Men who criticize women...


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
... risk being lynched by society and risk being thrown into same pot, which contains all evil in this world. Then there comes the mocking from pseudo-psychologists who attest you being not normal.
What is normal?

I bet, that also in your environment is at least one child, that is not genetically from the family father. There are some estimates regarding this issue. In Germany those estimates are every 10th child. And you can't even do a genetic test without the consent of the "mother" if the child is less then 18 years old.
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Money does not stink!

I don't have any aversion against women, but there's a Greek proverb: "The way you sleep, is the way you made your bed." And when I look around, I have the impression, that it is more and more the women side who is sleeping better in that bed at the cost of the men. Then there are several other issues like divorce and access to the children where the full evil of some women come to display.

If you simply want to be a man and want a role model resembling more traditional style, where society shapes the female psychology to commit to her husband, then you land in that mentioned pot as being a Sexist, Islamist or whatever.
But, that was not always the case.
You pissed because some woman's got your dick in her purse or something?

I'm a man and I won't settle for less then a woman who knows her biological place in the relationship between Man and Woman, and who is committed to this principle.
The woman is the companion to this earth's greatest Creation.
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I'm a man and I won't settle for less then a woman who knows her biological place in the relationship between Man and Woman.
The woman is the companion to this earth's greatest Creation.

I bet you get a lot of laughs when you trot out that tired old canard.
Are you looking for counseling to help you through your grief about uppity women who expect to be treated like equals?

I don't need any advise.
I come from the lands (Anatolia) where they worshiped the God of the permanently erect penis (Priapos).
I simply told the community my views on some aspects about gender issues, and that I don't really agree with some of those.

Statue from Ephesus Museum:
You worship the cock? Shockers.

Have I landed as a pervert in that mentioned pot?
I don't worship "cocks". But I know that "God" built me with one and that it is the primal reason why I am even on this earth.
You pissed because some woman's got your dick in her purse or something?

I'm a man and I won't settle for less then a woman who knows her biological place in the relationship between Man and Woman, and who is committed to this principle.
The woman is the companion to this earth's greatest Creation.
Sounds like you each take turns bending over.
... risk being lynched by society and risk being thrown into same pot, which contains all evil in this world. Then there comes the mocking from pseudo-psychologists who attest you being not normal.
What is normal?

I bet, that also in your environment is at least one child, that is not genetically from the family father. There are some estimates regarding this issue. In Germany those estimates are every 10th child. And you can't even do a genetic test without the consent of the "mother" if the child is less then 18 years old.
Kuckuckskinder: Wenn der Schwindel auffliegt - Stern TV | STERN.DE
Money does not stink!

I don't have any aversion against women, but there's a Greek proverb: "The way you sleep, is the way you made your bed." And when I look around, I have the impression, that it is more and more the women side who is sleeping better in that bed at the cost of the men. Then there are several other issues like divorce and access to the children where the full evil of some women come to display.

If you simply want to be a man and want a role model resembling more traditional style, where society shapes the female psychology to commit to her husband, then you land in that mentioned pot as being a Sexist, Islamist or whatever.
But, that was not always the case.

You mean you are scared to death of women. A true muslim
Ekrem is a Moremoan?

No, I am not.
I don't say things to be liked or disliked. And actually, I didn't make "negative" experiences with women the last years, because I don't have any children. Unless there are children, I am master of my own.
In today's world children are the biggest power a woman has to control a man.
So, you have to be very careful when it comes to baby-making.
Prevention is top priority.
I don't trust women on this issue.
Ekrem is a Moremoan?

No, I am not.
I don't say things to be liked or disliked. And actually, I didn't make "negative" experiences with women the last years, because I don't have any children. Unless there are children, I am master of my own.
In today's world children are the biggest power a woman has to control a man.
So, you have to be very careful when it comes to baby-making.
Prevention is top priority.
I don't trust women on this issue.

So turn gay, you cannot get Habbib preggers.

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