Michelle Bachmann Calls For A 'Attestation' To Be Done With Obama's Birth Certificate

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No. Why in the fuck should Obama have to answer a question that has been legally settled?

There is a reason the birthers have lost every single court case and motion; they have no legal argument.

So now they are going to try and pressure Obama into doing (having failed over 75 times to have the courts compel him to do it).

Good luck with that. I'd tell you all to fuck off, but Obama is probably more diplomatic than me.

You should read more carefully, Kiwi,...

But didn’t Hawai'i's health director swear that she has personally seen Obama's birth certificate in the Health Department's archives in your CNN link?

No. Here’s what she said:

“I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawai'i State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawai'i State Department of Health verifying Barrack Hussein Obama was born in Hawai'i and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago...." Honolulu Paper Lies

“that's techie-speak for hanging over the database administrator's shoulder while she queried the "Births" data mart.”

Did you see the words "Birth Certificate" in there?
Or, does it depend on what the meaning of the word "is" is?

This is such a blast, watching you guys play dumb...but if it was a Repub, bet you'd be a lot sharper, huh?

Speaking of reading more carefully, remember when you bought into the hoax that the AP had claimed Obama was born in Kenya?

I think this is a good move and it is the smart thing to do. A 'Attestation' done to the document would settle a lot of lingering questions for millions of Americans. It would solve if it is a legitiment document and it would solve if he was born in a hospital in Hawaii. I think millions of Americans agree with Bachmann that Obama should go before a qualified legal attestor and answer questions pertaining to his birth and Certification Of Live Birth.

Just for the record, Hawaii still issues long form Certificates Of Live Birth as the date indicates at the bottom of this document.

How can Obama attest to his own birth?

I can't....can you?
I think this is a good move and it is the smart thing to do. A 'Attestation' done to the document would settle a lot of lingering questions for millions of Americans. It would solve if it is a legitiment document and it would solve if he was born in a hospital in Hawaii. I think millions of Americans agree with Bachmann that Obama should go before a qualified legal attestor and answer questions pertaining to his birth and Certification Of Live Birth.

Just for the record, Hawaii still issues long form Certificates Of Live Birth as the date indicates at the bottom of this document.

How can Obama attest to his own birth?

I can't....can you?

they want him to "attest" so they can hold a hearing about whether he lied.

then they can play the bill clinton impeachment game.

If he wasn't so secretive about all of his records he would not have this problem.
He won't release the long form birth certificate.
He won't release his college records and he won't release the names of his campaign contributors for the last election.
Where is that in the constitution?

You're going to have to get yourself educated before you can even begin to understand. But I'll give you a basic run down. Under the constitution only the federal government can judge the qualifications of federal officers, including the President. The Supreme Court has been clear about this in U.S. Term Limits, Inc. v Thornton. The process prescribed for election of the President (outlined in the 20th amendment) provides guidelines for how to proceed when a President elect fails to qualify. Thus it is clear that qualifications for the Presidency, just like for being in Congress, are judged after election. This places the matter of Presidential qualifications in the hands of the electoral college, and perhaps the Congress. The SCOTUS briefly touches on this in Term Limits also. But that is as far as it goes, and the constitution does not allow any other entity to judge the outcome of a Presidential election.
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