Meet The Violent Anarchist Behind DHS’s ‘Pyramid Of Far-Right Radicalization’ Scandal


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
This is who the corrupt and illegitimate Biden regime has put in charge of defining who are dangerous Right Wingers, and what tactics to use to root them out and eliminate their viewpoints and participation in society.

It's truly chilling:

...anarchist Antifa-affiliated Michael Loadenthal, a postdoctoral researcher at the university who, by his own admission, is a far-left violent extremist.

In 2021, Loadenthal spoke at a “White Nationalism Workshop” and an “Extremism, Rhetoric and Democratic Precarity” roundtable at the University’s “Social Practice Of Human Rights Conference.” During the white nationalism workshop, Loadenthal introduced himself by stating that he is militant Antifa; he then continued his talk by teaching audience members how to securely dox people to their employers. He detailed how he uses a VPN, burner phones, encrypted communications, and “sock puppet” accounts to dox people.

Throughout the talk he framed his work in explicitly “antifascist” terms, explaining how he employs “antifascist intelligence” to dox individuals online and in real life. He detailed what “antifascists” do with that information: “We contact employers, landlords, commanding officers, school officials, family, clergy, and we pressure service providers [PayPal, GoFundMe, Patreon, Amazon etc.] … and people will kick people off.” When asked during the question-and-answer section how people can help his work, he stated, “Donate money … We have defense funds because we get into trouble. A lot of the things we’re doing are illegal … a lot of it involves breaking the law.”

He has been arrested numerous times for his activism. Though his Twitter account is currently locked, I possess an archive of all of his tweets pre-2019 as Loadenthal is featured in my peer-reviewed research on Antifa on Twitter. The research identified him as one of the most Antifa-embedded academics in the United States.

On Inauguration Day on Jan. 20, 2016, there was massive, premeditated rioting and property damage caused by anarchist and Antifa groups in Washington, D.C. Loadenthal’s tweets from that day show that not only was he there, but he was arrested with black bloc Antifa. In fact, he found it funny, writing in one tweet, “This is the slooooowest mass arrest I’ve ever been a part of. Not bragging but I’ve been through a few. #disruptj20 #washingtondc.”

It seems impossible that the University of Cincinnati would still employ an openly violent, extremist Antifa anarchist who was arrested during the 2016 Inauguration Day riots. It seems impossible that the University of Dayton would give him a coveted speaker position to teach conference participants how to dox, harass, and deplatform political opponents while openly stating that his work is illegal. Most of all, it seems impossible that DHS would give the University of Dayton more than $350,000 in grant funding to combat domestic terrorism based in part on the work of this violent domestic extremist.

Yet here we are.

I would adamantly beseech any Democrats who are getting a creeping feeling that the Party has drastically changed, and not for the better, to thoroughly contemplate what you are supporting at this point.

I used to be one of you, and the riots and lockdowns of 2020 woke me up. But I understand that, for some of you, it just wasn't enough. I'll never get it, but I understand - as the article states, that's where we are now. It makes me want to bang my head against the wall if I ponder it to excess, but the reality I have to accept is so many of my former party have either been radicalized, or completely bamboozled by the Left Wing/Mainstream Press into believing that MAGA is the embodiment of all evil, and the Dems are on the side of the good in what has seemingly transformed into an almost pseudo-religious war between perceived irreconcilable sides.

But please consider the fact that this DHS was created under Bush, and it was the very thing we on the Left (20 years ago), were warning could happen. (And on the Libertarian Right for that matter.) I was once a naive wide eyed kid who thought the political "teams" were set in stone, Dems good, Republicans bad.

Well, the truth smacking us right in the face at present is that the Democratic Party has morphed into that of the Security State, and are attempting to forever eliminate all dissent to their hegemonic hold on perpetual power. The FBI. The CIA. The DHS. Silicon Valley. The Corporate Media. The dispensers of "conventional" culture Hollywood. They have all coalesced in league with the Democrat Party to end any ability to debate without censorship, oppression, and "cancelation" being forced upon any would be differing interlocutor.

Please. Wake the hell up. It doesn't mean you have to embrace Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis.

But understand this: The Democratic Party is not your friend, far from it.

And if they succeed in defeating us?

You're next.
Pendulums swing back. All power is fleeting.

The nature of all creatures is to be free. After craddle to grave nanny statists hit the wall the bounce back might be worse than the impact.

When the soviet union fell and the people took too the streets, the tanks turned on the tyrants.

Forget that to your own peril bed wetters, and remember, we are not unarmed, miserably impoverished, illiterate, terrified peasants used to being herded like cattle. Lots of us can become very dangerous long horn bulls. The bolsheviks took russia cheap, America will cost you and you're not likely to keep it.
LOL that's why the FBI keeps funding the nutjobs; gives them a PR boost when they need ot divert attention away from their own screw ups and criminal activities, like spying on political opponents of the Democratic Party and forging evidence for the Party to use against innocent people, when they're not busy destroying evidence for them.
Pendulums swing back. All power is fleeting.

The nature of all creatures is to be free. After craddle to grave nanny statists hit the wall the bounce back might be worse than the impact.

When the soviet union fell and the people took too the streets, the tanks turned on the tyrants.

Forget that to your own peril bed wetters, and remember, we are not unarmed, miserably impoverished, illiterate, terrified peasants used to being herded like cattle. Lots of us can become very dangerous long horn bulls. The bolsheviks took russia cheap, America will cost you and you're not likely to keep it.
No surprise that the pro-abortion, pretend-Christian," Pedo-Joe Biden, would hire the antichrist to rub elbows with. More evidence that the book of Revelation and its prophecies are right on the money.

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