Media Matters Mangles The Facts To Smear Those Questioning Ford’s Testimony


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Media Matters Mangles The Facts To Smear Those Questioning Ford’s Testimony

Media Matters Mangles The Facts To Smear Those Questioning Ford
Media Matters cast me as the mastermind behind a purported tinfoil hat smear in a blog post Monday headlined, “Pro-Kavanaugh conspiracy theory suggests Christine Ford hypnotized herself into creating false memory of assault by Kavanaugh.”
The story centers on a study about various therapeutic techniques for the treatment of depression, including hypnosis, which raised a red flag for some (including me) questioning her story. The flag has nothing to do, however, with her hypnotizing herself to create a false memory..... coupled with Ford’s knowledge of therapeutic techniques that could address both her memory problems and her anxiety — as well as her connection to professional clinicians trained in those techniques and likely knowing others similarly trained — raise the question as to whether Ford’s therapist hypnotized her. This question looms especially large because Ford has refused to provide the Senate Judiciary Committee with copies of her therapist’s records....While the Judiciary Committee is not a court of law, the senators should be equally concerned with the accuracy of Ford’s testimony. This means the senators must have access to Ford’s therapy records to determine the circumstances under which she revealed the supposed attack to her therapist, including whether she had ever been hypnotized. That’s not a conspiracy theory. That’s just common sense.

Media Matters is a Soros funded hate site and should be banned like Alex Jones. No conservative can comment on their site because of the censors. All they do is spew out hateful propaganda for the DSA Leftists.
IMHO, What we are seeing is the Progressive Marxist Socialist Left/DSA in their last gasps of dying agony. This is far from over and we don’t yet know what may be required of US in the days to come. The thing that is beginning create ire in me, is that we have allowed our “standards of behavior” to slide. We've deceived ourselves into believing that it was OK as long as our behavior was just a little better than the behavior of deliberately duplicitous and deranged people spewing vulgarities by the minute. Seems we have sort of lost control of the few things we actually had a say in.
Accordingly, Media Matters views Christine Blasey Ford as the victim here. After all she was just trying to do is to protect we sheep from our childlike desire to govern yourselves. (sarc)...
Media Matters - one of Soros outlets - don't care one way or another. As long as Kavanaugh is not sitting up on the SCOTUS; that's all it matters. They will smear and defame Kavanaugh any way possible. Even if it means; to say anything that are untruthful and demeaning.

Hatewatch Headlines 10/2/2018
Media Matters Mangles The Facts To Smear Those Questioning Ford’s Testimony

Media Matters Mangles The Facts To Smear Those Questioning Ford
Media Matters cast me as the mastermind behind a purported tinfoil hat smear in a blog post Monday headlined, “Pro-Kavanaugh conspiracy theory suggests Christine Ford hypnotized herself into creating false memory of assault by Kavanaugh.”
The story centers on a study about various therapeutic techniques for the treatment of depression, including hypnosis, which raised a red flag for some (including me) questioning her story. The flag has nothing to do, however, with her hypnotizing herself to create a false memory..... coupled with Ford’s knowledge of therapeutic techniques that could address both her memory problems and her anxiety — as well as her connection to professional clinicians trained in those techniques and likely knowing others similarly trained — raise the question as to whether Ford’s therapist hypnotized her. This question looms especially large because Ford has refused to provide the Senate Judiciary Committee with copies of her therapist’s records....While the Judiciary Committee is not a court of law, the senators should be equally concerned with the accuracy of Ford’s testimony. This means the senators must have access to Ford’s therapy records to determine the circumstances under which she revealed the supposed attack to her therapist, including whether she had ever been hypnotized. That’s not a conspiracy theory. That’s just common sense.

Media Matters is a Soros funded hate site and should be banned like Alex Jones. No conservative can comment on their site because of the censors. All they do is spew out hateful propaganda for the DSA Leftists.
IMHO, What we are seeing is the Progressive Marxist Socialist Left/DSA in their last gasps of dying agony. This is far from over and we don’t yet know what may be required of US in the days to come. The thing that is beginning create ire in me, is that we have allowed our “standards of behavior” to slide. We've deceived ourselves into believing that it was OK as long as our behavior was just a little better than the behavior of deliberately duplicitous and deranged people spewing vulgarities by the minute. Seems we have sort of lost control of the few things we actually had a say in.
Accordingly, Media Matters views Christine Blasey Ford as the victim here. After all she was just trying to do is to protect we sheep from our childlike desire to govern yourselves. (sarc)...

Fact is that it is a purely NECESSARY not to mention natural matter to vet the testimony of an accuser in any legal proceeding, especially when they have no evidence, no proof and numerous gaping holes that all fly in the face of all previous known evidence. The very fact that the Dems have FOUGHT THIS all the way goes to show the dishonesty of their process.

MORE TO THE POINT: If Brett beats these accusations and moves on to be confirmed, it will deal a SERIOUS BLOW to the entire MeToo movement, the Left's pet project!

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