Where are new-age Leftist / Democrat policies working?

Sources and contexts for each list please. Any 5th grader can make a list like that, it's meaningless information without any context and examples of why the information is relevant.

California's coastal cities have turned into shitholes for all except the those with 6 figure incomes. And even for low 6 figure incomes it's hard to make ends meet in some of the cities. Illinois is ranked high in education but much of Chicago is not fit to live in, and companies that provide good jobs are closing or leaving in droves across the rest of the State because Chicago controls everything.

In St. Louis their tallest skyscraper sat empty for over a decade. When it sold a few weeks ago it sold for only 2% of its value, that's not a typo, 2% of what it was worth last decade. 2% of its value in the middle of a real estate boom. Let that sink into your head, if you can. Nearly half of all street level store fronts are boarded over, most of the rest are covered in bars as if they were located in Jurassic Park. And St. louis has the one of the most woke agendas in America. 30 years ago, St. louis was a thriving city full of national and international corporate headquarters.

And your "ilk" comment shows you are nothing but a hate mongering race monger. When I use the term ilk it is to describe the ideological community one belongs to, nothing else. But as ALWAYS, your ilk cannot respond to anything without adding stupid nonsense that does not belong in the conversation. Why is your ilk always so dishonest in your debates? Why do you ALWAYS assume everything is about the race of other people? The answer is because you are intellectually lazy and dishonest. Your ideology is morally and ethically bankrupt. And before you go off accusing me of being a right wing trumpist, I voted Democrat from Carter through Obama. The extreme left has proven themselves worse than Donald Trump and biden has catered to the extreme left socialists since the morning he won the primaries to be the Dem candidate, and he has given blue collar America and the entire middle class the middle finger.

Manchin is the only Democrat I would ever consider voting for president at this time, he has saved this nation from destruction at the hands of your ilk. If the republicans moved away from Trump, the Democrats as constituted today, wouldn't win another presidential election for 20 years nor would they have control of congress for at least that long.
You really do believe the small-government Founders would support today's huge-government progressives?

I'd ask you to explain that rationally, but there's no way to.
I suspect the Founding Fathers would be shocked by many aspects of current politics.

Certainly, goons attacking Congress because they lost a certified election would not be something they anticipated - nor did it occur from 1789 until 2016.
I suspect the Founding Fathers would be shocked by many aspects of current politics.

Certainly, goons attacking Congress because they lost a certified election would not be something they anticipated - nor did it occur from 1789 until 2016.
The Founding Fathers fought against tyranny. They would not support progressives. Period. End of story.
The Founding Fathers fought against tyranny. They would not support progressives. Period. End of story.
Their revolutionary establishment of a democratic republic cast off the conservative bonds of monarchical rule.

It's in all the history books.

Jefferson explained why democratic accommodations to progress were essential: “I know also, that laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as discoveries are made, new truths disclosed, and manners and opinions change with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also, and keep pace with the times…”

Would these champions of democracy be horrified by the sordid spectacle, after 230 years of peaceful transfers of power, of goons attacking Congress because they did not like the will of the People being respected?

No doubt. Such a retrogressive act was a direct assault upon the democratic progress they had achieved.
Their revolutionary establishment of a democratic republic cast off the conservative bonds of monarchical rule.

It's in all the history books.

Jefferson explained why democratic accommodations to progress were essential: “I know also, that laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as discoveries are made, new truths disclosed, and manners and opinions change with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also, and keep pace with the times…”

Would these champions of democracy be horrified by the sordid spectacle, after 230 years of peaceful transfers of power, of goons attacking Congress because they did not like the will of the People being respected?

No doubt. Such a retrogressive act was a direct assault upon the democratic progress they had achieved.
The Founding Fathers viewed individual liberty as the most important thing in life.

Leftists hate the idea of individual liberty.
America is the greatest nation on earth... Period. Bar none.

What a fucking hypocrite.

How come you're trying to "fundamentally change" the greatest nation on earth?

You are a LIAR. A lying sack of shit

As with all nations...we have our share of problems. One of which is that 70M people have decided on their own to not live in reality and are profane about it while they believe an orange blob whose most remarkable quality is his ability to lie every time he opens his mouth.

That's a problem?

No, it isn't, dimtard.

$7 gasoline is a problem.

As for you...

Feel free to leave any time you want. I speak for everybody when I say nobody is going to miss you.
That's rich. The libtard speaks for everyone.
What a fucking hypocrite.

How come you're trying to "fundamentally change" the greatest nation on earth?

You are a LIAR. A lying sack of shit
candycorn like all filthy leftists that claim they love America pretend they don’t leave a post history behind here for all to see.
candycorn NOBODY believes you…..you Leftists HATE America at its core and we know it.
You lefties hate that we conquered and colonized America, you lefties hate our founding principles rooted in biblical ideology, you lefties hate our Declaration Of Independence and Constitution, you lefties hate our “dark” history, you lefties hate that we are a capitalist nation built on individualism.
Other than the free shit and America’s foolish acceptance of abnormal degenerates there’s really nothing you love about America.
The Founding Fathers viewed individual liberty as the most important thing in life.
They valued personal liberty very highly, an expression of their enlightenment thinking that rejected the conservative governance that loyalists, the conservative of their day, embraced. Their overthrow of monarchical tyranny and adoption of democratic principles was a progressive movement that inspired the people of France and of other nations.
They valued personal liberty very highly, an expression of their enlightenment thinking that rejected the conservative governance that loyalists, the conservative of their day, embraced. Their overthrow of monarchical tyranny and adoption of democratic principles was a progressive movement that inspired the people of France and of other nations.
Today's "progressives" are would-be tyrants. There really is no rational denial of this.
The daughter and I are still looking for that secret place where Leftist ideology is working.
Where Democrat sponsored values are working outside the fringe factions, working beyond personal feelings.
The daughter and I are still looking for that secret place where Leftist ideology is working.
Where Democrat sponsored values are working outside the fringe factions, working beyond personal feelings.
There have been 250+ responses in this thread. If someone had a place where leftist values are working, they'd have posted it by now.

They got nothin'.
I suspect the Founding Fathers would be shocked by many aspects of current politics.

Certainly, goons attacking Congress because they lost a certified election would not be something they anticipated - nor did it occur from 1789 until 2016.
Like Dem leaders in Congress threatening to impeach Trump before he was even sworn into office.
There have been 250+ responses in this thread. If someone had a place where leftist values are working, they'd have posted it by now.

They got nothin'.
Isn’t it bizarre that the filthy fucks have their heads so far up their asses that they can’t admit thier shit doesn’t work….ANYWHERE?
The trajectory of the nation is to a better, more inclusive culture for all of her citizens....

I can understand why you're so opposed to that.

Sucks to be you.

I can speak for everyone when I say ,"Less of people like you and more of anybody else is a good thing."
“The trajectory of the nation is to a better, more inclusive culture for all of her citizens....”

Cool…so again, back to the premise of the thread…point us to all those amazing communities, cities and states with that “inclusive culture” you long for.
The US. All the cities and suburbs your children are abandoning you for.
These are the children leaving real America for leftist shitholes. THANK GOD they are.

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