March was the 349th straight month with global avg temps over 20th century average


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2010
The Earth is warming and had been for many decades now. As long as atmospheric carbon dioxide levels remain severely elevated as they are now, less energy will be able to escape away into space than is being received from the sun every day, so our planet will continue to warm up a little more every year.

Variations in several natural climate factors can, to some degree, either enhance or mask the reflection of the underlying continuous warming trend in the surface air temperature records. Surface air temperatures account for less than 3% of the sun's energy the Earth is receiving, while the oceans are absorbing over 90% of the sun's heat. The oceans have been warming up faster and at greater depths in recent years as even more of the heat energy that the excess CO2 is trapping has been getting transferred into the oceans by repeated La Niña events and some wind pattern changes.

Even in just the surface air temperature record though, the warming trend is very clear. Good instrumental surface air temperature records extend back to 1880 in many places, and much farther in certain specific locales.

Here are some examples of the undeniable warming trend, that has not "paused" at all.

* This last January, 2014, was the 4th warmest January on record.

* Last November, 2013, was THE warmest November on record going back to at least 1880.

* January was the ninth consecutive month (since May 2013) with a global monthly temperature among the 10 highest for its respective month in the entire temperature record.

* January was the 38th consecutive January with global average temperatures above the entire twentieth century average for January.

* January was the 347th consecutive month (almost 29 years) with average temperatures above the 20th century global average temperature for all Januarys. Last month, March, was the 349th straight month with global average temperatures higher than the 20th century average for that month.

* 2013 was the 4th warmest year on record.

* 2010 is tied with 2005 as the warmest years on record.

* 2001 to 2010 was the warmest decade on record.

* All of the warmest years on record, going back to at least 1880, have happened since 1998.

* All of the coldest years since 1998 are still warmer than all of the hottest years before 1998.

* The Arctic ice cap is still rapidly melting away.

* Large areas northern permafrost are still rapidly melting.

* Greenland and Antarctica are still losing ice mass at increasing rates.

* The large majority of mountain glaciers are still rapidly melting and disappearing.

* Sea levels are still rising at an accelerating rate.

GLOBALLY, this shows the rising surface air temperatures.


Global temperature (annual values) in the data from NASA GISS (orange) and from Cowtan & Way (blue), i.e. HadCRUT4 with interpolated data gaps.
One can clearly see the extreme year 1998, which (thanks to the record-El Niño) stands out above the long-term trend like no other year. But even taking this outlier year as starting point, the linear trend 1998-2013 in all four data sets is positive. Also clearly visible is 2010 as the warmest year since records began, and the minima in the years 2008 and 2011/2012. But just like the peaks are getting higher, these minima are less and less deep.
(source: RealClimate)

Forget The Local Cold: Worldwide, It Was Another Hot January
February 21, 2014
January will go down in the weather history books as the fourth-warmest on record. That's right. No matter how brutal the winter was in North America, especially the Eastern half, it was balanced by warm temperatures elsewhere on the planet. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Climate Data Center says that last month marks the 38th consecutive January and the 347th consecutive month (almost 29 years) that global temperatures have been above the average for the 20th century. The last time the average temperature was below-average in January was in 1976 and the last time there was a below-average month was February 1985. Record keeping goes back to 1880.

NOAA says the combined global land and ocean surfaces for last month was 54.8°F (12.7°C), or 1.17°F (0.65°C) above the 20th century January average of 53.6°F (12.0°C):

"Most areas of the world experienced warmer-than-average monthly temperatures, with the most notable warmth across Alaska, western Canada, southern Greenland, south-central Russia, Mongolia, and northern China. Parts of southeastern Brazil and central and southern Africa experienced record warmth, contributing to the warmest January Southern Hemisphere land temperature departure on record at 2.03°F (1.13°C) above the 20th century average. Temperature departures were below the long-term average across the eastern half of the contiguous U.S, Mexico, and much of Russia. However, no regions of the globe were record cold."

