Man made disasters


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Black Blizzard and Gobal Warming.

The dust storms of the 30s was cause by man, planting the wrong plants and over using the land. Rain did not come because the dust shut out the sun from getting moisture from the earth to seed the clouds and cause rain. It was not until the president instituted the Soil Conservation act that the land began to recover and that took years. Cloud seeding was later used. People died from dust pneumonia during those year and lost their land. The dust bowl was an ecological disaster.
If we do not do anything about the man-made cause of global warming soon, we may never recover and more people will be affected than during the dust bowl.
Why is it so hard to believe that global warming is man made?

If we so not pass healthcare reform we will have another man-made disaster. I will never believe those who do not have HC do not want affordable HC for their families no matter the monetary cost..No more than I believe a man would deny his child food if the was starving. This leads me to believe it is not the HC bill, but more about Obama. And this is what democrats are trying to do. Give your family HC. You cannot put a price on the life of your child.
The HC bill we now have is not the same one we started with and still Right Wing Nuts oppose it. There is less support now for the bill because a public option and single payer has been dropped. It is just a shell of the original healthcare bill.
LilOlLady is your typical liberal know-it-all who supports Obama because she doesn't know any better. If these kind of folks knew how to think for themselves, the Democrats and Obama fans wouldn't have anything to do because they wouldn't know what party line to chant.

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