Martin Luther King Jr. Believed that Christians could not be Communists


Confront reality
Oct 25, 2016
Some people wrongly believe that Jesus taught socialism. He didn't. On September 30, 1962 Martin Luther King Jr Delivered a sermon at Ebenezer Baptist Church Atlanta, Ga. explaining how it is not possible to be be Christian and a communist. MLK believed that Christianity is diametrically opposed to communism because they are contrary philosophies, communism is based on materialism, there is no place for God in communism because communism is an atheistic system, communism is based on moral relativism, communism establishes state as the ultimate authority, lies about being a classless system and deprives man of freedom. The following are excerpts from his sermon:

"...Can a Christian be a communist? I answer that question with an emphatic “no.” These two philosophies are diametrically opposed. The basic philosophy of Christianity is unalterably opposed to the basic philosophy of communism, and all of the dialectics of the logician cannot make them lie down together. They are contrary philosophies...."

"...Now, what is materialism? It says in substance that the whole of reality can be explained in terms of matter in motion. In other words, it says that the basic stuff of reality is the material stuff. Materialism says, in substance, that idealism is wrong when it talks about the ultimate reality of mind and spirit and all of that. Karl Marx was a materialist, and he believed that the whole of human history moved on, driven by economic forces. This was his idea. There was no place in that system for God, and so from that moment on, communism became an atheistic system. And to this very day it is atheistic. It denies the existence of God..."

"...A second reason that we can’t accept communism is that its methods are opposed to Christianity. (Pray on) Since for the communist there is no divine government or no absolute moral order, there are no fixed, immutable principles..."

"...We believe that there are certain moral principles in this universe that are eternal and absolute. We believe that there are some things right and there are some things wrong. It’s wrong to lie. It always has been wrong, and it always will be wrong..."

"...In the third place, we have to disagree with communism because the end of communism is the state. I should qualify this by saying that the state in communist theory is a temporary reality, an interim reality, which is to be eliminated when the classless society emerges. (Yeah, yeah) Karl Marx talks of that day when there will be a classless society. The ruling class, or rather the workers, what he called the proletariat, will through the revolution take power from the ruling class, which were the producers or the capitalists. And finally they will come to power, and through their power, they will establish a classless society. He says that while you are on the way to this classless society the state is the end. Man becomes only a means to that end. And if any man’s so-called rights or liberties stand in the way of that end, they are simply swept aside. And so in the communistic system, you do not have freedom of the press. You do not have freedom of speech. You do not have freedom of assembly. All of these things are under the scrutiny of the state, which is manipulated through the party. And whatever the Party says, that must be done. All of the freedoms that are dear to us are denied. Man has to be a servant, a dutiful and submissive servant of the state..."

"...This is why I could never agree with communism as a philosophical system because it deprives man of freedom..."

Source: “Can a Christian Be a Communist?” Sermon Delivered at Ebenezer Baptist Church
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