McCain in Munich implies assassins are needed for Trump

It's time this crazy old bastard <I used to be a hero but now I'm just a hateful old man> is forced to resign his Senate seat for even implying that Trump needs to be assassinated.

Here's the key part of his speech that addresses potential assassins are needed in this day and age. The rest of the speech is totally despicable but these are the comments that McConnell needs to hold McCain's feet to the fire.

He seriously needs to be rebuked.

"This panel is going to ask us to consider whether the West will survive.

In recent years, this question would invite accusations of hyperbole and alarmism. Not this year. If ever there was a time to treat this question with a deadly seriousness, it is now."

While making his case, McCain — who like Trump is a Republican — mentioned Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist. Von Kleist was part of the group that plotted to assassinate Adolf Hitler in 1944.

"What would von Kleist's generation say if they saw our world today?" McCain asked. "I fear that much about it would be all too familiar for them. And they would be alarmed by it."

AND here's where he bashes the USA. AND Americans.

"They would be alarmed by an increasing turn away from universal values and toward old ties of blood, and race, and sectarianism.

They would be alarmed by the hardening resentment we see toward immigrants, and refugees, and minority groups, especially Muslims," McCain said.

McCain Blasts Trump's Policies in Munich Speech
Lmao he is pissed ppl are taking care of their own people again. Love how that piece of shit exposes himself as nothing more than a globalist shill
He's always been an embarrassment to my home state. Everyone in the Arizona Republican Party hates him.
How odd that your GOP keeps revoting him into office.

Wrong as always.....Governor Ducey is who the GOP put in the Governor's chair...McCain gets the RINO, turd leftists and illegals' votes because of name-recognition only.....he's as worthless a Senator (other than Jeff Flake) as there has ever been to Arizona.
It's time this crazy old bastard <I used to be a hero but now I'm just a hateful old man> is forced to resign his Senate seat for even implying that Trump needs to be assassinated.

Here's the key part of his speech that addresses potential assassins are needed in this day and age. The rest of the speech is totally despicable but these are the comments that McConnell needs to hold McCain's feet to the fire.

He seriously needs to be rebuked.

"This panel is going to ask us to consider whether the West will survive.

In recent years, this question would invite accusations of hyperbole and alarmism. Not this year. If ever there was a time to treat this question with a deadly seriousness, it is now."

While making his case, McCain — who like Trump is a Republican — mentioned Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist. Von Kleist was part of the group that plotted to assassinate Adolf Hitler in 1944.

"What would von Kleist's generation say if they saw our world today?" McCain asked. "I fear that much about it would be all too familiar for them. And they would be alarmed by it."

AND here's where he bashes the USA. AND Americans.

"They would be alarmed by an increasing turn away from universal values and toward old ties of blood, and race, and sectarianism.

They would be alarmed by the hardening resentment we see toward immigrants, and refugees, and minority groups, especially Muslims," McCain said.

McCain Blasts Trump's Policies in Munich Speech

You mean like when Ted Nugent implied that about Obama and Hillary - which prompted a visit from Secret Service? Interesting...
Ted Nugent wasn't a sitting Senator of the U.S. while Globalist paid McCain is.
Would you vote for Nugent?
He's always been an embarrassment to my home state. Everyone in the Arizona Republican Party hates him.
How odd that your GOP keeps revoting him into office.

Wrong as always.....Governor Ducey is who the GOP put in the Governor's chair...McCain gets the RINO, turd leftists and illegals' votes because of name-recognition only.....he's as worthless a Senator (other than Jeff Flake) as there has ever been to Arizona.
How odd that your state GOP keeps re-electing him. Now make some more excuses.

Paywall links ought to be considered spamming. I can get around that but I bet 90% of people here can't.

Are you spamming for the WSJ?

I hate it say it but: I'm glad Obama beat McCain. He's one to sell Americans down the river so fast it's not funny. Not funny at all.

Paywall? Didn't happen to me. :confused-84:
And Trump wouldn't sell America down the river for the right price? Seriously?

people who have never been in the company of truly fine people think everybody is as self serving as they are.

Also the rule of thumb is, look at who hates who, so look at all the people and all the Groups/Organisations that hate President Trump, literally the worst slugs of the Western world hate him, so that's how you should know he's the RIGHT man, the RIGHT leader, he has united the worst slugs against him of the Western world who actually want the Western world brought to it's knees, see for example the cheerleading and DEMANDING ONLY Western nations have UNLIMITED amounts of "poor refugees" from the 7th Century Satanic Death Cult.

