Media blackout of Gosnell's trial...the msm is okay with killing babies, it seems.

Without religious morals and solid values being taught, do you actually think that people will not sink any lower than they already have, just as they have sunk since religion has been under attack in this nation by the ones whom have caused all of this mess that we have now in this nation ? These attacks are coming from within religion in order to try and destroy it, and without it now, and so it is rotting away at the very core of this nation in which helped to guide these young ones once, into actually abstaining from becoming pregnant to begin with as you say or not having to choose an abortion at all because as you say, but I say it is because of their religious morals and values gained prior to in which helps them to do these things in which was being promoted by all in this nation in a joint effort to stop all the madness before it had become us, just as it has now become us and overcome us sadly in this nation now. You are living in a fantasy land if you think we can help out without any sort of standards that have been traditionally based upon the religious values that we had within this nation over time that were kept, and so we see how it stands now with your ideology and solution based thinking in which does absolutely no good for us, and we all know this now.

What has that got to do with the price of tea in china?

Previous generations of youth didn't abstain from sex. They had shotgun weddings, illegal abortions and more 'soiled doves' (higher percentage of women went into prostitution). Prostitution You want those good ol' days back? Really? You want to see the absolute poverty women were subjected to return?

Who is living a fantasy? Forcing women on the mercy of the church didn't work out well for them. We've done that. We had centuries of that. It didn't work then. It doesn't work in the US now and is only eased slightly by what few social policies the US has now.

Religious values didn't help people way back in the day, they don't help now.

It’s not about Church or religion it's about common decency we should protect the weakest among us...and I'm Jewish for the record
You approve of late term abortions up until birth you have no credibility you're just another loon:cuckoo:

You're essentially calling Canada loony and has no credibility because late term abortion up until birth is unrestricted. Which is funny because the US has 1.4% abortions post 21 weeks and Canada has 0.7% abortions post 20 weeks. Again, US laws and restrictions and lack of access increasing abortions.

Like I said Planned Parenthood Promotes abortion, they are abortion advocates and steer women towards abortion as the first option when it should be the last
Without religious morals and solid values being taught, do you actually think that people will not sink any lower than they already have, just as they have sunk since religion has been under attack in this nation by the ones whom have caused all of this mess that we have now in this nation ? These attacks are coming from within religion in order to try and destroy it, and without it now, and so it is rotting away at the very core of this nation in which helped to guide these young ones once, into actually abstaining from becoming pregnant to begin with as you say or not having to choose an abortion at all because as you say, but I say it is because of their religious morals and values gained prior to in which helps them to do these things in which was being promoted by all in this nation in a joint effort to stop all the madness before it had become us, just as it has now become us and overcome us sadly in this nation now. You are living in a fantasy land if you think we can help out without any sort of standards that have been traditionally based upon the religious values that we had within this nation over time that were kept, and so we see how it stands now with your ideology and solution based thinking in which does absolutely no good for us, and we all know this now.

What has that got to do with the price of tea in china?

Previous generations of youth didn't abstain from sex. They had shotgun weddings, illegal abortions and more 'soiled doves' (higher percentage of women went into prostitution). Prostitution You want those good ol' days back? Really? You want to see the absolute poverty women were subjected to return?

Who is living a fantasy? Forcing women on the mercy of the church didn't work out well for them. We've done that. We had centuries of that. It didn't work then. It doesn't work in the US now and is only eased slightly by what few social policies the US has now.

Religious values didn't help people way back in the day, they don't help now.

It’s not about Church or religion it's about common decency we should protect the weakest among us...and I'm Jewish for the record

And when has relying on common decency protected women and children from starvation? Show me a country or period in history when relying on common decency or morals or religion resulted in good survival statistics for women and children. Actual proof. Not daydreams of bygone era's.

