Michigan state House passes censorship bill to make free speech a felony based on the feelings of someone hearing or reading it

And you beloved party is doing all it can to remove that power and give it all to the State.

In specific cases when the local governments are infringing on the rights of parents, gun owners, property owners, and other nanny state obsessive areas.

Should a local government be able to decide 49% of the people have to give a total of $500,000 dollars to the 51% who voted for it?
Just as much "evidence" as your poll or any poll can be.

71% of Americans support abortion restrictions: poll

I'll go with the poll on the election day in which millions of women voters and Gen Z'ers came out and clobbered the Republicans, preventing them from winning back the Senate, blunting their House gains, costing them multiple state legislative majorities, and turning complete control over several states right over to the Democrats, which you are now crying about.

But at least you'll have your one poll from a year and half ago saying how wrong all those voters were.
I'll go with the poll on the election day in which millions of women voters and Gen Z'ers came out and clobbered the Republicans, preventing them from winning back the Senate, blunting their House gains, costing them multiple state legislative majorities, and turning complete control over several states right over to the Democrats, which you are now crying about.

But at least you'll have your one poll from a year and half ago saying how wrong all those voters were.

Midterm election right after the decision that Dems blew out of proportion.

Now let the Dems who won those states try to pass abortion up to the last second laws, and see the reverse backlash.

Add that into the LGBTQWERTYUIOP stuff, and I am not worried about 2024 as long as we get DeSantis as the nominee.
The thing is abortion involves another human life, thus making it the issue it is today, and not comparable to any other issue.
Stay out of other people's most intimate decisions or remain powerless forever.

You can't prove any.of those people voted, and neither can anyone else.

You're full of hot air.

You can't prove any.of those people voted, and neither can anyone else.

You're full of hot air.
Keep saying that to yourself as you remain powerless becuase you're trying to control others rather than minding your own business.
Cop out response. Again you ignore the fact that ardent Pro-lifers see the fetus as an equal person, worthy of the protection of the State.
I'm not interested in the delusional basis of another's bizarre need to control those around them.

That you think your beliefs supercede the rights of others to basic freedom is what makes conservatives so dangerous.

Try to move beyond the need to control others, or wallow in failure and self-pity.

Your political body, your choice.

I'm not interested in the delusional basis of another's bizarre need to control those around them.

That you think your beliefs supercede the rights of others to basic freedom is what makes conservatives so dangerous.

Try to move beyond the need to control others, or wallow in failure and self-pity.

Your political body, your choice.


The whole point of government is limiting rights based on what the government is mandated by the Constitution to control.
Someone is going to the Supreme Court and wind up owning the state of Michigan.

You mean like the book banning laws?
Well, in spite of what the lockdown queen Witchmer did during Covid, she won an easy reelection, and Michigan voters gave both houses of the legislature to Democrats.

We, in California, are used to these kinds of elections.
Civics 101. It's why we have a bill of rights to explicitly say what the government CANNOT do.

Only 2 amendments actually detail what PEOPLE cannot do, can you figure out which ones?

Stop trying to control other people's private lives.


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