Matthew Perry and "Friends"


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

With no animosity at all, I admit that I have never watched an episode of "Friends." I don't know why; I certainly spend a lot of time with my eyeballs figuratively glued to the screen. I just never saw any reason to tune in.

Now, reading all these tributes to Matthew Perry, and often stating that the show that made him famous was one of the all time best, I wonder if it would be worthwhile to start binging it.

Was it really that good?

With no animosity at all, I admit that I have never watched an episode of "Friends." I don't know why; I certainly spend a lot of time with my eyeballs figuratively glued to the screen. I just never saw any reason to tune in.

Now, reading all these tributes to Matthew Perry, and often stating that the show that made him famous was one of the all time best, I wonder if it would be worthwhile to start binging it.

Was it really that good?
It was perhaps the best sitcom ever.
It was perhaps the best sitcom ever.
No, that would be Seinfeld


With no animosity at all, I admit that I have never watched an episode of "Friends." I don't know why; I certainly spend a lot of time with my eyeballs figuratively glued to the screen. I just never saw any reason to tune in.

Now, reading all these tributes to Matthew Perry, and often stating that the show that made him famous was one of the all time best, I wonder if it would be worthwhile to start binging it.

Was it really that good?
At the time, it was must see TV. Big difference watching reruns compared to seeing episodes for the first time. If I never saw the show, knowing what I know now, I would recommend watching it.

With sitcoms it's important to have a good cast of characters that people like. I remember a year or two ago NBC tried to do a black friends. They were not likeable/lovable characters. I tried. The conversations were bad. The characters weren't funny or even good looking enough to fall in love with.

With Friends you had 3 hot girls to choose from and if you are a girl, 3 good looking guys. A lot of us love the idea of living in NYC, going to coffee shops. Being young, having your whole life ahead of you.

Yes, these 6 characters are all good. Quirky, stupid, flawed, pretty, insecure, stupid, etc.

I could tell Matthew Perry wasn't a happy person. It must be hard to strike gold at such a young age and not find success after the show ends. Gosh I think only one of them is successful. Jennifer Aniston. The rest of them are out of work, working on indi films or just living off Friends money.

I hate to hear about millionaires who aren't happy. But I get it. You can have a big house but if you're sitting in a hot tub all by yourself what good is it all? Now you got me thinking about Prince. It proves money doesn't buy happiness. But it does buy things that make me happy. LOL
I hated Friends when it came out. Over the years, I caught bits and pieces of it. The show had a lot of talent but was too yuppie for me. Still, Matt Perry was IMO one of the funniest people on the show. It had its moments.

It took me a couple years to jump on the Seinfeld wagon.

With no animosity at all, I admit that I have never watched an episode of "Friends." I don't know why; I certainly spend a lot of time with my eyeballs figuratively glued to the screen. I just never saw any reason to tune in.

Now, reading all these tributes to Matthew Perry, and often stating that the show that made him famous was one of the all time best, I wonder if it would be worthwhile to start binging it.

Was it really that good?
The series was just another nail in the coffin for young people's morality. The Friends characters slept around regularly and talked about it even more. Stupid young people thought it was a hip way to be. If you even talk about waiting until marriage, people now look at you like you have two heads.
At the time, it was must see TV. Big difference watching reruns compared to seeing episodes for the first time. If I never saw the show, knowing what I know now, I would recommend watching it.

With sitcoms it's important to have a good cast of characters that people like. I remember a year or two ago NBC tried to do a black friends. They were not likeable/lovable characters. I tried. The conversations were bad. The characters weren't funny or even good looking enough to fall in love with.

With Friends you had 3 hot girls to choose from and if you are a girl, 3 good looking guys. A lot of us love the idea of living in NYC, going to coffee shops. Being young, having your whole life ahead of you.

Yes, these 6 characters are all good. Quirky, stupid, flawed, pretty, insecure, stupid, etc.

I could tell Matthew Perry wasn't a happy person. It must be hard to strike gold at such a young age and not find success after the show ends. Gosh I think only one of them is successful. Jennifer Aniston. The rest of them are out of work, working on indi films or just living off Friends money.

I hate to hear about millionaires who aren't happy. But I get it. You can have a big house but if you're sitting in a hot tub all by yourself what good is it all? Now you got me thinking about Prince. It proves money doesn't buy happiness. But it does buy things that make me happy. LOL
Matt Leblanc had 3 fairly successful shows after friends....Episodes was pretty humorous.....
The series was just another nail in the coffin for young people's morality. The Friends characters slept around regularly and talked about it even more. Stupid young people thought it was a hip way to be. If you even talk about waiting until marriage, people now look at you like you have two heads.
If you expect morality from Hollywood then don't watch anything.

As a rule, that would be far better.

In fact, kids today don't even watch TV or go to the movies.

Hollywood is dying as it should.
Matt Leblanc had 3 fairly successful shows after friends....Episodes was pretty humorous.....
I don't think any of them were successful.

