Marxism In America

Try a news channel, What a load of hateful divisive anti American crap, hater dupe. Nobody outside your bubble of total BS knows what half your crap is about.... You hate everybody in the United States except for other brainwashed functional moron hater dupes and lovers of the mobbed up orange mussolini wannabe clown con man fraudster....
The ‘news’ was taken over long ago by anti American Marxist scum. We now have to rely on alternate sources.
You are totally baffled by pure hateful divisive anti-american racist bigoted garbage propaganda from the biggest scumbag in the world rupert Murdoch and Internet nut jobs, brainwashed functional moron. Nobody gives a damn about Lenin and marx except for you ignoramuses. You believe communist propaganda about this, Nazi propaganda about this, and GOP garbage propaganda about this, the three biggest liars of the last hundred years, Super Duper..... Everyone in the world thinks you're insane, including half of your stupid party.....
Marxist credo, deny everything and insult. Also try to pit people agaiinst each other.- call the truth ‘propaganda.’
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Here it is. A cult ural marxist calling normal people cultists. These people are insane.
The demented LEFT is always foisting cries of CRISIS and the climate change alarmism is just that, an IMAGINED crisis to create instability for CONTROL. It's Marxism 101 !!!
If you can't recognize that, you may be (are) a demented avenger subverted demoralized zombie.
when the sea invades Miami and New Orleans, they're gonna blame those damn marxists.
A European writer once said that Marxism in America will not come from the proletariat. IMO, this is because the 'proletariat' in America is not stagnant in their position in society. They have some hope of improving their position. Therefore, in order to institute Marxism in America the push must come from the top down. That is, convincing the proletariat they are stuck and can never achieve anything without some kind of Marxist (collective) 'fighting' for them.

This is precisely what is happening now. Our Democrat representatives are constantly trying to convince US we are miserable while, at the same time, actually causing misery with their legislative powers.
More than ever today, since the 1980s when our manufacturing base and working class were gutted, socialism is rising from the bottom up, from a massive grassroots working-class effort. The recent victory by the United Auto Workers Union underscores this fact. The working class is rising up.
More than ever today, since the 1980s when our manufacturing base and working class were gutted, socialism is rising from the bottom up, from a massive grassroots working-class effort. The recent victory by the United Auto Workers Union underscores this fact. The working class is rising up.
The ‘working class’ is a Marxist term.
when the sea invades Miami and New Orleans, they're gonna blame those damn marxists.
The sea rises around here twice a day.
It's called high tide.
I blame the Moon.
Ban the Moon.
The Sun isn't innocent in this crisis either, ban that too.
Just like CO2, this nature bigotry has got to go!

Yes yes, Lenn was wrong about that just like he was wrong about everything else. Difference between socialism and Communism is dictatorship and only right wing brainwashed fools are for that, martial law under the Orange Clown Mussolini wannabe- how dumb can you get?
Both socialism and communism are dictatorships you MORON
Both socialism and communism are dictatorships you MORON
Every Socialist Party and every socialist in every democracy ever will be very surprised to hear that, brainwashed functional moron. The Socialists won in every modern country but the English speaking ones, where they also won but they can't call themselves socialist because this propaganda is so strong. And that's why we attack every Spanish speaking country in Latin America when they say they're socialist which we take to mean communist because we are brainwashed tools of Savage capitalists like the GOP and the Tories.\\

"We're all socialists now!"- Pres. of Finland when Obamacare passed....(didn't know GOP....

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