Makers of Netflix Movie about Black Cleopatra Don’t Know Sh*t About History

Whites had no problem doing it in the history of film.
We were supposed to learn from that. Instead, we are doing the same thing only in a different direction. Use sense in entertainment for TV and the Movie theatres. For me I watch entertainment using sense and do not watch woke. For it is far from the realities of everyday life depending on where we live.
We were supposed to learn from that. Instead, we are doing the same thing only in a different direction. Use sense in entertainment for TV and the Movie theatres. For me I watch entertainment using sense and do not watch woke. For it is far from the realities of everyday life depending on where we live.
I focus more on the talent than the color of the actor.
Macedonian women
Otto be dumb even for a troll.
I studied quite a bit of Egyptian history. The royals and nobility were mostly awake at night. The homes of the wealthy had extensive gardens including the roofs of their homes. And most of the nobility shaved their heads and wore thick black wigs. That's the hair style we most associate with Egyptians.

The Egyptians left a comprehensive pictorial record. We know exactly what color they were because there are thousands of pictures by Egyptian artists. They were white until the end of the Egyptian civilization when the Kush sat upon the Egyptian throne as Pharoah.
And a Swarthy Israeli Actor could easily have the chops to play Muhammad ...
Yes but historical records said Muhammad was very white, white legs white face white arms etc. Btw this guy plays Jesus in The Chosen great tv show.

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