Medicare for all.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
As Baby Boomers we got shuffled into a huge group because returning war veterans came home and started families after an artificial pause of birthrate demography. Some of us who started school in the 1950’s remember class sizes of 40 students to one teacher.

We were lucky because Alexander Fleming and Jonas Salk gifted us clever medications that could eradicate deadly viruses like Small Pox and Polio while fighting bacterial infections that were killing both old and young.

But no one has come up with a cure for old age and so in 1965 Congress enacted Medicare under Title XVIII of the Social Security Act better known as Medicare. Medicare was established because the human frailty of aging is inescapable. In addition Medicare was put into place to provide medical coverage for people with disabilities that met certain criteria under the act.

Medicare has worked well as it was designed but it is under attack from democrats that want to swamp it with millions of healthy, able-bodied citizens. Medicare-for-All, championed by Bernie Sanders, follows the playbook of all socialist plans in that it targets the weakest in society, in this case the elderly who through no fault of their own, just got old.

Picture a pond with fifty fish in it all of the same species. The ecosystem remains in balance because the pond exists in a natural state. Now imagine someone dumping thousands of fish into the pond. What happens to those original fifty fish for which the pond was built? What happens to you when the pond is destroyed through the invasive dumping of interlopers that overrun and exhaust the resources of the environment?

Socialism appears throughout history because its supporters know that unlike Polio or small Pox, there is no cure for stupid. When they get control of the educational systems they spread the stupid of socialism like its new idea because as educators they are paid by socialist policies. They intend to be on the controlling end of socialism while you and I head to the camps of poverty and second class medicine.

Sander’s plan would outlaw all other forms of private health insurance by government edict. It’s the same closet communism we were warned against in those Comparative Government classes in the 1960’s before the National Education Association go its hands on educators.

Old?-You are forgiven. Stupid?-That’s your fault.

Medicare for All: A Disaster | The American Spectator | Politics is too important to be taken seriously.
As Baby Boomers we got shuffled into a huge group because returning war veterans came home and started families after an artificial pause of birthrate demography. Some of us who started school in the 1950’s remember class sizes of 40 students to one teacher.

We were lucky because Alexander Fleming and Jonas Salk gifted us clever medications that could eradicate deadly viruses like Small Pox and Polio while fighting bacterial infections that were killing both old and young.

But no one has come up with a cure for old age and so in 1965 Congress enacted Medicare under Title XVIII of the Social Security Act better known as Medicare. Medicare was established because the human frailty of aging is inescapable. In addition Medicare was put into place to provide medical coverage for people with disabilities that met certain criteria under the act.

Medicare has worked well as it was designed but it is under attack from democrats that want to swamp it with millions of healthy, able-bodied citizens. Medicare-for-All, championed by Bernie Sanders, follows the playbook of all socialist plans in that it targets the weakest in society, in this case the elderly who through no fault of their own, just got old.

Picture a pond with fifty fish in it all of the same species. The ecosystem remains in balance because the pond exists in a natural state. Now imagine someone dumping thousands of fish into the pond. What happens to those original fifty fish for which the pond was built? What happens to you when the pond is destroyed through the invasive dumping of interlopers that overrun and exhaust the resources of the environment?

Socialism appears throughout history because its supporters know that unlike Polio or small Pox, there is no cure for stupid. When they get control of the educational systems they spread the stupid of socialism like its new idea because as educators they are paid by socialist policies. They intend to be on the controlling end of socialism while you and I head to the camps of poverty and second class medicine.

Sander’s plan would outlaw all other forms of private health insurance by government edict. It’s the same closet communism we were warned against in those Comparative Government classes in the 1960’s before the National Education Association go its hands on educators.

Old?-You are forgiven. Stupid?-That’s your fault.

