Migrant army of 15,000 marching toward our border. Any suggestions on what we should do?

Well yeah but in the aftermath it's not much of a much numbers-wise.....The shit storm comes later when they start working for the cartels, same as the rest of them.
That and the countless billions of dollars of free healthcare they will receive over their lifetimes. But that's ok they'll just jack up our premiums to cover for them.
When they all show up at once it completely overwhelms all border patrol and related personnel and local hospitals and services. It is much worse than the "normal" flow of illegals coming across.

Which why their organizers here in the U.S. are advising them to o exactly that.
How about when they get to the border they get processed with some sort of background check, make sure they aren't bringing in any communicable diseases, and if everything checks out, give them a green card so they can find work.

Sort of how things worked back on Ellis Island.
You mean thousands came from Ellis Island at one time? Why do they get a free pass while others have to obey our immigration laws? Did they come from Ellis Island not being mandated to take Vaccines? Did we set them up in free housing, make taxpayers pay for their education, etc?
This insanity has to stop. Why isn't Biden putting his foot down on that worthless POS Mexican President? Why are the United Nations SUPPORTING the caravan with cash cards and supplies? Are there any Open Borders Liberals who think this is a good thing?
These people are DESPERATE

If the Republicans gain full control of both Houses after the Midterms, we could impeach Joe Biden for not enforcing immigration laws.

Short of that I have no good ideas.
How about when they get to the border they get processed with some sort of background check, make sure they aren't bringing in any communicable diseases, and if everything checks out, give them a green card so they can find work.

Sort of how things worked back on Ellis Island.
Because it lowers wages.
Because it lowers wages.
Not in this case. It just lowers your standard of living. The vegetable and democrats have increased the minimum wage and flooded the economy with so much money that it has produced rampant inflation. Add to that a massive infusion of third world illegal immigrants and the citizens of the US will begin to think the resultant poverty and homelessness in normal. It is the democrat/progressive tactic to level the playing field. They cannot raise the third world to first world levels so they are hell-bent in lowering the US standard of living to those third world levels.
Not in this case. It just lowers your standard of living. The vegetable and democrats have increased the minimum wage and flooded the economy with so much money that it has produced rampant inflation. Add to that a massive infusion of third world illegal immigrants and the citizens of the US will begin to think the resultant poverty and homelessness in normal. It is the democrat/progressive tactic to level the playing field. They cannot raise the third world to first world levels so they are hell-bent in lowering the US standard of living to those third world levels.
At best the minimum wage was increased at the federal level but didn't impact as many people as they like to admit. Not only are they wanting to flood the country with workers to lower wages from the border we have a plethora of refugees that are now here that nobody wants to talk about. In my state we just had an influx of refugees from Afghanistan. It will lower wages. Our minimum wage is at $7.25.
It's called the Great Replacement.

They want to see traditional America dead.

Sad but true :(

Wasn’t that the argument the Tops Grocery Store shooter was making? He had to kill minorities to keep Whites from being replaced?

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