Marxism In America

Every Socialist Party and every socialist in every democracy ever will be very surprised to hear that, brainwashed functional moron. The Socialists won in every modern country but the English speaking ones, where they also won but they can't call themselves socialist because this propaganda is so strong. And that's why we attack every Spanish speaking country in Latin America when they say they're socialist which we take to mean communist because we are brainwashed tools of Savage capitalists like the GOP and the Tories.\\

"We're all socialists now!"- Pres. of Finland when Obamacare passed....(didn't know GOP....
No they would not be surprised you ignorant fool gthey never won they siezed power

But you are one absolutely BRAINWASHED and ignorant dumbfuck who belives propaganda spoon fed to him without questions
Every Socialist Party and every socialist in every democracy ever will be very surprised to hear that, brainwashed functional moron. The Socialists won in every modern country but the English speaking ones, where they also won but they can't call themselves socialist because this propaganda is so strong. And that's why we attack every Spanish speaking country in Latin America when they say they're socialist which we take to mean communist because we are brainwashed tools of Savage capitalists like the GOP and the Tories.\\

"We're all socialists now!"- Pres. of Finland when Obamacare passed....(didn't know GOP....
Apparently Latin America is rejecting Socialism big time. Have you seen our over-run Southern Border? They're breaking the fucking law to get here!! They're paying Coyotes thousands to get them across the border. The wonderful Socialist Chavez chased Venezuelans out. Castro, so called socialist turned communist (like most of them do) kicked out 125,00 in the Mariel boatlift. Nicaragua, another Socialist nightmare, North Vietnam a real Socialist clusterfuck. Who can forget N. Korea and little rocket man? Mao killed approx 65 million people.
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Horse shit. It happens in every economic system.
No so much in America, that's why the people from Socialist regimes flock to US. Many are shocked to find America is turning into a Socialist Hell hole like the one they left.
Horse shit. It happens in every economic system.
They have no idea what they're talking about. They've just substituted calling people "commie" for calling them "Marxist", both out of context, because "Marxist" sounds fancier.

They'll sprinkle in "Stalinist" here and there for texture.

Dunning-Kruger, all day, every day.
If society and the "capitalism" it had developed had been more human-oriented and less materialistic, Marx would never have had a basis for his critiques. As it is, materialism has manifested itself more and more, nowhere more than in the "socialism" that Marx promoted. We are being destroyed by our fascination with what is nothing more than feces.
If society and the "capitalism" it had developed had been more human-oriented and less materialistic, Marx would never have had a basis for his critiques. As it is, materialism has manifested itself more and more, nowhere more than in the "socialism" that Marx promoted. We are being destroyed by our fascination with what is nothing more than feces.
Perhaps if that mother fucker WORKED a day in his life he wouldn't have come up with his PATHETIC theories that are nothing but DESTRUCTIVE to society.
Apparently Latin America is rejecting Socialism big time. Have you seen our over-run Southern Border? They're breaking the fucking law to get here!! They're paying Coyotes thousands to get them across the border. The wonderful Socialist Chavez chased Venezuelans out. Castro, so called socialist turned communist (like most of them do) kicked out 125,00 in the Mariel boatlift. Nicaragua, another Socialist nightmare, North Vietnam a real Socialist clusterfuck. Who can forget N. Korea and little rocket man? Mao killed approx 65 million people.
GOP led sanctions have killed their economies. Communism is a dictatorship, socialism is a democracy and simply fair capitalism. The brainwash is deep for you ignoramuses....
GOP led sanctions have killed their economies. Communism is a dictatorship, socialism is a democracy and simply fair capitalism. The brainwash is deep for you ignoramuses....

Soclaist countries fall because of socialism which si alwayus a faiilure and always a dictatorship as well.

Not because of sanctions you illiterate fool

Soclaist countries fall because of socialism which si alwayus a faiilure and always a dictatorship as well.

Not because of sanctions you illiterate fool
That is still communism, dingbat dupe. You brainwashed functional morons go on and on forever about the supposed theories of marx and Lenin and they were wrong about everything and nobody gives a damn what they said. Ever since there have been socialist parties and Communist parties AT THE SAME TIME in foreign speaking democracies and the communists have never won and they disappeared with the ussr aid. Socialism is only a bad word in UK brainwashed english speakers. Simply FAIR CAPITALISM and ALWAYS democratic...Ruling socialists were who Russian communists and German Nazis KILLED ASAP....USA voters are the dumbest in the modern world by far....especially the GOP dupes of course....
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GOP led sanctions have killed their economies. Communism is a dictatorship, socialism is a democracy and simply fair capitalism. The brainwash is deep for you ignoramuses....
Socialism does not lead to prosperity, it leads to Communism and dictatorship.
That is still communism, dingbat dupe. You brainwashed functional morons go on and on forever about the supposed theories of marx and Lenin and they were wrong about everything and nobody gives a damn what they said. Ever since there have been socialist parties and Communist parties AT THE SAME TIME in foreign speaking democracies and the communists have never won and they disappeared with the ussr aid. Socialism is only a bad word in UK brainwashed english speakers. Simply FAIR CAPITALISM and ALWAYS democratic...Ruling socialists were who Russian communists and German Nazis KILLED ASAP....USA voters are the dumbest in the modern world by far....especially the GOP dupes of course....
Capitalism is an economic system not a government.
A European writer once said that Marxism in America will not come from the proletariat. IMO, this is because the 'proletariat' in America is not stagnant in their position in society. They have some hope of improving their position. Therefore, in order to institute Marxism in America the push must come from the top down. That is, convincing the proletariat they are stuck and can never achieve anything without some kind of Marxist (collective) 'fighting' for them.

This is precisely what is happening now. Our Democrat representatives are constantly trying to convince US we are miserable while, at the same time, actually causing misery with their legislative powers.

Communism was created by the Robber Barons and installed in China and Russia and other countries. This was done in order to allow the USA to become the reigning superpower and the enforcement arm of the New World Order; control is in Israel. WW2 main purpose was to destroy monarchs in order to INSTALL CENTRAL BANKS and end the "Physical" British Empire and turn it into an economic one. Remember, Rothschild controls with money.

Check out Dr. James Lindsay on u tube,,,,,he
When the 6-9 Million Illegals & Military Age single Males from 117 different Countries that have entered the US illegally on Biden’s watch start Runnin Street battles who will folks blame ?
OR they need Military recruits to fight the Mother of All Wars they may have planned. They turned most males in the USA into Soyboys, so now they need tough guys to fight in a war.
OR they need Military recruits to fight the Mother of All Wars they may have planned. They turned most males in the USA into Soyboys, so now they need tough guys to fight in a war.
Plenty of Veteran / Former LEO Tough Guys still alive & Kickin , no need for 19 year old brainwashed America haters in the fight

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