Mega Man: Steroids Fan-Fiction


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Mega Man is a beloved video-game series featuring a colorful suited/armored warrior-hero dealing with a fantastic world of adventurous labyrinths leading to ugly super-bosses or villains.

Mega Man has become synonymous with modern era social concerns about tampering with science, dangerous weaponry, and of course unnatural synthetics. We might therefore consider why Mega Man is an ideal fantasy-world avatar for contemplating humanity's perspectives on unnatural lifestyle synthetics such as illegal sports performance-enhancing steroids.

Ever since I was young, I tried my hand at various sports and delighted in competitive athletics on various platforms but never reached any kind of substantial glories, even though I had great aspirations in excelling at high levels in soccer, tennis, and basketball. I still play these sports recreationally, but I wonder what would've happened had I been able to excel on more formal competitive levels.

However, I played video-games rather voraciously and was a huge fan of Nintendo's Mega Man original series of games and became an aficionado. In fact, I became a video-game master and enjoyed competing handsomely with others. Thinking about my intensive involvement with video-games compared to my more fanfare-based involvement in competitive sports reminds me personally why Mega Man is a great 'avatar-guru' for the social analysis of unnatural synthetics-use (i.e., steroids).

This community-values oriented Mega Man fan-fic was inspired by the films The Program and Rollerball.


Mega Man knew he'd have to contend with the likes of Proto Man, Dr. Wily, Bio-Devil, Sniper Joe, Metal Man, Air Man, and Bubble Man. Mega Man was on the planet Venus where all these evil 'super-bosses' were arrayed in cavernous labyrinths Mega Man had to explore. Mega Man had to collect various 'energy-boxes' each super-boss was hiding in his lair and then defeat the boss himself. Mega Man wondered if he had the necessary strength/courage to complete the mission.

Of course, Mega Man was suited in a powerful weapon-equipped metallic body-armor. Mega Man's powerful engineered suit afforded him the ability to jump to great heights, slide to great lengths, tumble and roll, and sometimes fly. Mega Man's suit also came with arm-cannons which shot deadly laser-balls. Mega Man would have to use these laser-balls to destroy the lairs of the evil super-bosses such as Dr. Wily, Proto Man, and Bubble Man and then destroy the dominions of the bosses themselves.

Mega Man began with the lair of Proto Man and proceeded to find his lair after traversing the cavernous labyrinth which comprised the evil super-boss's dominion. Along the way, Mega Man had to vanquish various mechanical devouring giant spiders Proto Man built to kill any invaders to his awful lair. Finally, Mega Man reached Proto Man himself and immediately destroyed him with efficient laser-ball shots to his head and legs. Mega Man then colleced the energy-box Proto Man was hiding in his lair before heading to the labyrinth/lair of his next enemy, Dr. Wily.

Dr. Wily was flying around in a laser-rod shooting shuttle, which Mega Man had to ground with carefully-targeted laser-ball shots to the shuttle's wings and engine. After grounding the shuttle, Mega Man fought Dr. Wily who was wielding a special laser-rifle. Mega Man managed somehow to defeat Dr. Wily and knocked him out with a shot to his head and collected the energy-box hidden in his shuttle. Then, Mega Man resolved to check off each proceeding super-boss before reaching the final enemy, the nefarious Bubble Man.

MEGA MAN: I've found you at last!
BUBBLE MAN: I'll never give up my precious energy-box.
MEGA MAN: You know I'm here to grab your energy-box.
BUBBLE MAN: You don't have the skill to destroy me.
MEGA MAN: My laser-balls will confound your mobility.
BUBBLE MAN: Really? I doubt you can withstand my heat-bubbles.
MEGA MAN: You're too obese to fire those with necessary precision.
BUBBLE MAN: You think you can dodge my heat-bubbles?
MEGA MAN: I know I can do it; I can jump, but you're too fat!
BUBBLE MAN: I'm only obese, because I take steroids and eat burgers.
MEGA MAN: You're a glutton and a mad scientist.
BUBBLE MAN: What's wrong with steroids?
MEGA MAN: Use of unnatural synthetics reveals a waste of mental energy.
BUBBLE MAN: You have no imagination!
MEGA MAN: One who uses steroids is limited in the use of natural vitality.
BUBBLE MAN: There's nothing wrong with a little 'strength-boosting.'
MEGA MAN: There's a difference between energy and power.
BUBBLE MAN: You underestimate my will to become great!
MEGA MAN: I will now fire laser-balls at your stomach.
BUBBLE MAN: Ouch; I've fallen; you've defeated me; blast you.
MEGA MAN: I will now take your energy-box; consider this our parting.
BUBBLE MAN: You have won, but you will be haunted by my weight.
MEGA MAN: A person of faith is not haunted by thoughts of vanity; farewell!



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