Joey? What's wrong with you Harry? LOL.

I was at my barber shop and they were searching the internet for something to put on. One guy found the George Lopez show and he said "Oh I love this show". The fucking canned laughter and bad jokes. What is wrong with people Harry? You're all too easily amused.

Man With a Plan Harry? That was successful? Funny I never saw it

A dad finds out that parenting is harder than he thought after his wife goes back to work and he's left at home to take care of the kids.

OMG it won a prime time emmy? Fuck that. No it did not. LOL.

I can't believe it was on for 5 years. Where the fuck was I? Now I have to look it up to see if I can see some episodes.

Have you ever seen Cedric the Entertainers sitcom? It's horrible too. It's about a white family who moves into the hood. So fucking bad but people love it.

The networks have lost their audience. Young people don't watch network tv anymore. They stream. I can't wait for the next good sitcom to come out and capture us all like

Friends, Seinfeld, Cheers, Family Ties, Modern Family was a good recent one.

Ok at least I was right that Joey sucked

It premiered on NBC on September 9, 2004. Midway through the second season, the show was placed on a hiatus but returned on March 7, 2006. Only one episode aired before the show was pulled

With no animosity at all, I admit that I have never watched an episode of "Friends." I don't know why; I certainly spend a lot of time with my eyeballs figuratively glued to the screen. I just never saw any reason to tune in.

Now, reading all these tributes to Matthew Perry, and often stating that the show that made him famous was one of the all time best, I wonder if it would be worthwhile to start binging it.

Was it really that good?
Like you, I sampled it and never really got into it
Never really got the Chemistry
Like you, I sampled it and never really got into it
Never really got the Chemistry
Here was a really bad black show that tried to be Friends.

The NBC comedy about wine and friendship was chopped from the lineup after two seasons.


A group of L.A. friends are living their best lives - mixing good times with fine wine.
Even the tributes to Matthew Perry to show how good he was, I watched and thought…….That wasn’t so funny
Friends money
Man With a Plan was on for 5 years. I wonder how much he made for that show. Based on the ratings I'm sure only a fraction of what he made on Friends.

OR, on Friends he had to split the money with 5 other people. On Man With a Plan he got the lions share of the $ I'm sure. I can't find what he made on that show.

These days, the seasoned actor is raking in millions of dollars each year off residual checks, from syndication alone

Maybe Matthew Perry wasn't depressed. Maybe he was just bored and got addicted to drugs. Some people are depressed so they do drugs. Some people get depressed because they do drugs. I think he got hooked on the drugs and that was what made him unhappy. He didn't turn to drugs because he was unhappy. Of course I'm speculating.

Pisses me off they get all that money for reruns and they aren't happy. Go buy 200 acres in the woods and build a log cabin. With that kind of money you can afford all the tools and supplies and you can even pay guys to come help you when you need help. Go fly fishing. Get the fuck up and go. Don't sit in your mansion depressed on drugs. Pathetic. Makes me angry.
Matt Leblanc had 3 fairly successful shows after friends....Episodes was pretty humorous.....

It was this show that he was nominated for an Emmy

Episodes is a sitcom created by David Crane and Jeffrey Klarik and produced by Hat Trick Productions.[1] It premiered on Showtime in the United States on January 9, 2011[2] and on BBC Two in the United Kingdom on January 10, 2011.[1] The show is about a British husband-and-wife comedy writing team who travel to Hollywood to remake their successful British TV series, with unexpected results. It stars Matt LeBlanc portraying a satirical version of himself. LeBlanc made his regular return to television for the first time since he was on NBC's Joey.

I didn't have Showtime back then. I bet I can watch old episodes. I'll give it a look.
Man With a Plan was on for 5 years. I wonder how much he made for that show. Based on the ratings I'm sure only a fraction of what he made on Friends.

OR, on Friends he had to split the money with 5 other people. On Man With a Plan he got the lions share of the $ I'm sure. I can't find what he made on that show.

These days, the seasoned actor is raking in millions of dollars each year off residual checks, from syndication alone

Maybe Matthew Perry wasn't depressed. Maybe he was just bored and got addicted to drugs. Some people are depressed so they do drugs. Some people get depressed because they do drugs. I think he got hooked on the drugs and that was what made him unhappy. He didn't turn to drugs because he was unhappy. Of course I'm speculating.

Pisses me off they get all that money for reruns and they aren't happy. Go buy 200 acres in the woods and build a log cabin. With that kind of money you can afford all the tools and supplies and you can even pay guys to come help you when you need help. Go fly fishing. Get the fuck up and go. Don't sit in your mansion depressed on drugs. Pathetic. Makes me angry.
Friends is still in wide syndication
I never even heard of Man with a Plan

Depression and Drug Addiction are hard to find a reason for.
It is not always….this caused that

Some people are just susceptible to addiction and depression is often a chemical imbalance

Perry is someone who should never have been around drugs or alcohol

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