Marxist, Communism, Socialism and Capitalism

Rye Catcher

Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2019
This is the question.


  • Marxism is an economic and political theory that examines the flaws inherent in capitalism and seeks to identify an alternative, which he called "utopian socialism."1
  • Marxist theories were influential in the development of socialism, which requires shared ownership by workers of the means of production.
  • Communism outright rejects the concept of private ownership, mandating that "the people," in fact the government, collectively own and control the production and distribution of all goods and services.
Table of Contents
1. Nazis: National SOCIALIST German Workers Party. Government control of the means of production, land and control of all its peoples. A congratulatory letter was sent by Stalin to Hitler, for converting to Socialism (what Stalin didn't know was that Hitler hated non-Aryans and actually believed Germans were superior in every way to other peoples and that his military could conquer Stalin's as well as all others.).
2. Fascists: Socialist allowing the private ownership of businesses, but under government control. Mussolini also received a congratulatory letter from Stalin on implementing Socialist agendas.
3. Marxism(Socialism): Complete government control of the means of production, ending private property rights and individual liberty rights.
4. Republicans: Private ownership of production with limited oversight of private business and allows rights under the Constitution, not allowed in the other forms of government.
5. Current Democrat Party: Refer to number 3.
1. Nazis: National SOCIALIST German Workers Party. Government control of the means of production, land and control of all its peoples. A congratulatory letter was sent by Stalin to Hitler, for converting to Socialism (what Stalin didn't know was that Hitler hated non-Aryans and actually believed Germans were superior in every way to other peoples and that his military could conquer Stalin's as well as all others.).
2. Fascists: Socialist allowing the private ownership of businesses, but under government control. Mussolini also received a congratulatory letter from Stalin on implementing Socialist agendas.
3. Marxism(Socialism): Complete government control of the means of production, ending private property rights and individual liberty rights.
4. Republicans: Private ownership of production with limited oversight of private business and allows rights under the Constitution, not allowed in the other forms of government.
5. Current Democrat Party: Refer to number 3.
What a bunch of hogwash. The nazis went after communists about as hard as they did Jews.
I do believe it has more to do with the misrepresentation of a political theory and more to do with military dictatorships.
1. Nazis: National SOCIALIST German Workers Party. Government control of the means of production, land and control of all its peoples. A congratulatory letter was sent by Stalin to Hitler, for converting to Socialism (what Stalin didn't know was that Hitler hated non-Aryans and actually believed Germans were superior in every way to other peoples and that his military could conquer Stalin's as well as all others.).
2. Fascists: Socialist allowing the private ownership of businesses, but under government control. Mussolini also received a congratulatory letter from Stalin on implementing Socialist agendas.
3. Marxism(Socialism): Complete government control of the means of production, ending private property rights and individual liberty rights.
4. Republicans: Private ownership of production with limited oversight of private business and allows rights under the Constitution, not allowed in the other forms of government.
5. Current Democrat Party: Refer to number 3.
Did you graduate high school?
What a bunch of hogwash. The nazis went after communists about as hard as they did Jews.
Do your own research. The National Socialist German Workers Party (NAZI's), was indeed a Socialist government, with massive government controlling the means of production and services. Hitler's "Aryan Purist" ideology and idea that Aryans could conquer the world as other races were inferior, were his driving factors. Just because you don't like it, doesn't make it factual.
As for any defense of the US Democratic Party, you might want to watch Carol Swain's video on the "Inconvenient Truth about the Democrat Party."
If you search Das Kapital for 'depreciation' you will find that Marx used the word 35 times.

But Marx died in 1883 and consumers did not buy automobiles and air conditioners and microwave ovens. The concept of GNP/GDP was developed in the late 1930s and World War II came along the concept was not popularized because of more urgent trivia like RADAR and Atom Bombs.

But our brilliant economists don't say much about Net Domestic Product.

NDP = GDP - Depreciation

That depreciation is for Capital Goods like industrial robots and 18-wheel trucks. The complicated technology that consumers buy these days that depreciates gets added to GDP when purchased but not subtracted over the years as it wears out. So we have run the world on defective algebra since WWII and the socialists, capitalists, communists and Marxists have not noticed.

Or at least they have not told us that they noticed. I wonder if Marx ever read Jules Verne and expected men to land on the Moon. You know how these prophets are.
Do your own research. The National Socialist German Workers Party (NAZI's), was indeed a Socialist government, with massive government controlling the means of production and services. Hitler's "Aryan Purist" ideology and idea that Aryans could conquer the world as other races were inferior, were his driving factors. Just because you don't like it, doesn't make it factual.
Hitler managed to commandeer the existing, popular NAZI party (much as Trump has done to the GOP) and change it's policies to match his own ultra-nationalism and racism. After the Nazis took power, industries were privatized en masse. Several banks, shipyards, railway lines, shipping lines, welfare organizations, and more were privatized. The Nazi government took the stance that enterprises should be in private hands wherever possible. They were not socialists.

As for any defense of the US Democratic Party, you might want to watch Carol Swain's video on the "Inconvenient Truth about the Democrat Party."
Is it all ancient history or is there a current events chapter that mentions that Blacks are overwhelmingly Democrats? For a reason.
Socialist society will not let you be lost, will not leave you in trouble and will give you the opportunity to show everything that your nature and your abilities put in you... But it will not tolerate dependency and exploitation of the likes of you...
That's why the marketeers and bourgeois hate it so much...

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