MH17 was shot by Ukrainian army. New evidences by Russian Defense Ministry

Tell Putin to stop bothering his neighbors.
I AM his neighbor, moron, and he is NOT bothering me. And we wish he would.

He needs to get his troops out of Ukraine.
And Georgia.
And maybe he could stop using nerve gas against civilians in the UK?
You really should move.
Whiney Russians should all live in Russia where they can't hurt decent people.

There is also full version of the briefing in Russian

Detailed description of investigation.
1. Serial numbers of the rocket shown by Dutch investigators were tracked from the factory in was produced to the final place of that rocket delivery.
2. Explaining why photos from social networks showing BUK rocket launcher are fake.
3. Audio of the phone conversation where Ukrainian colonel says that they may shot one more Malaysian Boeing.

And there are still no any data from Ukrainian radar. Dispetcher who ordered MH17 to change the root and the height is still not found.
Ukrainian pilot who followed that Boeing who retired and suddenly became an airport director in Nikolaev is now dead.

And still it is Russia to be blamed in that catastrophe...

You are a treasonous traitor. You need to be locked up in Guantanamo. The Russians are liars through and through.

Traitor of who?
You got problems with understanding of meaning of English words? Try using dictionary.
Guantanamo is occupied territory used by terroristic states of America for their terroristic acts.
And try to realize that your country is just one of 2 hundred other countries and your laws are not more important than laws of Nigeria, Moldova or Laos for me.

In the US, we have real elections not phony ones like Russia holds.
We stand up against evil like Russia that attempts to take over countries.
We do not lock people up for opposing US Presidents unlike a all female punk rock band for simply singing Putin go away.
Thugs like you are Putin supporters.

Stratford57 has already said what I wanted to
But I'd add - is all you know about Russia you know for sure or you read it in your propaganda media?

For your information "Pussy riot" is not female group they are lead by men. They got into jail for several actions...I wonder how would you react if someone would hang a man-sized puppet in a crowded trade center with a sign "Jews die!" - that is their performance! And after they performed satan-style song in a church while the service they were convicted.
But your authorities and their soldiers journalists made them an anti-Putin heroes. Insane...
He needs to get his troops out of Ukraine.
No Russian troops in Ukraine. Even your authorities officially admit that.

And Georgia
In 2008 backed by USA Saakashvili, president of Georgia started war against South Osetia and killed OSCE soldiers. Russia entered the next day and kicked his ass, left Georgia and placed military base in S. Osetia and Abkhazia as they asked to do it for protecting them.
That is all well known and one can find in any official sources of UN and OSCE.
And maybe he could stop using nerve gas against civilians in the UK?
Got any proves or just "highly likely" as your stupid authorities and their paid media say?
Well highly likely Toddsterpatriot has prick on his face instead of nose.
Russians should all live in Russia where they can't hurt decent people.
For your information there are more than 2 hundred nations living in Russia. Many of them keep their language, traditions, religion and way of living... yes, we do not kill local nations for cleaning territory like you do!
Russian propaganda being spread by Russian trolls.

Like there wasn’t Ukraine/EU propaganda being spread by the globalists to blame Russia?

We know that the globalists hate the ethnic Russians that were in the former Ukraine who rejected the EU globalist Agenda. Not a far stretch to believe they would try to blame the attack on Russia.
He needs to get his troops out of Ukraine.
No Russian troops in Ukraine. Even your authorities officially admit that.

And Georgia
In 2008 backed by USA Saakashvili, president of Georgia started war against South Osetia and killed OSCE soldiers. Russia entered the next day and kicked his ass, left Georgia and placed military base in S. Osetia and Abkhazia as they asked to do it for protecting them.
That is all well known and one can find in any official sources of UN and OSCE.
And maybe he could stop using nerve gas against civilians in the UK?
Got any proves or just "highly likely" as your stupid authorities and their paid media say?
Well highly likely Toddsterpatriot has prick on his face instead of nose.
Russians should all live in Russia where they can't hurt decent people.
For your information there are more than 2 hundred nations living in Russia. Many of them keep their language, traditions, religion and way of living... yes, we do not kill local nations for cleaning territory like you do!

No Russian troops in Ukraine. Even your authorities officially admit that.

Baloney. Even lying Putin admitted there were Russian troops in Ukraine (and Crimea).