The Weather Channel asks "in a warming world, how can it be so bitterly cold? Deke Arndt, a scientist at the National Climatic Data Center explains":

"We see more evidence that we will continue to have cold air outbreaks as the climate continues to warm. Cold air outbreaks, like the type we saw in January, over time, have become statistically more uncommon. Even though it was generally colder than average east of the Continental Divide and in parts of Siberia, it was warmer than average elsewhere. Take Alaska for example. The Last Frontier is normally frigid this time of year, but looking at the map it's clear that temperatures were well above average for January. January's average monthly high temperature for Fairbanks, Alaska is 1.1°F. But the average January high temperature in Fairbanks this year was nearly 15° higher than normal, at 16.4°F. At one point, the afternoon high temperature in Fairbanks hit 45°F, which was a tie for its sixth warmest January day on record."
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Well, it's good to see that the rapidly imploding cult of AGW denial is too broken to even try to contest the plain facts of the matter contained in the OP.
And yet the hottest year on record is still 1998. Go figure. You morons amaze me, the average temperature went up by a little over a degree, of course after that the general average temperature will be more then previous years. You do know what common sense is right?
The last 10 years has shown us in a leveling off in surface temperatures. Remember, we can still see the warmest decade, this way...This is the way stat's work ;)

I wouldn't be surprised to see 2014 be 4-6th warmest. Not a good sign for surface warming.
And yet the hottest year on record is still 1998. Go figure. You morons amaze me, the average temperature went up by a little over a degree, of course after that the general average temperature will be more then previous years. You do know what common sense is right?

The satellite record, yes. Surface obs, no.

2005, 2010 are the surface record number one years.
And, the 1930's witnessed more days over 100 degrees by FAR, than any of the last 50 years. trolling blunder spews yet more propaganda, but that's all it is propaganda.
And, the 1930's witnessed more days over 100 degrees by FAR, than any of the last 50 years. trolling blunder spews yet more propaganda, but that's all it is propaganda.
LOL. More idiotic nonsense from a clueless retard.

The 1930's were not unusually hot GLOBALLY, moron.

Even just looking at the small part of the USA that experienced some hot weather in the 1930's, an area which amounts to less than 1% of the Earth's surface, your claims would still be pure BS sourced in some fraudulent denier cult myth.

But the main point remains that it is much warmer now, GLOBALLY, than it was in the 1930's. As the surface air temperature graph in the OP clearly shows. And, of course, over 90% of the sun's energy goes into the oceans, which have been rapidly warming. That ocean warming isn't really reflected in the surface air temperature record.


(source: RealClimate)

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And, the 1930's witnessed more days over 100 degrees by FAR, than any of the last 50 years. trolling blunder spews yet more propaganda, but that's all it is propaganda.

Link? I think you pulled that out of your ass. May have been in the US, but not worldwide.
And, the 1930's witnessed more days over 100 degrees by FAR, than any of the last 50 years. trolling blunder spews yet more propaganda, but that's all it is propaganda.

Link? I think you pulled that out of your ass. May have been in the US, but not worldwide.

According to these guys, yes the 1930's were by far the warmest. And the US had the densest and most accurate weather reporting system in the world. And, when you check on an individual country basis, the temps are the same the world over. Go ahead and look.

I dare you.

U.S. Historical Climatology Network
And, the 1930's witnessed more days over 100 degrees by FAR, than any of the last 50 years. trolling blunder spews yet more propaganda, but that's all it is propaganda.

Link? I think you pulled that out of your ass. May have been in the US, but not worldwide.

According to these guys, yes the 1930's were by far the warmest. And the US had the densest and most accurate weather reporting system in the world. And, when you check on an individual country basis, the temps are the same the world over. Go ahead and look.

I dare you.

U.S. Historical Climatology Network

LOL OK, Looked, and looky at what I found;
Make no mistake, the AGWCult is as dedicated as any Cult you've ever met. They cannot be reasoned with, they must be ridiculed and mocked and kicked from ever college campus in America.
Their God is false, CO2 never drove climate, not once not ever
And, the 1930's witnessed more days over 100 degrees by FAR, than any of the last 50 years. trolling blunder spews yet more propaganda, but that's all it is propaganda.

