Truvada is no positive for homoamericans


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
The new drug promises to immunize active, practicing homosexuals from contracting HIV. Take the pill, and they are presumed to be "good to go" to engage in homosex anytime and/or anywhere.

The problem is that viruses mutate, and new ones arise all the time.

I was chatting with an old-time doctor back in the 1980's when the aids fad started and the disease was the next big thing. He poo-poo'ed it , saying that during his entire career , from time to time, he saw young homosexual men appear severely sick, nothing they could do about it, and they would end up croaking.

This Truvada may stop "HIV", but this will just promote new deadly bugs that will spread as people will think they are "safe".

Next time, the next big disease, will probably be worse. During the period of peak popularity for aids, sodomy was illegal in America, not legalized until 2003. Now that the practice is legal, more folks are doing it.
You do know that straight people get HIV too, right?

Sure, that is certainly true. Straight men like Liberace, who actually received a court order declaring that he was straight, still died of aids.

Not every man who wears skinny jeans and smokes virginia slims is gay either, but the vast majority are.
The aids "fad"?
Surely, as with pregnancy, the easy solution to aids is abstention.
That people persist in non-survival oriented activities is not reserved to sex. Look at the immense, fuel guzzling vehicles Americans are addicted to. Look at the romance with nukes.
People can be sensible; not enough are.
If something can prevent the suffering and the cost to our health care system of aids, why not? But this one should not be tax payer supported.

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