Maxine Waters Proudly Announces Democrats Were Elected To Impeach


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
This is something I've been saying for the last 3 years.
Mad Maxine admitted to it Sunday.
She thinks that impeachment is what Democrats were elected to do.....not protect the country....or improve lives....impeach the president. That's about it.

All of this is just exhibit #1 in the trial that impeachment wasn't about anything Trump did wrong. It was purely a campaign issue....which literally blows their abuse of power argument out of the water.

Clearly Maxine is an idiot.
The progressives on this site are probably fed up with having the wool being pulled over their eyes...only to have their fraudsters admit in the open that they've been fooling them all along.
It's embarrassing when you think that foreign leaders are actually listening to this buffoon, probably thinking that she is some kind of average American
It's embarrassing when you think that foreign leaders are actually listening to this buffoon, probably thinking that she is some kind of average American
Well, the only version of American reality Europeans see is the leftist version.
Maybe they think she's a joke...but not a funny one.
They were elected through a manipulated election set around abuse of power to create false collusion charges, ironically colluding with foreign powers in doing so-go figure!
According to Hillarys own statements this makes the majority congress an illegitimate congress.-oops, beaten by their own standard!
I hear Meduro wants to hire her to ration food to his opposition party.

Maxine Waters Last Supper:
This is something I've been saying for the last 3 years.
Mad Maxine admitted to it Sunday.
She thinks that impeachment is what Democrats were elected to do.....not protect the country....or improve lives....impeach the president. That's about it.

I don't know if Maxine is right or not. But the 2018 election was a pretty strong message. I'm pretty sure the message was something like..'do something about this erratic President'. Maybe those voters feel that curbing Trump's excesses IS protecting the country and improving lives. Sadly, yet clearly, our divisions have prevented moving forward. Well before impeachment, some 100-110 House bills sit and grow moldy on McConnel's desk while he bleats about how, because of impeachment, nothing gets done. So maybe Maxine speaks a kernel of truth. Maybe some voters think impeachment is the only way to 'save America'.
All the Dems have been doing (including Russian which hunting and fake impeachment) was destroying the country
at American taxpayers expense EXPENSE EXPENSE EXPENSE ....

Sane Americans already know it, dumb Maxine just confirmed that.
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This is something I've been saying for the last 3 years.
Mad Maxine admitted to it Sunday.
She thinks that impeachment is what Democrats were elected to do.....not protect the country....or improve lives....impeach the president. That's about it.

I don't know if Maxine is right or not. But the 2018 election was a pretty strong message. I'm pretty sure the message was something like..'do something about this erratic President'. Maybe those voters feel that curbing Trump's excesses IS protecting the country and improving lives. Sadly, yet clearly, our divisions have prevented moving forward. Well before impeachment, some 100-110 House bills sit and grow moldy on McConnel's desk while he bleats about how, because of impeachment, nothing gets done. So maybe Maxine speaks a kernel of truth. Maybe some voters think impeachment is the only way to 'save America'.

Or maybe the media has been manipulating the public into believing that nonsense.
Maxine Waters is the brain trust for the Democrat Party. She has the IQ of a door knob in addition being filled with hate, entitlement and greed. Typical for a Democrat.
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Well before impeachment, some 100-110 House bills sit and grow moldy on McConnel's desk while he bleats about how, because of impeachment, nothing gets done.

Those bills are trash. Unless the Democrats take the Senate, they will never see the light of day.

And not "because of impeachment". Nothing gets done because there is no longer a point to compromise with the Democrats.
All of this is just exhibit #1 in the trial that impeachment wasn't about anything Trump did wrong. It was purely a campaign issue....which literally blows their abuse of power argument out of the water.

Clearly Maxine is an idiot.

Oh, there IS an abuse of power, just isn't by the President! He's been doing his job. The abuse of power is by Democrats who have subverted the Constitution because they lost the White House and now realize they don't have a viable candidate or agenda to take it back through an election. This "impeachment" is political farce to appease their base! Nothing more...nothing less.
That is really what they think. Pelosi needed someway to help boost Biden into the top running position. Keeping Warren and Bernie out of the caucuses was one way. She also needed a way to make the terrible batch of candidates look good. You can't convince gullible people to vote for someone to increase your taxes and the deficit without trying to make a good candidate look bad, no matter how gullible you are.
I for one would love to see Trump win next year along with both the house and senate turn Republican. Then just to watch Pelosi and the rest of her fan clubs heads really explode the house vote to exhonerarte Trump of his impeachment.
All the Dems have been doing (including Russian which hunting and fake impeachment) was destroying the country
at American taxpayers expense EXPENSE EXPENSE EXPENSE ....

Sane Americans already know it, dumb Maxine just confirmed that.
Mueller special counsel made a profit, it cost us nothing, with what they collected from Manafort and his back taxes he skirted.

8 Benghazi investigations cost us tax payers money....

All these phony conspiracy investigations under Trump, cost us tax payer' s money, with no results of criminality..... the Clinton foundation investigation costed tax money, with no criminality..... investigating the investigators...flying to Australia and Italy were paid vacations by us tax payers.... :rolleyes:

Nunez and asst working hours on end with parnas cost us tax payers money..... wasted money for partisan politics, of which he should be charged with an ethics violation and removed from the Intelligence committee for it....

Trust me, there is no group greater of politicians investigating bogus partisan crap than House Republicans..... they have cost us a fortune..... all the Starr investigations before that too....

So, please spare us your wasting money complaint on Democrats, it just ain't the whole picture or truth.
Well before impeachment, some 100-110 House bills sit and grow moldy on McConnel's desk while he bleats about how, because of impeachment, nothing gets done.

Those bills are trash. Unless the Democrats take the Senate, they will never see the light of day.

And not "because of impeachment". Nothing gets done because there is no longer a point to compromise with the Democrats.
Idiots keep pointing to the bills that the democrats have passed. First off it does not work that way. One party does not create bills and the other party just rubber stamps them. Both parties are expected to work together.

Second is the Dems could have put into one of the bills that all taxes collected in the next year be given to the DNC and the Democrates would still point to it as a bill not passed by the senate.
All the Dems have been doing (including Russian which hunting and fake impeachment) was destroying the country
at American taxpayers expense EXPENSE EXPENSE EXPENSE ....

Sane Americans already know it, dumb Maxine just confirmed that.
Mueller special counsel made a profit, it cost us nothing, with what they collected from Manafort and his back taxes he skirted.

8 Benghazi investigations cost us tax payers money....

All these phony conspiracy investigations under Trump, cost us tax payer' s money, with no results of criminality..... the Clinton foundation investigation costed tax money, with no criminality..... investigating the investigators...flying to Australia and Italy were paid vacations by us tax payers.... :rolleyes:

Nunez and asst working hours on end with parnas cost us tax payers money..... wasted money for partisan politics, of which he should be charged with an ethics violation and removed from the Intelligence committee for it....

Trust me, there is no group greater of politicians investigating bogus partisan crap than House Republicans..... they have cost us a fortune..... all the Starr investigations before that too....

So, please spare us your wasting money complaint on Democrats, it just ain't the whole picture or truth.
oh geezus....
Bill barr should create a special prosecutor for presidential harassment, and undermining the president. Enough is enough

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