Medicare for All: A Disaster | The American Spectator | Politics is too important to be taken seriously.
Those how have paid into the Social Security and Medicare system have been law abiding citizens knowing that some day they will get to the golden years. But then there are a few, who decided to be decadent in their ways of life, so they get to suck off the spoils of the Marxist system that FDR set up, making it harder for the rest of US to live. I always believe that with certain actions comes consequences, if you want to be a HOLE in society, then you get nothing but emptiness when it is your time. I have no sympathy for people who are too stupid to know better. It is better to abort the children of these people in the millions like the liberals do every year, because then the stupid gene pool gets emptied. Kudo's liberals keep up the good work.

Federal entitlements need to be abolished. They're unconstitutional. And regurgitating a misguided and underinformed view of the general welfare doesn't make them constitutional, no matter how many times one does regurgitate the diatribe.

Leave it to the states and I'll not say much about it. That's constitutional, at least.
Medicare was paid for years before it was needed by those retiring. It does not cover everything therefore supplements are needed. Medicare is still paid for even after a person retires. Some that paid in die before they use it.

The problem with "Medicare for all" is some think that someone else will pay their share. They want free.
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Sander’s plan would outlaw all other forms of private health insurance by government edict.
If this is true, then this really would not really be Medicare for All, since Medicare includes a strong free market insurance component.

So, he is lying to us, as is anyone who is pushing it.

I wonder how many know that. Probably very few.

Medicare for All Doesn’t Mean What Americans Think It Means

Yep. Smoke and mirrors, all the way down.
Sander’s plan would outlaw all other forms of private health insurance by government edict.
If this is true, then this really would not really be Medicare for All, since Medicare includes a strong free market insurance component.

So, he is lying to us, as is anyone who is pushing it.

I wonder how many know that. Probably very few.

Medicare for All Doesn’t Mean What Americans Think It Means

Yes, really.

If you see an error in the article, let me know.
Sander’s plan would outlaw all other forms of private health insurance by government edict.
If this is true, then this really would not really be Medicare for All, since Medicare includes a strong free market insurance component.

So, he is lying to us, as is anyone who is pushing it.

I wonder how many know that. Probably very few.

Medicare for All Doesn’t Mean What Americans Think It Means

Yes, really.

If you see an error in the article, let me know.
I'll pass on Slate, thanks...Might as well link to CPUSA.
Sander’s plan would outlaw all other forms of private health insurance by government edict.
If this is true, then this really would not really be Medicare for All, since Medicare includes a strong free market insurance component.

So, he is lying to us, as is anyone who is pushing it.

I wonder how many know that. Probably very few.

Medicare for All Doesn’t Mean What Americans Think It Means

Yes, really.

If you see an error in the article, let me know.
I'll pass on Slate, thanks...Might as well link to CPUSA.
Facts are facts. Something that exists outside of the alternative universe may still be a fact.

Any sort of Federal healthcare system will be costly and hugely inefficient for multiple reasons, not the least of which is the character of politics and politicians.

Healthcare systems should be designed and administered by state, county or city governments. I would propose a system similar to power/electric supply providers; operated for small steady profits and overseen and chartered by state and local governments.
Sander’s plan would outlaw all other forms of private health insurance by government edict.
If this is true, then this really would not really be Medicare for All, since Medicare includes a strong free market insurance component.

So, he is lying to us, as is anyone who is pushing it.

I wonder how many know that. Probably very few.

Medicare for All Doesn’t Mean What Americans Think It Means


I'm afraid it's true mac I read his proposal yesterday, wants to abolish all insurance companies being involved in health insurance period.

I still like Sherrod Brown's idea of buy in at age 50, it would bring more healthy people into the program and carry it out for many more years. A 50 year old paying $500 to $1000 a month for insurance could buy in for aroud $350. per month. But this Medicare for All the way Bernie and Kamala propose has got to go.
Any sort of Federal healthcare system will be costly and hugely inefficient for multiple reasons, not the least of which is the character of politics and politicians.

Healthcare systems should be designed and administered by state, county or city governments. I would propose a system similar to power/electric supply providers; operated for small steady profits and overseen and chartered by state and local governments.

