Memorial Bridge in DC is crumbling

If this is an issue, than the people of Washington D.C should pay to make the repairs to the bridge.
You know, that's what the guys at work have all been sayin': "The Memorial bridge in D.C. is a U.S symbol of strength but those damn Republicans are just letting it crumble! I tell ya' what, I'm voting for Hillary in 2016!"

That really happened.
You know, that's what the guys at work have all been sayin': "The Memorial bridge in D.C. is a U.S symbol of strength but those damn Republicans are just letting it crumble! I tell ya' what, I'm voting for Hillary in 2016!"

That really happened.
Hillary has never fixed one bridge anywhere. She just runs guns and drugs.
Lol ! :biggrin: As soon as I read the thread title I knew the GOP was going to be blamed !
Yeah, they kind of LIE about facts. How many BILLION did Obozo get? You remember the money for the shovel ready jobs? If I remember correct THAT money wound up going to Feminist groups because giving it to the ACTUAL construction of anything was SEXIST.

And NOTHING got built or repaired at least by AMERICANS. Why my GOD the democrats gave that money to the CHINESE!
NEW YORK CITY democrats no less! It's just facts though. I mean suppose just suppose that info was PUBLIC. Why they would be ASHAMED right?

Maybe even question that RETARD in the oval office or GOD FORBID ask Hillary why SHE helped that deal.. OOOPS..
Oh my GAWD! ABC news reported it! Damn Obama watching the Children's News Network all the time. He watches the news right? He SAYS "that is were I first heard about it". Damn you CNN for making OUR president one of the most POORLY informed people on earth.


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