Massacre near Mt. Scopus.......


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2012
Deir Yassin - Startling evidence

"A massacre did take indeed take place, following the events in Deir Yassin, which had occurred on Friday morning April 9, 1948. On Monday morning, April 13, 1948, an Arab mob, chanting "Deir Yassin", massacred a bus convoy of Jewish doctors and nurses who were headed to Hadassah hospital on Mount Scopus in Jerusalem.

Seventy-eight members of Hadassah's medical staff were murdered in cold blood. Only recently was it revealed that some of the Hadassah nurses had found refuge in the nearby compound of the British consul, only to be turned over to Arabs by the Brits, and the Arabs proceeded to slaughter them in "revenge" for what they thought had occurred at Deir Yassin."

Hadassah medical convoy massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A Day To Remember | Hadassah, The Women's Zionist Org of America

"Hadassah remembers these brave medical professionals every day at the Hadassah Medical Centers as physicians and patients of all religions and nationalities heal and are healed. We honor their commitment to the founding of Israel and the spread of healing, even under the most difficult of circumstances. Y'hi Zikhronam Barukh—may their memories be for a blessing. "

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