Mega-Man/Bloody-Mary: NFL Comics [Eagles Notes]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a sports-culture/consumerism vignette (my last one), inspired by Jerry Maguire.

It's really a capitalism critique (political-cartoon) which is why I didn't feel comfy posting it in the Writing section.

Cheers (signing off),


Mega-Man visited Earth and decided to inspect the post-2017 NFL season and how the Eagles maintained to stay in the heated NFC East race despite early and regular disappointments. Now that Foles helped the Eagles defeat the Texans late in the 4th, just one week after the struggling team upset the front-running Rams, more sports-writers (and gamblers!) were talking about how the NFL offered alternative teams (namely the Philly Eagles) a chance to reach the national limelight, having defeated Tom Brady's New England Patriots in Super Bowl 52. The Eagles had after all never won a Super Bowl title, and only Eli Manning of the NY Giants defeated Tom Brady's Patriots in a Super Bowl game. The odds were against the Nick Foles (backup-QB) led Eagles, but they won and now they were still in the NFC East playoff race/aspiration. Mega-Man wanted to create Philly Eagles comics for modern media networks.


However, at that time what was really popular in the world of comics was not patriotism/governance/culture comics but rather vigilantism, underworld, cartoonworld, and political-criticism oriented fantasy storytelling. That's why Bloody-Mary comics were so popular all along the East Coast of the USA. Now, the comics-series featured a story about a real-life serial-killing nun named Aetna who decapitated people and offered it to the altar of the AntiChrist and cheered on the media possibly 'brainwashing' the people into a sense of consumerism. Mega-Man was concerned that this story of a criminal would be more 'exciting' than a regular funloving patriotic NFL cheer-tale about the upstart Eagles. However, he chose to fight the system.


Well, Bloody-Mary comics writers and fans accepted the challenge. Mega-Man designed a series of stories about Nick Foles being an alien from another planet and donning the appearance of a human to QB the upstart Eagles. In each story, Foles would relay to his alien comrades what he learned about the quality of civilization athletics sportsmanship. This would counter the ever-increasingly trendy attitude/belief that all networking activities are profit-based. Capitalism did not have to 'tarnish' the daydreams of everyday consumers, and Care Bears, Cabbage Patch Kids, Children of the Corn (Stephen King), and Castlevania (video-game) would be hailed as 'trophies' of capitalism-vitality.'


Mega-Man won the intellectual war, but Bloody-Mary won the 'street-spirit' war. After all, Bloody-Mary was still the messenger of the general rage felt by the claustrophobia created by capitalism laboriousness and the natural desire to break free and celebrate sensuality. Mega-Man was, on the other hand, only interested in the capitalism-gameplay associated with the thrill of the Super Bowl, the Kentucky Derby, and the Oscars. It was all a 'diary-show.'


FOLES: The Eagles have offered much to Philadelphia.
CNN: And to sports...
FOLES: The NFL is somehow more 'cheerful.'
CNN: Well, it was monotonously predictable watching Brady's Patriots win, no?
FOLES: Yes...the Eagles offered some 'poor-man's season distraction.'
CNN: Will you be likened to Joe Namath (NY Jets)?
FOLES: Many Philly-fans think I will, and I wouldn't be surprised; I really had to step-up.
CNN: You really did; well...thanks for your time and good luck at that Yale conference.
FOLES: Oh, thank you; the Yale conference about steroids has me and my peers intrigued.
CNN: Are you leaving this season a bigger fan of Mega-Man or Bloody-Mary?
FOLES: I'm a traditionalist, so I favor the urban-classicist Jack the Ripper 'aesthetic.'
CNN: Well, you never know if Mega-Man ends up hyping GNC vitamin-shoppes soon.
FOLES: It's a natural war of consumerism...
CNN: I guess the Rams are going to win the Super Bowl...



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