It's a fantasy of something that never existed.
You approve of late term abortions up until birth you have no credibility you're just another loon:cuckoo:

You're essentially calling Canada loony and has no credibility because late term abortion up until birth is unrestricted. Which is funny because the US has 1.4% abortions post 21 weeks and Canada has 0.7% abortions post 20 weeks. Again, US laws and restrictions and lack of access increasing abortions.

Like I said Planned Parenthood Promotes abortion, they are abortion advocates and steer women towards abortion as the first option when it should be the last

I haven't seen any credible resources that proved Planned Parenthood were pro-abortion and not pro-choice. I haven't had need of their services for birth control or abortion when I lived in the US, so I don't have personal experience to speak from.

I suppose that's up for debate as it's hard to prove.

What does any of that have to do with abortions? Planned Parenthood supplies "free" abortions to anyone who walks into one of their clinics.

You know, you realy need to get back on your medications, you are hallucinating

Besides the fact PP doesn't provide them for free, they aren't everywhere.

They are in Philadelphia. In fact, they are within 10 miles of Gosnell's clinic in Philadelphia.

By the way, did you see the "free" in my post?
This doctor was killing viable babies by cutting their spinal cords after delivery. It is illegal, which is why he's being tried.

You mean why he's being persecuted.

They wouldn't have a case if an adult woman hadn't died.

Unfortunately, they are taking a pretty straight forward case of negligent homicide and trying to bootstrap an anti-choice agenda onto it.

It will probably backfire on them.
i hope he gets the death penalty.

They got 7 counts of murder out of one accidental overdose? Wow.

You mean you've got one valid charge and 6 BULLSHIT ones, which will get overturned on appeal if you don't have a hung jury.

Actually, if we throw in the mother, they got 8 murder charges. This thread is about the 7 babies he is actually charged with killing. Since you are willing to admit that at least one of those charges is legitimate, and you also think he killed that woman with the Demorol, you must agree with me that he was killing live babies.
What about using a 15 year old as a surgical assistant? Do you think that is legal, and that this is all part of a pro life conspiracy?

No, Gosnell is what happens is when conservatives say, "Fuck the poor, you only get health coverage if a corporations thinks your life is useful!"

If we had universal health coverage, those women would have had safe abortions in the first trimester.

If you guys had your way, we'd have more Gosnell's not less.

Pennsylvania has pretty good Medicaid coverage, it even covers abortions for women that get receive it. I am pretty sure Republicans don't like that, but it is still the law.

By the way, it wasn't a Republican that stopped The inspections of Gosnell's clinic.

But keep blaming Republicans, I know you are easily confused.

They got 7 counts of murder out of one accidental overdose? Wow.

You mean you've got one valid charge and 6 BULLSHIT ones, which will get overturned on appeal if you don't have a hung jury.

Actually, if we throw in the mother, they got 8 murder charges. This thread is about the 7 babies he is actually charged with killing. Since you are willing to admit that at least one of those charges is legitimate, and you also think he killed that woman with the Demorol, you must agree with me that he was killing live babies.

Depends on if they prove the babies were born before he severed their spinal columns. Did he perform abortions or were they born and he murdered them. I guess they'll sort that out during the trial.

He beheaded them while they were still in the womb? How?

By the way, ending pregnancies after 24 weeks is illegal.

Nobody's really proved much of anything in that regard, since they have almost no physical evidence of how these fetuses were terminated. They just have the word of other people in that clinic, most of whom plead to lesser charges.

Nobody proved that Bundy killed the women in Washington, are you going to argue he did not do it?

By the way, I already pointed out, more than once, that it is illegal to perform an abortion after 24 weeks. Are you agreeing with me, or trying to pretend you scored a point?
You're essentially calling Canada loony and has no credibility because late term abortion up until birth is unrestricted. Which is funny because the US has 1.4% abortions post 21 weeks and Canada has 0.7% abortions post 20 weeks. Again, US laws and restrictions and lack of access increasing abortions.

