Manatee With a Master's Degree Says Healthy Weight Loss is Racist & Eugenics


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
First of all, I had no idea Haagen-Dazs gave out a masters degree.
Second, encouraging a healthy lifestyle & physical fitness is neither racism nor eugenics in any form.

This is what happens when you go through life fat, stupid & deranged

But there's more. We still haven't even gotten to the racism part yet. This chick went on to claim, "Be careful about what you say and what you are perpetuating. Because it's all tied to racism. And eugenics. You're being a racist when you start promoting weight loss. I said what I said, it's the truth [...] If you care about me, if you care about fat people, if you care about yourself, you will stop. You will stop right now."


Just don't quite know what to say except, "Enjoy your heart attack, bitch."

I didn't last long enough on the tweet to hear about eugenics and racism, but certainly it would be rude to fuss at someone about their weight or to talk about overweight disparagingly in her hearing.

As for articles complaining about obesity in America, well, there are lots of articles complaining about lots of things; perhaps she'd better avoid reading them rather than trying to cancel people or shut them up. Darn.
I didn't last long enough on the tweet to hear about eugenics and racism, but certainly it would be rude to fuss at someone about their weight or to talk about overweight disparagingly in her hearing.

As for articles complaining about obesity in America, well, there are lots of articles complaining about lots of things; perhaps she'd better avoid reading them rather than trying to cancel people or shut them up. Darn.

People who treat obesity as if it's perfectly okay, especially on social media, are promoting an unhealthy lifestyle to a bunch of impressionable people.

Nobody ever thinks about the effect their words could be having on vulnerable people.

How many overweight 13-year-olds are likely to see this bullshit rationalization and decide it constitutes permission to go out and ingest a dozen boxes of Little Debbies?

First of all, I had no idea Haagen-Dazs gave out a masters degree.
Second, encouraging a healthy lifestyle & physical fitness is neither racism nor eugenics in any form.

This is what happens when you go through life fat, stupid & deranged

But there's more. We still haven't even gotten to the racism part yet. This chick went on to claim, "Be careful about what you say and what you are perpetuating. Because it's all tied to racism. And eugenics. You're being a racist when you start promoting weight loss. I said what I said, it's the truth [...] If you care about me, if you care about fat people, if you care about yourself, you will stop. You will stop right now."

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She’s a very stupid woman saying crazy things

Thats all we need to say about her

People who treat obesity as if it's perfectly okay, especially on social media, are promoting an unhealthy lifestyle to a bunch of impressionable people.

Nobody ever thinks about the effect their words could be having on vulnerable people.

How many overweight 13-year-olds are likely to see this bullshit rationalization and decide it constitutes permission to go out and ingest a dozen boxes of Little Debbies?

Yeah, good point ---------- there are so many "influencers" promoting transvestitism and vaping and being fat OR being anorexic and bulemic. Something is very wrong there, but I'm not sure what. I don't want to shut people up myself, but especially the tranny influencers --- I read a book on how they promote and push and encourage and enable individual girls to decide to pretend to be males ---- there is no question but that they are bad and harmful people.

I don't think this poor woman is especially important. I don't think anyone would view her as influential. Though I do notice she's using all the "I'm a victim" tropes and hitting the hot words, eugenics and racism. She is white --- how people criticizing fatness in general is either eugenic or racist I just can't say and neither could she; she didn't try, just used the words. Not really Deep Think.
Well freedom is messy. This is America you have a right to be stupid. Sorry but if you are dumb enough to listen to and believe stupid that's kinda on you. Not my job nor yours or the governments to block stupid. It is the job if the individual listening to stupid and if the person listening to stupid is a minor it is the parents job to influence them correctly.
Well freedom is messy. This is America you have a right to be stupid. Sorry but if you are dumb enough to listen to and believe stupid that's kinda on you. Not my job nor yours or the governments to block stupid. It is the job if the individual listening to stupid and if the person listening to stupid is a minor it is the parents job to influence them correctly.

And if the listener is a juvenile and the "influencer" is a sexual groomer?


And if the listener is a juvenile and the "influencer" is a sexual groomer?

Parents job. Don't want your kid to be exposed Don't let them go places where this sort of thing happens. Don't give them a smart phone. My brother just bought his kindergarten child a smart phone. In my opinion that is stupid as hell . Drag story time? Never actually seen it but don't let your kid go. If your dumb ass thinks that's going at school by the school you are an idiot. You can lose your job as a teacher if a picture of you wearing a bikini at the beach surfaces. Whether you posted it or not. It's the parents job to parent their children not the government. Mind your own damn business. Shut your damn mouth around my child it's my job. Leave my damn gun alone. Leave my car and my boat alone. My stuff my job to protect it. My kids grew up in this world and are doing fine because I thought them right from wrong. Keep you damn nose out of it.
Parents job. Don't want your kid to be exposed Don't let them go places where this sort of thing happens. Don't give them a smart phone. My brother just bought his kindergarten child a smart phone. In my opinion that is stupid as hell . Drag story time? Never actually seen it but don't let your kid go. If your dumb ass thinks that's going at school by the school you are an idiot. You can lose your job as a teacher if a picture of you wearing a bikini at the beach surfaces. Whether you posted it or not. It's the parents job to parent their children not the government. Mind your own damn business. Shut your damn mouth around my child it's my job. Leave my damn gun alone. Leave my car and my boat alone. My stuff my job to protect it. My kids grew up in this world and are doing fine because I thought them right from wrong. Keep you damn nose out of it.

Well, isn't it nice that this is a place where we can agree to disagree?


First of all, I had no idea Haagen-Dazs gave out a masters degree.
Second, encouraging a healthy lifestyle & physical fitness is neither racism nor eugenics in any form.

This is what happens when you go through life fat, stupid & deranged

But there's more. We still haven't even gotten to the racism part yet. This chick went on to claim, "Be careful about what you say and what you are perpetuating. Because it's all tied to racism. And eugenics. You're being a racist when you start promoting weight loss. I said what I said, it's the truth [...] If you care about me, if you care about fat people, if you care about yourself, you will stop. You will stop right now."

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Manatee! Too cool for school!

Well, isn't it nice that this a a place where we can agree to disagree?


Yep, it is here we can disagree meanwhile on the block you put your nose in my kids life ya won't have nose anymore. My job not yours. In the same token I won't poke my nose in your life or your kids. You can make your own decisions and pay the consequences of them.
Parents have always been competitive. In a not so long ago era, parents would brag that their child made Eagle Scout, or the honor role at school. A child getting into a good school was reason to rub another parent's face in the boast.

The only thing that has changed is what parent choose to brag about. "My child is the first one in his kindergarten class to question their gender identity", is now just as praiseworthy as "My child is reading three grades above his peers" used to be.

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