the Soviet Union in the 1980s

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders warmly praised Cuba and the Soviet Union in the late 1980s after visiting each, dismissing "horrors" in Cuba as right-wing propaganda and praising Soviet infrastructure even as dictatorship prevailed and the country was on the verge of collapse.

The new revelations were uncovered by a Washington Examiner investigation of archives at the University of Vermont containing papers from the time Sanders was mayor of Burlington, Vt.

The documents reveal that Sanders, who calls himself a socialist, evinced enthusiasm for the two communist regimes.

In 1989, Sanders effusively praised the "Cuban revolution" in a public statement from the mayor's office.

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"For better or for worse, the Cuban revolution is a very profound and very deep revolution. Much deeper than I had understood," Sanders wrote. "More interesting than their providing their people with free health care, free education, free housing ... is that they are in fact creating a very different value system than the one we are familiar with."

Sanders mocked the notion that Cuba was an undesirable place to live, chalking up criticisms of the island nation as right-wing propaganda.

"Right-wing citizens could come back [from visiting] with first-hand evidence of all the horrors in Cuba, etc., etc," Sanders wrote dismissively.

He called for an end of the travel ban enacted by the U.S. government.

In notes attached to a draft of the remarks, Sanders highlighted what he perceives as strengths of the Cuban regime, which includes their system of "democracy," as well as state-provided housing and healthcare.

Had Sanders scheduled his trip a year and a half later, he would have witnessed what is known as " Período especial," or "The Special Period in Time of Peace," which was a nearly decade-long economic crisis that resulted in famine. From 1990-1995, Cuban adults lost an average of 5% to 25% of their body weight, according to a study from the National Institute of Health.

A year earlier Sanders lauded the infrastructure he had found in Moscow.

"There are some things that [the Soviet Union does] better than we do and which were, in fact, quite impressive. Subway systems in in Moscow costs 5 kopecs — or 7 cents. Faster, cleaner, more attractive and more efficient than any in the U.S. — and cheap," an official statement from the Burlington's office reads. "The train trip that we took from Leningrad to Moscow — for Soviet citizens — was very cheap." Sanders then went on to praise "programs for youth and workers" that he saw during the trip.

Sanders also likened Soviet problems in "health care, environmental protection, and agriculture" to those in the United States.

"Further, like the United States, Soviet industry is lagging behind in terms of technological breakthroughs, re-tooling, and plant investment," Sanders wrote in May, 1988.

Yet, experts on the Soviet Union say that Sanders drew a misleading picture for the people of Burlington.

"How skewed someone's perception can be on what they're observing. There were people in the West who unfortunately genuinely believed the Soviet Union was better at some things than the West, like infrastructure," Anna Borshchevskaya, a senior fellow at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, told the Examiner. "People like Sanders don't realize what the cost of tickets meant in the context of Soviet society. Nothing was 'free.'"

"When I lived in the Soviet Union, everything was falling apart. People don't realize how many people Stalin killed by building the Moscow subway station. Sure, the trains worked, but that other factor is dismissed. I have no doubt Bernie was sincere in what he said, but there was a whole disregard for life and safety in every aspect of Soviet life, including infrastructure," Borschevkaya said.

Three years after Sanders praised its infrastructure and said its problems were similar to those of the U.S., the Soviet Union ceased to exist.
No different from the R Party. Both are essentially criminal gangs.

No different? Well for the sake of argument, let's say they are. Do you then praise them? Bernie does. Bernie is a freak

Who in their right mind would spend their honeymoon in USSR controlled Moscow like Bernie?


Do you really believe that the regimes in the former USSR or Cuba or China or Venezuela are worse than the US?

If not, try living there.

There is a reason those in Hong Kong are waving US flags in protest to China.

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