Got any proves or just "highly likely" as your stupid authorities and their paid media say?

Poor Putin. Someone keeps murdering his enemies and he unjustly gets blamed.

For your information there are more than 2 hundred nations living in Russia.

Exactly. Plenty of people in Russia he can fuck with, he should stop fucking with people outside his borders.
And Georgia
In 2008 backed by USA Saakashvili, president of Georgia started war against South Osetia and killed OSCE soldiers. Russia entered the next day and kicked his ass, left Georgia and placed military base in S. Osetia and Abkhazia as they asked to do it for protecting them.
That is all well known and one can find in any official sources of UN and OSCE.
Georgian war was the first time Western Media used info-wars against Russia. I remember very well how all Western TV channels were broadcasting burning houses and screaming women claiming: it was what Russians were doing to Georgians. But in a few weeks the OSCE delegation both Georgia and Ossetia and confirmed: Western so to say "journalists" were taking videos of victims of Georgians in Ossetia and presenting them as victims of Russians in Georgia. Also OSCE has filed a report about their investigation which Western "journalists" have NEVER delivered to their audience and this the people like Toddster are still sure "it was Russian aggression against Georgia".

Very quickly, social media was dominated by assertions that the Russians had “invaded” Georgia, a mistruth amplified by the mainstream press, most of which still repeats the canard today. This, despite a 2009 European Union-sponsored report which clearly concluded that Tbilisi started the conflict.

Indeed, a famous viral comment saw one user ask (with apologies to the English language): “I live in georegia but i dont see rusia no where not even sound but they says theres tanks should i be worrie."

South Ossetia conflict: Concerned US citizen gets her Georgias confused

On the night of 7 to 8 August 2008, a sustained Georgian artillery attack struck the town of Tskhinvali
Wayback Machine

“In the Mission’s view, it was Georgia which triggered off the war when it attacked Tskhinvali (in South Ossetia) with heavy artillery on the night of 7 to 8 August 2008,” stated Heidi Tagliavini, who led the investigation.

While it criticized Moscow for sometimes going “far beyond the reasonable limits of defense,” the EU-backed team rubbished Saakashvili’s assertion that Tbilisi was pushing back against a Russian invasion, saying it found no evidence to support his allegations. Instead, the team confirmed that Russia’s counter strike was initially legal.

However, even a decade later, Russia’s intervention is misrepresented across the mainstream: with the aggressor/victim mix-up lingering. The EU report is seemingly regarded as inconvenient, at best.
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And maybe he could stop using nerve gas against civilians in the UK?
Got any proves or just "highly likely" as your stupid authorities and their paid media say?

Even English journalists don't buy that Russian involvement in Skripals' case.


I am told that only Russians have access to the poison, known as novichok – though the British research station of Porton Down, located ominously nearby, clearly knows a lot about it. Otherwise, I repeat, I have no clue. I suppose I can see why the Kremlin might want to kill an ex-spy such as Sergei Skripal and his daughter, so as to deter others from defecting. But why wait so long after he has fled, and why during the build-up to so highly politicised an event as a World Cup in Russia?

The most obvious motive for these attacks would surely be from someone out to embarrass the Russian president, Vladimir Putin – someone from his enemies, rather than from his friends or employees.

If the novichok was planted by Russia, where’s the evidence?

If the novichok was planted by Russia, where’s the evidence? | Simon Jenkins
Russian propaganda being spread by Russian trolls.

Like there wasn’t Ukraine/EU propaganda being spread by the globalists to blame Russia?

We know that the globalists hate the ethnic Russians that were in the former Ukraine who rejected the EU globalist Agenda. Not a far stretch to believe they would try to blame the attack on Russia.

Confession of snipers, who killed both police and protestors in Kiev "revolution" in 2014 in the new Italian film, but the criminals who hired those Georgian snipers are now ruling Ukraine.

"Ukraine-the hidden truth" an Italian film about snipers on the Maidan in Ukraine

^English subtitles

All the details in my thread:
Confession of snipers, who killed both police and protestors in Kiev 2014 in the new Italian film

Americans have been carefully shielded from the ugly underbelly of Ukraine’s Maidan uprising in 2014 that overthrew the elected president and installed a U.S.-backed, fiercely anti-Russian regime which has unleashed armed neo-Nazis. But a French documentary has dared to expose this grim reality, as Gilbert Doctorow describes.
A Look at Ukraine's Dark Side

For those who did not follow events at the time, the coup in Kiev was a Washington/NATO-backed regime-change operation with US Khazarian mafia proxies and associated loons, including Victoria Nuland and the vacuous John McCain, up to their elbows in the blood and tears of a nation.

