Man Caught Having Sex with a Picnic Table

BELLEVUE, OH -- A man in central Ohio is accused of having sex with his picnic table.

The investigation began when a tipster gave police three DVDs showing Arthur Price having sexual intercourse with a metal round table on his deck.

The incidents occurred between January and March 2008.

Police say the DVDs show Price involved in a sex act in his bedroom. He walks out to his deck, tilts the table on its side and has sex with it.

Police say Price lives near an elementary school.

Price admitted that he had sex with the picnic table when police questioned him.

He confirmed to police the incidents caught on the DVDs and said he had also had sex with the table inside the home.

Price faces four counts of public indecency. He is free on a $20,000 bond.
Click on link to see the face of this sexual deviant.

Man Caught Having Sex with a Picnic Table | | Strange and Unusual

Which USMB members do you think has also been accused of a similar crime?

Do you think the definition of marriage should include man and patio table?

This was revenge sex. I did a google search and found out that his girlfriend was cheating on him with a Louisville Slugger.

Sure beats a pencil....
BELLEVUE, OH -- A man in central Ohio is accused of having sex with his picnic table.

The investigation began when a tipster gave police three DVDs showing Arthur Price having sexual intercourse with a metal round table on his deck.

The incidents occurred between January and March 2008.

Police say the DVDs show Price involved in a sex act in his bedroom. He walks out to his deck, tilts the table on its side and has sex with it.

Police say Price lives near an elementary school.

Price admitted that he had sex with the picnic table when police questioned him.

He confirmed to police the incidents caught on the DVDs and said he had also had sex with the table inside the home.

Price faces four counts of public indecency. He is free on a $20,000 bond.
Click on link to see the face of this sexual deviant.

Man Caught Having Sex with a Picnic Table | | Strange and Unusual

Which USMB members do you think has also been accused of a similar crime?

Do you think the definition of marriage should include man and patio table?
What sick puppy took a video of the guy in action w/ his picnic table?

Someone who wanted to be equally famous as a voyeur!
God, those people in Bellevue are crazier than even I had imagined..

This story has been around awhile here in Ohio, a few months maybe.

The weirdo.
I once has sex with a crucifix.

I was an alterboy and did not want to go near a priest.

The lessor of two evils.
He didn't even have the decency of doing the dirty in the privacy of his own home. Wasn't he afraid that his interlude might be interrupted?

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