Link? I think you pulled that out of your ass. May have been in the US, but not worldwide.
According to these guys, yes the 1930's were by far the warmest.
LOLOLOL.....too moronic to stop beating a dead horse, eh walleyed?

"These guys" are the US Historical Climatology Network, who are talking about temperature variations in JUST THE UNITED STATES, not the whole world. The whole US only covers about 2% of the Earth's surface and no, little retard, it is not representative of the whole planet. There was no unusual global warming in the 1930's (the only really hot years in the US were 1930 and 1936).

Meanwhile, in the US, the heat wave in 2012 made it the hottest year on record in the USA by over a full degree. That's including the 1930's, numbnuts.

Not Even Close: 2012 Was Hottest Ever in U.S.
The New York Times
January 8, 2013
The numbers are in: 2012, the year of a surreal March heat wave, a severe drought in the Corn Belt and a huge storm that caused broad devastation in the Middle Atlantic States, turns out to have been the hottest year ever recorded in the contiguous United States. How hot was it? The temperature differences between years are usually measured in fractions of a degree, but last year’s 55.3 degree average demolished the previous record, set in 1998, by a full degree Fahrenheit. If that does not sound sufficiently impressive, consider that 34,008 daily high records were set at weather stations across the country, compared with only 6,664 record lows, according to a count maintained by the Weather Channel meteorologist Guy Walton, using federal temperature records. That ratio, which was roughly in balance as recently as the 1970s, has been out of whack for decades as the country has warmed, but never by as much as it was last year.

Scientists said that natural variability almost certainly played a role in last year’s extreme heat and drought. But many of them expressed doubt that such a striking new record would have been set without the backdrop of global warming caused by the human release of greenhouse gases. And they warned that 2012 was probably a foretaste of things to come, as continuing warming makes heat extremes more likely. Even so, the last year’s record for the United States is not expected to translate into a global temperature record when figures are released in the coming weeks. The year featured a La Niña weather pattern, which tends to cool the global climate over all, and scientists expect it to be the world’s eighth- or ninth-warmest year on record. Assuming that prediction holds up, it will mean that the 10 warmest years on record all fell within the past 15 years, a measure of how much the planet has warmed. Nobody who is under 28 has lived through a month of global temperatures that fell below the 20th-century average, because the last such month was February 1985. Jake Crouch, a scientist with the National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, N.C., pointed out that until last year, the coldest year in the historical record for the lower 48 states, 1917, was separated from the warmest year, 1998, by only 4.2 degrees Fahrenheit. That is why the 2012 record, and its one degree increase over 1998, strikes climatologists as so unusual.
Make no mistake, the AGWCult is as dedicated as any Cult you've ever met. They cannot be reasoned with, they must be ridiculed and mocked and kicked from ever college campus in America. Their God is false, CO2 never drove climate, not once not ever

Your fraudulent myths are as retarded as that shit4brains Bundy in your profile photo, but not as retarded as you, CrazyFruitcake.
Did I miss the memo where we're supposed to use bigger fonts to make cherry-picked data more impressive? I'll give you one for March:

March 2014 was the 86th straight month since we saw a record monthly anomaly (0.86ºC in January 2007).
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If we were warming as fast as we did in the 1990's, I'd expect yearly avg's of at last .7c...Without el nino.

Our nina's would be .65-.7
Our neutral years .7-.75
Nino would stand a chance of being well over .8. Another 1998 would be over .9!

Based on the giss and noaa.
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Did I miss the memo
I think you missed the brains when they were being passed out. Perhaps you thought they said 'pains' and told them you didn't want any. That would explain a lot.

where we're supposed to use bigger fonts to make cherry-picked data more impressive? I'll give you one for March:

March 2014 was the 86th straight month since we saw a record monthly anomaly (0.86ºC in January 2007).

Perhaps you're too stupid to notice but when I used a larger font size recently it was to denote the headline of a news story and it contained a link to that source. When you use a larger font with no link, you're just being a silly blowhard, inflating your own unsupported and probably mistaken opinion, with no context or explanation of the meaning.

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