What are the multiple reasons?
Sander’s plan would outlaw all other forms of private health insurance by government edict.
If this is true, then this really would not really be Medicare for All, since Medicare includes a strong free market insurance component.

So, he is lying to us, as is anyone who is pushing it.

I wonder how many know that. Probably very few.

Medicare for All Doesn’t Mean What Americans Think It Means


I'm afraid it's true mac I read his proposal yesterday, wants to abolish all insurance companies being involved in health insurance period.

I still like Sherrod Brown's idea of buy in at age 50, it would bring more healthy people into the program and carry it out for many more years. A 50 year old paying $500 to $1000 a month for insurance could buy in for aroud $350. per month. But this Medicare for All the way Bernie and Kamala propose has got to go.
Agreed, and it pisses me off that they're trying to pass Single Payer off as "Medicare for All". What a crock.

The term "Medicare for All" polls better than "Single Payer", so they and their obedient little tribes don't mind lying.

Politicians, oy.
Federal entitlements need to be abolished. They're unconstitutional. And regurgitating a misguided and underinformed view of the general welfare doesn't make them constitutional, no matter how many times one does regurgitate the diatribe.

Leave it to the states and I'll not say much about it. That's constitutional, at least.

Except the money for State given entitlements in-part or wholly comes from the feds.
Any sort of Federal healthcare system will be costly and hugely inefficient for multiple reasons, not the least of which is the character of politics and politicians.

Healthcare systems should be designed and administered by state, county or city governments. I would propose a system similar to power/electric supply providers; operated for small steady profits and overseen and chartered by state and local governments.

What are the multiple reasons?

Big government is inefficient by nature. Trying to apply a one size fits all healthcare system to over 300 million people spread across nearly 4 million square miles, with diverse lifestyles, cultures, and demographics will always be inefficient.

Ideally healthcare systems would be managed at state or local levels similar to public utilities. Something small and nimble enough to be managed and customized for the needs of the community it serves.
As Baby Boomers we got shuffled into a huge group because returning war veterans came home and started families after an artificial pause of birthrate demography. Some of us who started school in the 1950’s remember class sizes of 40 students to one teacher.

We were lucky because Alexander Fleming and Jonas Salk gifted us clever medications that could eradicate deadly viruses like Small Pox and Polio while fighting bacterial infections that were killing both old and young.

But no one has come up with a cure for old age and so in 1965 Congress enacted Medicare under Title XVIII of the Social Security Act better known as Medicare. Medicare was established because the human frailty of aging is inescapable. In addition Medicare was put into place to provide medical coverage for people with disabilities that met certain criteria under the act.

Medicare has worked well as it was designed but it is under attack from democrats that want to swamp it with millions of healthy, able-bodied citizens. Medicare-for-All, championed by Bernie Sanders, follows the playbook of all socialist plans in that it targets the weakest in society, in this case the elderly who through no fault of their own, just got old.

Picture a pond with fifty fish in it all of the same species. The ecosystem remains in balance because the pond exists in a natural state. Now imagine someone dumping thousands of fish into the pond. What happens to those original fifty fish for which the pond was built? What happens to you when the pond is destroyed through the invasive dumping of interlopers that overrun and exhaust the resources of the environment?

Socialism appears throughout history because its supporters know that unlike Polio or small Pox, there is no cure for stupid. When they get control of the educational systems they spread the stupid of socialism like its new idea because as educators they are paid by socialist policies. They intend to be on the controlling end of socialism while you and I head to the camps of poverty and second class medicine.

Sander’s plan would outlaw all other forms of private health insurance by government edict. It’s the same closet communism we were warned against in those Comparative Government classes in the 1960’s before the National Education Association go its hands on educators.

Old?-You are forgiven. Stupid?-That’s your fault.

Medicare for All: A Disaster | The American Spectator | Politics is too important to be taken seriously.

Why don't the liberals look to reform and improve the system of Obamacare that they have ALREADY established and went through unprecedented parliamentary maneuvers to get it through? Are they giving up on the legacy of B. Hussein O already?