Like I said Planned Parenthood Promotes abortion, they are abortion advocates and steer women towards abortion as the first option when it should be the last

I haven't seen any credible resources that proved Planned Parenthood were pro-abortion and not pro-choice. I haven't had need of their services for birth control or abortion when I lived in the US, so I don't have personal experience to speak from.

I suppose that's up for debate as it's hard to prove.

[ame=]New Mexico: Planned Parenthood Racism Investigation - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Oklahoma: Planned Parenthood Racism Investigation - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Planned Parenthood endorses post-birth abortion - YouTube[/ame]

I guess that means that, by your standards, Planned Parenthood is backwards, since they oppose what Gosnell was doing, which you insist were perfectly legal abortions.

I bet you he still refuses to admit he is wrong, any takers?

I think you miss the point, shithead.

It's been 10 years since Congress passed the BAIPA. Number of federal prosecutions under this law? ZERO.

What Gosnell did was take advantage of a system where poor women can't get abortions in the first trimester. The officials in PA knew what he was doing for decades and didn't stop him until a woman died.

By the way, not to run it in or anything, but most people actually do not support abortion "on demand."


abortions are like Lawyers. Everyone is against them- until they need one.

Used to know a gal who was totally into that Christian crap. Until her boyfriend knocked her up and wasn't going to marry her. Then she couldn't get an abortion fast enough because her parents, being the good Christians they were, would have thrown her out of the house before she finished college.

You know, I might actually admit you might have a point, if Pennsylvania did not allow Medicaid patients to get abortions using state funds. Since it does, you just look incredibly stupid.
What about using a 15 year old as a surgical assistant? Do you think that is legal, and that this is all part of a pro life conspiracy?

No, Gosnell is what happens is when conservatives say, "Fuck the poor, you only get health coverage if a corporations thinks your life is useful!"

If we had universal health coverage, those women would have had safe abortions in the first trimester.

If you guys had your way, we'd have more Gosnell's not less.

Pennsylvania has pretty good Medicaid coverage, it even covers abortions for women that get receive it. I am pretty sure Republicans don't like that, but it is still the law.

By the way, it wasn't a Republican that stopped The inspections of Gosnell's clinic.

But keep blaming Republicans, I know you are easily confused.

I just looked up pennsylvania medicaid. There are eligibility requirements. That's not universal health coverage at all. Not even close.

I guess that means that, by your standards, Planned Parenthood is backwards, since they oppose what Gosnell was doing, which you insist were perfectly legal abortions.

I bet you he still refuses to admit he is wrong, any takers?

I think you miss the point, shithead.

It's been 10 years since Congress passed the BAIPA. Number of federal prosecutions under this law? ZERO.

What Gosnell did was take advantage of a system where poor women can't get abortions in the first trimester. The officials in PA knew what he was doing for decades and didn't stop him until a woman died.

By the way, not to run it in or anything, but most people actually do not support abortion "on demand."


abortions are like Lawyers. Everyone is against them- until they need one.

Used to know a gal who was totally into that Christian crap. Until her boyfriend knocked her up and wasn't going to marry her. Then she couldn't get an abortion fast enough because her parents, being the good Christians they were, would have thrown her out of the house before she finished college.

You know, I might actually admit you might have a point, if Pennsylvania did not allow Medicaid patients to get abortions using state funds. Since it does, you just look incredibly stupid.

Assuming she qualified for medicaid in Pennsylvania. He doesn't look stupid at all.

You approve of late term abortions up until birth you have no credibility you're just another loon:cuckoo:

It's not a matter of whether I approve or disapprove.

It's none of my fucking business and it's none of yours.

The only two people whose business it is is the woman and her doctor.

And if she picks a quack like Gosnell, that's on her.