In the new cold war that opposes Russia to the USA, Ukraine is a decisive pawn. A tactical pawn to contain Putin’s ambitions.
Ukraine, masks of the revolutionSpecial Commendation Prix Europa – Berlin 2016
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And Georgia
In 2008 backed by USA Saakashvili, president of Georgia started war against South Osetia and killed OSCE soldiers. Russia entered the next day and kicked his ass, left Georgia and placed military base in S. Osetia and Abkhazia as they asked to do it for protecting them.
That is all well known and one can find in any official sources of UN and OSCE.
Georgian war was the first time Western Media used info-wars against Russia. I remember very well how all Western TV channels were broadcasting burning houses and screaming women claiming: it was what Russians were doing to Georgians. But in a few weeks the OSCE delegation both Georgia and Ossetia and confirmed: Western so to say "journalists" were taking videos of victims of Georgians in Ossetia and presenting them as victims of Russians in Georgia. Also OSCE has filed a report about their investigation which Western "journalists" have NEVER delivered to their audience and this the people like Toddster are still sure "it was Russian aggression against Georgia".

Very quickly, social media was dominated by assertions that the Russians had “invaded” Georgia, a mistruth amplified by the mainstream press, most of which still repeats the canard today. This, despite a 2009 European Union-sponsored report which clearly concluded that Tbilisi started the conflict.

Indeed, a famous viral comment saw one user ask (with apologies to the English language): “I live in georegia but i dont see rusia no where not even sound but they says theres tanks should i be worrie."

South Ossetia conflict: Concerned US citizen gets her Georgias confused

On the night of 7 to 8 August 2008, a sustained Georgian artillery attack struck the town of Tskhinvali
Wayback Machine

“In the Mission’s view, it was Georgia which triggered off the war when it attacked Tskhinvali (in South Ossetia) with heavy artillery on the night of 7 to 8 August 2008,” stated Heidi Tagliavini, who led the investigation.

While it criticized Moscow for sometimes going “far beyond the reasonable limits of defense,” the EU-backed team rubbished Saakashvili’s assertion that Tbilisi was pushing back against a Russian invasion, saying it found no evidence to support his allegations. Instead, the team confirmed that Russia’s counter strike was initially legal.

However, even a decade later, Russia’s intervention is misrepresented across the mainstream: with the aggressor/victim mix-up lingering. The EU report is seemingly regarded as inconvenient, at best.

Georgian war was the first time Western Media used info-wars against Russia.

Took a page out of your book, eh?

people like Toddster are still sure "it was Russian aggression against Georgia".

Poor Russians, always the victims, never the aggressors.
Just ask any of the countries enslaved after WWII.

Poor Russians, always the victims, never the aggressors.
Just ask any of the countries enslaved after WWII.
That post you have to address not to Russia but to those [Deep State and its puppets all over the world] who have been constantly creating anti-Russian propaganda. And to those fools (like yourself) who believe it. Why so many fall for that BS forgetting about presumption of innocence? Because it's easier, it doesn't require any brain work, using the logic, finding and comparing the true facts.

Same people who create anti-Russian propaganda have been creating anti-Trump propaganda, hurting the president you support and your own country as well. How come anybody with some kind of remaining brains can still listen to them and even help them with constantly spreading their lies...

And the answer to your question is: because Russia/Putin and Trump are serious threat to Deep State existence.
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Poor Russians, always the victims, never the aggressors.
Just ask any of the countries enslaved after WWII.
That post you have to address not to Russia but to those [Deep State and its puppets all over the world] who have been constantly creating anti-Russian propaganda. And to those fools (like yourself) who believe it. Why so many fall for that BS forgetting about presumption of innocence? Because it's easier, it doesn't require any brain work, using the logic, finding and comparing the true facts.

Same people who create anti-Russian propaganda have been creating anti-Trump propaganda, hurting the president you support and your own country as well. How come anybody with some kind of remaining brains can still listen to them and even help them with constantly spreading their lies...

who have been constantly creating anti-Russian propaganda.

