@Metoo...no CPR for you


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
An article on Yahoo stated that researcher had surveyed people regarding CPR and their attitude when it comes to giving women CPR. The researchers, from the University of Colorado, had reported that many of the interviewees stated they feared giving a woman CPR because they would not want to be accused of touching them inappropriately or accused of sexual assault.

This is not good news for a woman who might suffer a heart attack or any other medical issue and require CPR on the spot to save them. Some call this the side effect of the #MeToo movement. Men now afraid to give women CPR in fear of being accused of sexual assault and #MeToo
Men are now afraid to give women CPR in case they’re accused of sexual assault
Unintended consequences of radical feminism keep piling up
Anyone who refuses to give CPR because they are afraid of being accused of sexual assault is an idiot. And has obviously forgotten so much of their training they should retake the class.
Anyone who refuses to give CPR because they are afraid of being accused of sexual assault is an idiot. And has obviously forgotten so much of their training they should retake the class.
I dont understand this either but with politics replacing ethics I think you are going to see more of this type of confusion.
I was falsely accused of sexual assault once. This woman almost drowned, and I was just trying to give her mouth to breast resuscitation. I forgot how CPR works. So sue me.
I had to defib a well endowed woman in front of a crowd , so i didn't want to take her bra off to do it

as the Dfib was winding up (they make noise) i realized she had one of those re-enforced bras with a metal thingy

but hey, they don't call me sparky for nuthin.....

All 50 states and DC have some kind of Good Samaritan law, limiting your liability should you give emergency assistance.

Be aware of the limits of the law in your state.
One time I was in a fender bender, and an EMT stuck his finger in my butt. At the time I thought, "He's a professional. He knows what he's doing." Thinking back, I don't know what made me think this guy was an EMT.
All 50 states and DC have some kind of Good Samaritan law, limiting your liability should you give emergency assistance.

Be aware of the limits of the law in your state.

Exactly. As long as you are following your training and do not exceed that training, you will not be sued.

If the woman is well endowed, get her shirt or blouse open so you can actually do something to save her life. Be as discreet as possible. You don't have to strip her to the waist. But either do what it takes or accept that you are willing to let her die.

Unless you live in Vermont, you are not required by law to render aid.
GS laws exist for good reason Billy , but they don't apply to first responders


First responders (EMTs ect) are trained medical personnel. They are not covered by Good Samaritan laws when they are on duty. Off duty they are covered in most states. On duty, professional first responders are typically covered by sovereign immunity laws.

Another thing to consider, when deciding whether or not to render aid. Most states do not require you to render aid, even if you are trained to do so. But once you start, provided you are not reckless, you cannot stop until someone with equal or superior training arrives, it becomes to dangerous to continue, or you are physically unable to continue. With CPR done right, exhaustion can come quicker than you think.

I think every person should have basic training in First Aid & CPR.
With CPR done right, exhaustion can come quicker than you think.

all rather aerobic , they did come out with the 'thumper' , in later years ,but mostly the well funded dept's bought into them

I think every person should have basic training in First Aid & CPR.
It's easy , i was both AHA & ARC instructor back in the day, it could be imparted to a class in an afternoon. Now they even dumbed it down to non-breathing (debatable among many)

Also keep in mind these days Dfibs are everywhere, fully auto, just peel/stick, press the 'on' button, & it promps one for a shock indicated

With CPR done right, exhaustion can come quicker than you think.

all rather aerobic , they did come out with the 'thumper' , in later years ,but mostly the well funded dept's bought into them

I think every person should have basic training in First Aid & CPR.
It's easy , i was both AHA & ARC instructor back in the day, it could be imparted to a class in an afternoon. Now they even dumbed it down to non-breathing (debatable among many)

Also keep in mind these days Dfibs are everywhere, fully auto, just peel/stick, press the 'on' button, & it promps one for a shock indicated


I taught it for years. Even dumbed down, it gives people info on how to save lives. I taught it as part of the safety program at work. But First Aid & CPR is the one class that will be used in all facets of your life. Trenching & Excavation, Traffic Control, Crane Safety ect, do not help when you are at home.

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