Maxine Waters To Replace Frank As Head Of HFSC Committee? Dem's Can't Be Serious !!

I'm a Socialist. There's nothing wrong with being a socialist.

Socialism isn't a bad word.

socialism sucks and blows.

Well we already know what you think. You probably think public fire protection and safety suck and blow too. How about our public roadways which are pretty much all of them.

You know, these childish responses are getting old.... one can acknowledge that public safety is a proper function of governments whilst also acknowledging that governments don't need to be involved in EVERYTHING from transfats to lightbulbs.

Grow up.. it isn't an all or nothing world.
um... link?

There hasn't been an announcement. All this hand wringing is because she is next in line seniority wise. Carolyn Maloney would be a much better choice.

Battle to Replace Barney Frank on Financial Services Could Be Contentious

HEr supporters have "Armageddon" if she is passed over.
Yeah, Waters makes Frank look like Dwight Eisenhower.
[ame=]Maxine Waters on the Oil Industry - YouTube[/ame]
every time she shoots her mouth off, she sounds like your typical wacky neighbor who never graduated high school and married a janitor/plumber who's butt shows whenever he bends over to fix an appliance.

Having Waters as Head Democrat of the House Financial Services Committee would be like putting Senator Stuart Smalley in charge of recounting and verifying all the votes in his State on a "too close to call" election.
Isn't Maxine Waters one of the most corrupt Democrats? (yah,and she wanted to add another trillion to the debt?) and she is obviously one of the least intelligent rep's ever!
What next? will Anthony Weiner be promoted to moniter all male employees in the pentagon/FEC to make sure they are not watching porn during work hours?

She's a Socialist

I'm a Socialist. There's nothing wrong with being a socialist.

Socialism isn't a bad word.

Good Grief!!!!! Are they doing this to SHUT her up or what?


Jesus Holy Freagin' Christ... this is PROOF that there are MANY, MANY Americans that vote that don't know JACK FUCKING SHIT.... you have to be a COMPLETELY IGNORANT BRAIN DEAD RETARDED MORON... or you're voting for her because she's BLACK which makes you a RACIST... no matter how you look at it, it proves how fucking STUPID some LIBERALS ARE to vote for a DUMB ASS SKANK LIKE HER!
Maxine watters is just as big of a piece of shit as Barney is, maybe even a bigger one. The people have not suffered enough I guess, to keep allowing these morons to loot there treasury and make them slaves by keeping them on the government dole. Hopefully come 2012 the people will rise up and vote these idiots out.
Our Government has become a comedy of errors. Maxine Waters heading anything is a real insult and a disgrace. Did Rangel get his promotion too? Yup,a comedy of errors. But is it really funny? I don't think it is.
Waters In Charge Of Any Financial Committee is the equivalent of Barney Frank Using his apartment as an Extremely Gay Escort Service that doesn't have to report any of its income to Obama and his IRS.
The Democrats use a different standard, when vetting a politician for positions, than the GOP does. Oh! Wait a minute!! Now I remember...the Dems actually don't use any.
GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt is this President's "Jobs Czar" for God's sake. Yea not too much blatant corruption there huh? All his supporters conveniently ignore all the corruption going on with their leader and his party. It really is mass ignorance. Maxine Waters being put in charge of anything is a huge slap in the face for all Americans. It doesn't even matter whether you're a Republican or a Democrat. This is just wrong no matter what.
when you think of all the rats that were assigned positions related to financial oversight, you may as well as had the DNC offices in Chicago. The list of those involved in corruption goes on and on, and especially since pelosi became speaker, US citizens finally caught on to them as the secrets hit the media !!

Having Waters as Head Democrat of the House Financial Services Committee would be like putting Senator Stuart Smalley in charge of recounting and verifying all the votes in his State on a "too close to call" election.
Isn't Maxine Waters one of the most corrupt Democrats? (yah,and she wanted to add another trillion to the debt?) and she is obviously one of the least intelligent rep's ever!
What next? will Anthony Weiner be promoted to moniter all male employees in the pentagon/FEC to make sure they are not watching porn during work hours?

She's a Socialist

I'm a Socialist. There's nothing wrong with being a socialist.

Socialism isn't a bad word.

Of course there's nothing wrong with it. Of course it's not a bad word. There there, don't worry your pretty little head about it.
"Culture of Corruption" is soo cool these days for Democrats. It's always cool when they have the power. Oh American Politics,how much lower can it sink?

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