Also with your slugs, look how they are hysterical at President Trump's wish to "put America and Americans first", why would any Patriotic American be AGAINST putting America and Americans first? Because they are not Patriotic are they they are American Traitors, they WANT America to fail, they want America LAST and Americans LAST and primarily the Third World Street Shitters put FIRST, mainly the Kebabs and Sub-Saharan African Street Shitters.
So...because you hate McCain, he's the right man? Gotcha!
The f-er pays no taxes makes billions and you still kiss this liar trumps ass ??FOR SHAME

You just self-owned baby. What possible motivation could he have except for trying to make America better? He's already lived The American Dream in spades. Are you saying it's bad for him to want to share that opportunity with all other Americans? Your cluelessness is duly noted.
Yes all of a sudden he decides instead of f-ing his workers f-ing america by not paying taxes screwing as many as he can with 100's of law suits now he wants to change?? F him and his family

Yeah, so really you have no point and a lot of anger and angst. You're dismissed. :)

President Trump has driven most of these people to borderline insanity, the absolute hysteria is completely pathetic.
There's some Irony right there.

It's time this crazy old bastard <I used to be a hero but now I'm just a hateful old man> is forced to resign his Senate seat for even implying that Trump needs to be assassinated.

Here's the key part of his speech that addresses potential assassins are needed in this day and age. The rest of the speech is totally despicable but these are the comments that McConnell needs to hold McCain's feet to the fire.

He seriously needs to be rebuked.

"This panel is going to ask us to consider whether the West will survive.

In recent years, this question would invite accusations of hyperbole and alarmism. Not this year. If ever there was a time to treat this question with a deadly seriousness, it is now."

While making his case, McCain — who like Trump is a Republican — mentioned Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist. Von Kleist was part of the group that plotted to assassinate Adolf Hitler in 1944.

"What would von Kleist's generation say if they saw our world today?" McCain asked. "I fear that much about it would be all too familiar for them. And they would be alarmed by it."

AND here's where he bashes the USA. AND Americans.

"They would be alarmed by an increasing turn away from universal values and toward old ties of blood, and race, and sectarianism.

They would be alarmed by the hardening resentment we see toward immigrants, and refugees, and minority groups, especially Muslims," McCain said.

McCain Blasts Trump's Policies in Munich Speech

You mean like when Ted Nugent implied that about Obama and Hillary - which prompted a visit from Secret Service? Interesting...
Ted Nugent wasn't a sitting Senator of the U.S. while Globalist paid McCain is.
Would you vote for Nugent?
No. If he was up against McCain, yes. Otherwise no.
Trump needs to be idolized He needs you fools praising his every stupid word He's sick and so are most of his followers
The f-er pays no taxes makes billions and you still kiss this liar trumps ass ??FOR SHAME

You just self-owned baby. What possible motivation could he have except for trying to make America better? He's already lived The American Dream in spades. Are you saying it's bad for him to want to share that opportunity with all other Americans? Your cluelessness is duly noted.
Yes all of a sudden he decides instead of f-ing his workers f-ing america by not paying taxes screwing as many as he can with 100's of law suits now he wants to change?? F him and his family

Yeah, so really you have no point and a lot of anger and angst. You're dismissed. :)

President Trump has driven most of these people to borderline insanity, the absolute hysteria is completely pathetic.
trump is bonkers and he's bringing america down with him
The f-er pays no taxes makes billions and you still kiss this liar trumps ass ??FOR SHAME

You just self-owned baby. What possible motivation could he have except for trying to make America better? He's already lived The American Dream in spades. Are you saying it's bad for him to want to share that opportunity with all other Americans? Your cluelessness is duly noted.
Yes all of a sudden he decides instead of f-ing his workers f-ing america by not paying taxes screwing as many as he can with 100's of law suits now he wants to change?? F him and his family

Yeah, so really you have no point and a lot of anger and angst. You're dismissed. :)

President Trump has driven most of these people to borderline insanity, the absolute hysteria is completely pathetic.
trump is bonkers and he's bringing america down with him

You're bonkers and don't have ary a better solution.
You just self-owned baby. What possible motivation could he have except for trying to make America better? He's already lived The American Dream in spades. Are you saying it's bad for him to want to share that opportunity with all other Americans? Your cluelessness is duly noted.
Yes all of a sudden he decides instead of f-ing his workers f-ing america by not paying taxes screwing as many as he can with 100's of law suits now he wants to change?? F him and his family

Yeah, so really you have no point and a lot of anger and angst. You're dismissed. :)

President Trump has driven most of these people to borderline insanity, the absolute hysteria is completely pathetic.
trump is bonkers and he's bringing america down with him

You're bonkers and don't have ary a better solution.
you don't want to hear my solution
While making his case, McCain — who like Trump is a Republican — mentioned Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist. Von Kleist was part of the group that plotted to assassinate Adolf Hitler in 1944.

"What would von Kleist's generation say if they saw our world today?" McCain asked. "I fear that much about it would be all too familiar for them. And they would be alarmed by it."

They would be alarmed by the hardening resentment we see toward immigrants, and refugees, and minority groups, especially Muslims," McCain said.

