Michele Bachmann: 'There's A Chance I Could Run' In 2016

Bachman is the republican equivalent of Liz Warren.

Both are too nuts to ever get the nod.

Elizabeth Warren is a great person. Please provide some crazy quotes of hers and we will reply back with the crazy shit Bachmann has said. You go first. I won't hold my breath because she isn't crazy, but Bachmann is.

Liz warren is a liar and a fraud. She is a rabid socialist. She is nuts.

She also thinks every one of you people are idiots too stupid to make anything of yourselves without her help.

She whines about a rigged game yet she made it to the 1 percent. So obviously the game wasn't rigged for her was it?

The rich said all these exact same things about FDR. They said he was a traitor to his class. The rich class. Why? Because of things like the New Deal.

You think looking out for the citizens of the USA's best interests is socialism. You are wrong. And fuck what is fair. I love it when rich people cry what is fair. Fuck fair! What works? If them paying 10% taxes doesn't work, make it 20%. Pay off the fucking debt for god sakes. Stop shifting the tax burden onto the poor and middle class. We can't afford it. Who can? The rich and the Corporations. If they don't like it get the fuck out of the country, but pay a huge tax on the money you try to take with you.

This is a country of we the people, not every man for himself. Cry me a river rich people. And continue to pay off our politicians to rig the game in your favor and then cry wealth distribution and class warfare when we try to fight back.
Elizabeth Warren is a great person. Please provide some crazy quotes of hers and we will reply back with the crazy shit Bachmann has said. You go first. I won't hold my breath because she isn't crazy, but Bachmann is.

Liz warren is a liar and a fraud. She is a rabid socialist. She is nuts.

She also thinks every one of you people are idiots too stupid to make anything of yourselves without her help.

She whines about a rigged game yet she made it to the 1 percent. So obviously the game wasn't rigged for her was it?

The rich said all these exact same things about FDR. They said he was a traitor to his class. The rich class. Why? Because of things like the New Deal.

You think looking out for the citizens of the USA's best interests is socialism. You are wrong. And fuck what is fair. I love it when rich people cry what is fair. Fuck fair! What works? If them paying 10% taxes doesn't work, make it 20%. Pay off the fucking debt for god sakes. Stop shifting the tax burden onto the poor and middle class. We can't afford it. Who can? The rich and the Corporations. If they don't like it get the fuck out of the country, but pay a huge tax on the money you try to take with you.

This is a country of we the people, not every man for himself. Cry me a river rich people. And continue to pay off our politicians to rig the game in your favor and then cry wealth distribution and class warfare when we try to fight back.

I didn't mention class at all.

So tell me if the game is rigged how did Liz Warren get rich? And if she could do it why does she think you are too stupid to do it?

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