Exactly! Russia never enslaved Eastern Europe. Never starved millions of Ukrainians. Those are Soros lies!!!


There is also full version of the briefing in Russian

Detailed description of investigation.
1. Serial numbers of the rocket shown by Dutch investigators were tracked from the factory in was produced to the final place of that rocket delivery.
2. Explaining why photos from social networks showing BUK rocket launcher are fake.
3. Audio of the phone conversation where Ukrainian colonel says that they may shot one more Malaysian Boeing.

And there are still no any data from Ukrainian radar. Dispetcher who ordered MH17 to change the root and the height is still not found.
Ukrainian pilot who followed that Boeing who retired and suddenly became an airport director in Nikolaev is now dead.

And still it is Russia to be blamed in that catastrophe...

So russia sais it is not us and we just beleive? I think I will wait till some other sources agree.

Poor Russians, always the victims, never the aggressors.
Just ask any of the countries enslaved after WWII.
That post you have to address not to Russia but to those [Deep State and its puppets all over the world] who have been constantly creating anti-Russian propaganda. And to those fools (like yourself) who believe it. Why so many fall for that BS forgetting about presumption of innocence? Because it's easier, it doesn't require any brain work, using the logic, finding and comparing the true facts.

Same people who create anti-Russian propaganda have been creating anti-Trump propaganda, hurting the president you support and your own country as well. How come anybody with some kind of remaining brains can still listen to them and even help them with constantly spreading their lies...

who have been constantly creating anti-Russian propaganda.

Exactly! Russia never enslaved Eastern Europe. Never starved millions of Ukrainians. Those are Soros lies!!!

I think I would be surprised if you could understand the simple things I said above with your parrot's brain. And that is the big problem of your country: too many people unable to think and to use their own brains.
If you believe either one it is like believing the Big Bad Wolf about the Three Little Pigs.

There is also full version of the briefing in Russian

Detailed description of investigation.
1. Serial numbers of the rocket shown by Dutch investigators were tracked from the factory in was produced to the final place of that rocket delivery.
2. Explaining why photos from social networks showing BUK rocket launcher are fake.
3. Audio of the phone conversation where Ukrainian colonel says that they may shot one more Malaysian Boeing.

And there are still no any data from Ukrainian radar. Dispetcher who ordered MH17 to change the root and the height is still not found.
Ukrainian pilot who followed that Boeing who retired and suddenly became an airport director in Nikolaev is now dead.

And still it is Russia to be blamed in that catastrophe...

You are a treasonous traitor. You need to be locked up in Guantanamo. The Russians are liars through and through.

Traitor of who?
You got problems with understanding of meaning of English words? Try using dictionary.
Guantanamo is occupied territory used by terroristic states of America for their terroristic acts.
And try to realize that your country is just one of 2 hundred other countries and your laws are not more important than laws of Nigeria, Moldova or Laos for me.

In the US, we have real elections not phony ones like Russia holds.
We stand up against evil like Russia that attempts to take over countries.
We do not lock people up for opposing US Presidents unlike a all female punk rock band for simply singing Putin go away.
Thugs like you are Putin supporters.

Your elections are not phony? Sure, they are. It's you, Dems, who insisted to have NO voting ID , so your illegals and dead people keep electing Dems for presidents (Trump won just because the people got so tired of Dems and RINOs lies and even those who never voted before, registered and voted for him, but you, Dems, keep blaming alleged Russians for that!).

In Russia you have to show a passport of Russian citizen to be able to vote. Last presidential elections in Russia (March, 2018, Putin was elected with over 70% of votes) were transparent and clean due to new electronic system which was complemented even by foreign observers (I bet your Media failed to report you about that again, ha?). Meanwhile USA doesn't allow any international observers on their elections.

International Observers React to Russian Presidential Election

So, without having voting IDs, without international observers you are bragging about your "not phony" elections? :laughing0301:

I am not a Democrat. The fact is that Republicans have not provided any proof of massive voting fraud. The fact is that Pence was informed of Russian interference n the election and he called the evidence overwhelming.

Putin can jail or kick his political opponents off the ballot. That is hardly a free election.