It is my business that the government deliberately turned a blind eye to the decades of complaints about Gosnell's clinics because people like you argue that it is wrong to regulate abortions in any way.
Like I said Planned Parenthood Promotes abortion, they are abortion advocates and steer women towards abortion as the first option when it should be the last

I haven't seen any credible resources that proved Planned Parenthood were pro-abortion and not pro-choice. I haven't had need of their services for birth control or abortion when I lived in the US, so I don't have personal experience to speak from.

I suppose that's up for debate as it's hard to prove.

[ame=]New Mexico: Planned Parenthood Racism Investigation - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Oklahoma: Planned Parenthood Racism Investigation - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Planned Parenthood endorses post-birth abortion - YouTube[/ame]

I said credible sources.
You mean you've got one valid charge and 6 BULLSHIT ones, which will get overturned on appeal if you don't have a hung jury.

Actually, if we throw in the mother, they got 8 murder charges. This thread is about the 7 babies he is actually charged with killing. Since you are willing to admit that at least one of those charges is legitimate, and you also think he killed that woman with the Demorol, you must agree with me that he was killing live babies.

Depends on if they prove the babies were born before he severed their spinal columns. Did he perform abortions or were they born and he murdered them. I guess they'll sort that out during the trial.

Actually, his defense is that he killed them with a drug overdose. Not sure how he explains the screams if that actually happened, but I am sure his lawyers will sort that out.
You mean you've got one valid charge and 6 BULLSHIT ones, which will get overturned on appeal if you don't have a hung jury.

Actually, if we throw in the mother, they got 8 murder charges. This thread is about the 7 babies he is actually charged with killing. Since you are willing to admit that at least one of those charges is legitimate, and you also think he killed that woman with the Demorol, you must agree with me that he was killing live babies.

Depends on if they prove the babies were born before he severed their spinal columns. Did he perform abortions or were they born and he murdered them. I guess they'll sort that out during the trial.

With all due respect, you really should just read about the trial before commenting. There was testimony at the Grand Jury and during this trial.

These babies were born alive.

Doctor ‘beheaded’ 100 babies born alive during late-term abortions at clinic, former employee tells court

Kermit Gosnell trial: Abortion doctor allegedly ?beheaded? babies | World | News | National Post
No, Gosnell is what happens is when conservatives say, "Fuck the poor, you only get health coverage if a corporations thinks your life is useful!"

If we had universal health coverage, those women would have had safe abortions in the first trimester.

If you guys had your way, we'd have more Gosnell's not less.

Pennsylvania has pretty good Medicaid coverage, it even covers abortions for women that get receive it. I am pretty sure Republicans don't like that, but it is still the law.

By the way, it wasn't a Republican that stopped The inspections of Gosnell's clinic.

But keep blaming Republicans, I know you are easily confused.

I just looked up pennsylvania medicaid. There are eligibility requirements. That's not universal health coverage at all. Not even close.

I never said it was, did I? Joe's argument is that, because the feds block Medicaid funds being applied to abortions, poor women on Medicaid have no accedes to abortions in Philadelphia. I am just pointing out that he is wrong.

Thanks for trying to give him an out though, I am sure he will use it to pretend he said something else.
I think you miss the point, shithead.

It's been 10 years since Congress passed the BAIPA. Number of federal prosecutions under this law? ZERO.

What Gosnell did was take advantage of a system where poor women can't get abortions in the first trimester. The officials in PA knew what he was doing for decades and didn't stop him until a woman died.

abortions are like Lawyers. Everyone is against them- until they need one.

Used to know a gal who was totally into that Christian crap. Until her boyfriend knocked her up and wasn't going to marry her. Then she couldn't get an abortion fast enough because her parents, being the good Christians they were, would have thrown her out of the house before she finished college.

You know, I might actually admit you might have a point, if Pennsylvania did not allow Medicaid patients to get abortions using state funds. Since it does, you just look incredibly stupid.

Assuming she qualified for medicaid in Pennsylvania. He doesn't look stupid at all.

Could that be because you are actually stupider than he is?

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