The Sanders Bill is an atrocity. It MANDATES that the taxpayers pay for abortions up to and including the date of birth, as well as Sex Change operations. Further, it PROHIBITS people from having their own medical insurance or hiring a doctor at their own expense. This will make it impossible for non-politically connected people from getting any kind of decent healthcare at all. Competent doctors would treat party apparatchiks and other VIP's. Wealthy individuals could go to Costa Rica or other off shore clinics. The rest of us, Deplorable Americans would be shit out of luck. Either be treated by bottom of the barrel quacks, or just die quickly.
As Baby Boomers we got shuffled into a huge group because returning war veterans came home and started families after an artificial pause of birthrate demography. Some of us who started school in the 1950’s remember class sizes of 40 students to one teacher.

We were lucky because Alexander Fleming and Jonas Salk gifted us clever medications that could eradicate deadly viruses like Small Pox and Polio while fighting bacterial infections that were killing both old and young.

But no one has come up with a cure for old age and so in 1965 Congress enacted Medicare under Title XVIII of the Social Security Act better known as Medicare. Medicare was established because the human frailty of aging is inescapable. In addition Medicare was put into place to provide medical coverage for people with disabilities that met certain criteria under the act.

Medicare has worked well as it was designed but it is under attack from democrats that want to swamp it with millions of healthy, able-bodied citizens. Medicare-for-All, championed by Bernie Sanders, follows the playbook of all socialist plans in that it targets the weakest in society, in this case the elderly who through no fault of their own, just got old.

Picture a pond with fifty fish in it all of the same species. The ecosystem remains in balance because the pond exists in a natural state. Now imagine someone dumping thousands of fish into the pond. What happens to those original fifty fish for which the pond was built? What happens to you when the pond is destroyed through the invasive dumping of interlopers that overrun and exhaust the resources of the environment?

Socialism appears throughout history because its supporters know that unlike Polio or small Pox, there is no cure for stupid. When they get control of the educational systems they spread the stupid of socialism like its new idea because as educators they are paid by socialist policies. They intend to be on the controlling end of socialism while you and I head to the camps of poverty and second class medicine.

Sander’s plan would outlaw all other forms of private health insurance by government edict. It’s the same closet communism we were warned against in those Comparative Government classes in the 1960’s before the National Education Association go its hands on educators.

Old?-You are forgiven. Stupid?-That’s your fault.

Medicare for All: A Disaster | The American Spectator | Politics is too important to be taken seriously.

Why don't the liberals look to reform and improve the system of Obamacare that they have ALREADY established and went through unprecedented parliamentary maneuvers to get it through? Are they giving up on the legacy of B. Hussein O already?

The Sanders Bill is an atrocity. It MANDATES that the taxpayers pay for abortions up to and including the date of birth, as well as Sex Change operations. Further, it PROHIBITS people from having their own medical insurance or hiring a doctor at their own expense. This will make it impossible for non-politically connected people from getting any kind of decent healthcare at all. Competent doctors would treat party apparatchiks and other VIP's. Wealthy individuals could go to Costa Rica or other off shore clinics. The rest of us, Deplorable Americans would be shit out of luck. Either be treated by bottom of the barrel quacks, or just die quickly.

We discuss (why don't libs fix it) at the office. Just like when the repubs started electing far right the libs have elected far left both are drowning out any sensibility of the moderates. But it seems many on both sides are embracing these far outs. Like Mac said above Sanders and Harris are using the term Medicare for All and all it boils down to is single payer which Medicare is not single payer.

I'm still for Medicare buy in at age 50, healthy people in that age group that are not receiving a large subsidy now would enjoy paying even $400 or so a month instead of the $1000 as an individual may be paying now.


Go back to the old system of medical underwriting and if someone was declined or had conditions excluded let them buy into Medicare at any age for an age related premium.

But no in the end we'll stay with the screwed up obamacare we have today that will end up with more uninsured than before it's inception.

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