There is also full version of the briefing in Russian

Detailed description of investigation.
1. Serial numbers of the rocket shown by Dutch investigators were tracked from the factory in was produced to the final place of that rocket delivery.
2. Explaining why photos from social networks showing BUK rocket launcher are fake.
3. Audio of the phone conversation where Ukrainian colonel says that they may shot one more Malaysian Boeing.

And there are still no any data from Ukrainian radar. Dispetcher who ordered MH17 to change the root and the height is still not found.
Ukrainian pilot who followed that Boeing who retired and suddenly became an airport director in Nikolaev is now dead.

And still it is Russia to be blamed in that catastrophe...

You are a treasonous traitor. You need to be locked up in Guantanamo. The Russians are liars through and through.

Traitor of who?
You got problems with understanding of meaning of English words? Try using dictionary.
Guantanamo is occupied territory used by terroristic states of America for their terroristic acts.
And try to realize that your country is just one of 2 hundred other countries and your laws are not more important than laws of Nigeria, Moldova or Laos for me.

In the US, we have real elections not phony ones like Russia holds.
We stand up against evil like Russia that attempts to take over countries.
We do not lock people up for opposing US Presidents unlike a all female punk rock band for simply singing Putin go away.
Thugs like you are Putin supporters.

Stratford57 has already said what I wanted to
But I'd add - is all you know about Russia you know for sure or you read it in your propaganda media?

For your information "Pussy riot" is not female group they are lead by men. They got into jail for several actions...I wonder how would you react if someone would hang a man-sized puppet in a crowded trade center with a sign "Jews die!" - that is their performance! And after they performed satan-style song in a church while the service they were convicted.
But your authorities and their soldiers journalists made them an anti-Putin heroes. Insane...

You are a lying little weasel. You are a Commie and your ass should be in jail.

Russian female punk band Pussy Riot gets 2 years for hooliganism over Putin protest at church site

Poor Russians, always the victims, never the aggressors.
Just ask any of the countries enslaved after WWII.
That post you have to address not to Russia but to those [Deep State and its puppets all over the world] who have been constantly creating anti-Russian propaganda. And to those fools (like yourself) who believe it. Why so many fall for that BS forgetting about presumption of innocence? Because it's easier, it doesn't require any brain work, using the logic, finding and comparing the true facts.

Same people who create anti-Russian propaganda have been creating anti-Trump propaganda, hurting the president you support and your own country as well. How come anybody with some kind of remaining brains can still listen to them and even help them with constantly spreading their lies...

And the answer to your question is: because Russia/Putin and Trump are serious threat to Deep State existence.

You are a traitorous dog. Ronald Reagan was right when he called the Soviet Union part of the evil empire and they still are. They bomb innocent victims in Syria. They assassinate people overseas. There is no deep state you lying pig. The fact is the US should stand up to the evil of Putin's Russia.

Poor Russians, always the victims, never the aggressors.
Just ask any of the countries enslaved after WWII.
That post you have to address not to Russia but to those [Deep State and its puppets all over the world] who have been constantly creating anti-Russian propaganda. And to those fools (like yourself) who believe it. Why so many fall for that BS forgetting about presumption of innocence? Because it's easier, it doesn't require any brain work, using the logic, finding and comparing the true facts.

Same people who create anti-Russian propaganda have been creating anti-Trump propaganda, hurting the president you support and your own country as well. How come anybody with some kind of remaining brains can still listen to them and even help them with constantly spreading their lies...

who have been constantly creating anti-Russian propaganda.

Exactly! Russia never enslaved Eastern Europe. Never starved millions of Ukrainians. Those are Soros lies!!!

I think I would be surprised if you could understand the simple things I said above with your parrot's brain. And that is the big problem of your country: too many people unable to think and to use their own brains.

Right, Ukrainians have no reason to fear being ruled by Russia, Holodomor never happened.
Is that it? Explain using that brain of yours.
On July 29, 2015, the 15 member United Nations Security Council considered implementing an international tribunal for investigating the crash of MH-17 over South Eastern Ukraine which killed all 298 passengers and crew.

When the open vote was taken, Russia stood out as the one and only nation, and one of the nations with veto power, voted no, hence, killing the possibility of a UN tribunal by veto.

Over three years later after a secret, closed-door investigation the Russian Defense Ministry has declared Russia is innocent, and further, declared the Ukrainian military shot down MH-17 with a Russian made missile.R

They investigated themselves and found themselves innocent.

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