Makers of Netflix Movie about Black Cleopatra Don’t Know Sh*t About History

Fictional characters. No go back to your fragile white boy rant.
So, she hid inside as to not get a sunburn?

She likely lived within the palace walls as most nobility did, or out in the shaded gardens. Tanned skin was the mark of a peasant who toiled in the sun. The Egyptians prized their creamy skin. Even the barges of the wealthy traveling on the Nile had heavily shaded and curtained resting places.
is this the third or fourth RW thread on a black Cleopatra?
As everyone knows, Cleopatra looked like Liz Taylor

Romans at the time spoke with British Accents
Jesus was blonde with blue eyes and also spoke with a British Accent

Why didn’t Romans sound Italian and Jesus sound Jewish?
And Moses looked like Magic Johnson
When you consider that whoowah Jada Pickett Smith, a well established Hollywood idiot, is a producer, you can easily see how this project got so stupid so quickly.
Blacks claim to have something when they've got nothing. Stealing seems to be part of a large percentage of the knee grow population DNA. No wonder they hate people like Clarence Thomas and Thomas Sowell.

Amazon did it to [fictional] characters described by JRR Tolkien so just one step away from this debacle about Cleopatra.

Or blacks just outright lie about their background.

Like last year's pro black and pro woman movie "the woman king" that portrayed a woman leader of a African tribe where they were women warriors fighting for freedom in the nation of Dahomey. But they neglected entirely to talk about these warrior women in reality enslaved and sold their own kind and their enemies. In fact they finally quit the slave trade when the British condemned them and people stopped buying slaves.
The age-old question of whether Cleopatra was black or white(or whatever). Let's break down the facts, shall we?

While it is true that Cleopatra was of Macedonian Greek heritage, her lineage can be traced back to Alexander the Great who had conquered Egypt way back when.

So, while she may have been fair-skinned and probably rocked some seriously curly locks (Come on girl, show me those curls!), it is entirely possible that she had some African ancestry in there too.

After all, Egypt is in Africa! But let's not get bogged down by skin color because what truly made Cleopatra a force to be reckoned with was her intelligence, political savvy and dazzling presence.

So regardless of whether she looked like Rihanna or Reese Witherspoon, there is no arguing that Cleo lived life like a true queen! lol :)

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