McCain Blasts Trump's Policies in Munich Speech

Junker Junkpile

The von in Kleist's name means he was HeirHead guillotine fodder. The narrative is that they opposed Hitler's xenophobic regime, when, if considered logically, they only opposed the fact that the war was hopelessly lost and they wanted to be reinstated into power by the Allies. Their conceited and naturally incompetent aristocracy was responsible for Germany losing the First World War, which led to the rise of Hitler. An interesting revelation about that was hinted at in the George Peppard/James Mason movie, The Blue Max.
This is why they lost the war, not the incompetent aristocracy: The below excerpt doesn't specify the year. It was in 1917.

"On June 26, the first 14,000 U.S. infantry troops landed in France to begin training for combat. After four years of bloody stalemate along the western front, the entrance of America’s well-supplied forces into the conflict marked a major turning point in the war and helped the Allies to victory. When the war finally ended, on November 11, 1918, more than two million American soldiers had served on the battlefields of Western Europe, and some 50,000 of them had lost their lives."
America enters World War I - Apr 06, 1917 -
If true, cancel / de-activate his passport, put him on the 'No Fly' List, and deny his re-entry to the US.

ENOUGH of this treasonous BULLSHIT!

There is NO evidence that justifies the level of unprecedented betrayal and treason we are seeing not only from the left but, it seems, from the right now.
What are your thoughts about presidential candidate Trump, going on Russian state TV and then bashing the USA? And how does that differ from McCain, other than the fact that McCain isn't someone you worship, like you do with Trump?

Trump was on Russian TV?......gotta link?

Here you go!

Donald Trump, on Russian TV Network, Criticizes U.S. Foreign Policy

Paywall links ought to be considered spamming. I can get around that but I bet 90% of people here can't.

Are you spamming for the WSJ?

I hate it say it but: I'm glad Obama beat McCain. He's one to sell Americans down the river so fast it's not funny. Not funny at all.

Paywall? Didn't happen to me. :confused-84:
And Trump wouldn't sell America down the river for the right price? Seriously?

"And Trump wouldn't sell America down the river for the right price? Seriously?"

President Trump is a multi-Billionaire, your comment therefore is ludicrous.
His comment is not surprising. That's what leftists do and it is their natural instinct to assume others do it also (projecting.) Prime example: Hillary Clinton
If true, cancel / de-activate his passport, put him on the 'No Fly' List, and deny his re-entry to the US.

ENOUGH of this treasonous BULLSHIT!

There is NO evidence that justifies the level of unprecedented betrayal and treason we are seeing not only from the left but, it seems, from the right now.

Criticize Trump and it's "treason"

But alluding to his assassination by a sitting U.S. Senator is certainly borderline treason Toto.
Yes all of a sudden he decides instead of f-ing his workers f-ing america by not paying taxes screwing as many as he can with 100's of law suits now he wants to change?? F him and his family

Yeah, so really you have no point and a lot of anger and angst. You're dismissed. :)

President Trump has driven most of these people to borderline insanity, the absolute hysteria is completely pathetic.
trump is bonkers and he's bringing america down with him

You're bonkers and don't have ary a better solution.
you don't want to hear my solution

Yes I do! Let's hear your brilliant solution.

It seems you have all the answers, baby.
But alluding to his assassination by a sitting U.S. Senator is certainly borderline treason Toto.

He did no such thing.

The alt-right is just spewing in their #altfacts again.

John McCain was speaking at the Munich Security Conference. Ewald von Kleist was the founder of the conference.

Here are his actual remarks.

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ), Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, delivered the following remarks today at the 2017 Munich Security Conference:

“Thank you, Ian, for that kind introduction. Let me also thank the German government and people, as always, for their warm and gracious welcome.

“Not every American understands the absolutely vital role that Germany and its honorable Chancellor, Chancellor Merkel, are playing in defense of the idea and the conscience of the West. But for all of us who do, let me say thank you.

“My friends: In the four decades I have attended this conference, I cannot recall a year where its purpose was more necessary or more important.

“The next panel asks us to consider whether the West will survive. In recent years, this question would invite accusations of hyperbole and alarmism. Not this year. If ever there were a time to treat this question with a deadly seriousness, it is now.

“This question was real, half a century ago, for Ewald von Kleist and the founders of this conference. Indeed, it is why they first started coming to Munich.


And here is to whom McCain is referring.

Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist-Schmenzin (10 July 1922 – 8 March 2013[2]) was a German publisher and convenor of the Munich Conference on Security Policy until 1998. A member of the von Kleist family and an officer in the Wehrmacht during World War II, his parents were active in the German resistance against Adolf Hitler. Kleist was designated to kill Hitler in a suicide attack and was the last surviving member of the 20 July 1944 plot to assassinate Hitler.​

Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist-Schmenzin - Wikipedia

The OP is bullshit.

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