Marco Rubio: Medicare, Social Security ‘Weakened Us As People,’ Made Us Lazy

Rubio is a career politician with absolutely no experience in the private sector.

If wingnuts weren't the world's phoniest hypocrites they'd reject him for that alone.:lol:

I don't think you people who voted for a Community Organizer and made him President should be talking about others and how much experience they have or don't have.:lol:

Hypocrite, look at the fool Bush you voted for!!!:lol::lol:

Overall I think we should have some tests to qualify for any government job.
Rubio is a career politician with absolutely no experience in the private sector.

If wingnuts weren't the world's phoniest hypocrites they'd reject him for that alone.:lol:

and your just as much a wingnut for defending obama on the same front, have a bite...

I not the one who thinks a person running for political office needs private sector experience.

That's YOUR talking point, Gomer.
I don't think you people who voted for a Community Organizer and made him President should be talking about others and how much experience they have or don't have.
Don't you mean law professor and U.S. Senator...?

Law professor? Really? Where?

And as a senator he set the record for "not-voting" votes.

Want a really good laugh?
Take a look at Illinois' economy while he was a state rep.
I guess our liberal immigration policies weakened us, too?


Are his parents collecting SS or Medicare?

Yes... they do.

Those liberal policies let illegals run amuck!
And alot collect Social security and are here illegally and they also use medicaid and welfare. It is estimated that almost 1 million illegal is in our social systems one way or another
I guess our liberal immigration policies weakened us, too?


Are his parents collecting SS or Medicare?

Yes... they do.

Those liberal policies let illegals run amuck!
And alot collect Social security and are here illegally and they also use medicaid and welfare. It is estimated that almost 1 million illegal is in our social systems one way or another

This is what the entire Republican Party always boils down to....Mexicans and welfare.

Listen to yourself, sister.

Most poor immigrants are here to work farm jobs that Americans won't do.

Think about the people who pick vegetables in 100 degree heat for minimum wage next time you are at the grocery store.
I don't think you people who voted for a Community Organizer and made him President should be talking about others and how much experience they have or don't have.
Don't you mean law professor and U.S. Senator...?

Law professor? Really? Where?

Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he was the president of the Harvard Law Review. He was a community organizer in Chicago before earning his law degree. He worked as a civil rights attorney in Chicago and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004.
Barack Obama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Come on people, Rubio is just saying it the way Republicans see things.

Helping old people means they will live longer. That just drags down the country. Better they should "get it over with" quick.
Marco Rubio: Medicare, Social Security ‘Weakened Us As People,’ Made Us Lazy

Heck yeah! We can get several more years of profitable labor out of a 65 yr old.
And widows need to get their asses out there and work twice as hard since their husbands died.

Damn nanny state gummit!
So Rubio thinks old people are lazy and ruined, except for his parents that were welcomed with open arms from another country and enjoyed the benefits of social security and medicare.

Oh, yeah.

Awesome guy, huh?
Don't you mean law professor and U.S. Senator...?

Law professor? Really? Where?

Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he was the president of the Harvard Law Review. He was a community organizer in Chicago before earning his law degree. He worked as a civil rights attorney in Chicago and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004.
Barack Obama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wikipedia, hunh?

Gimme 15 minutes and I can give ya a completely different quote.

Actually don't need to as he was never a tenured professor....

Q: Was Barack Obama really a constitutional law professor?
A:His formal title was "senior lecturer," but the University of Chicago Law School says he "served as a professor" and was "regarded as" a professor.
Obama a Constitutional Law Professor? |
Just talked to a guy on Social Security. When I told him what Rubio said, he went balistic. Made me nervous. Thought he was going to break something.
Just talked to a guy on Social Security. When I told him what Rubio said, he went balistic. Made me nervous. Thought he was going to break something.

People tend to get attached (see: dependent) to their entitlements.


I pray that I won't have to depend on SS to survive in my retirement
Just talked to a guy on Social Security. When I told him what Rubio said, he went balistic. Made me nervous. Thought he was going to break something.

People tend to get attached (see: dependent) to their entitlements.


I pray that I won't have to depend on SS to survive in my retirement
Of course, Social Security and Medicare are not entitlements. One pays into them all their working life.
Good ole Rubio, making the Hispanic community proud. What a maroon.
Obamaturd making Americans sick of him, no mater what race they are. Unless you are a black panther obamaturd butt kissing member and praise him just because he is black, then why care about country right? Idiots!!

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