"Make America Great Again"...what do you think it means?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
I've noticed Liberals can become quite offended by the phrase and I can't for the life of me figure out why such a thing could be considered offensive to a real American.
The meaning and implication to me is clear....there were times when this country was better than it is today...let's work toward becoming the type of citizens we were during those times.
Why does that notion suck again?
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Let me see
1. It means we're going back to limiting women from being able to work, get educated and throwing them back into the kitchen.
2. It means that human rights mean less and people are treated like shit as a pass time.
3. It means we have less freedom in our lives
4. most people were paid next to shit and were used as serfs to make the rich richer. This was before TR and FDR reformed things and added rights.
5. Disabled people were considered unable to work and thought of as a joke. Not something I want to see in my life time.

Lets just say that live was far harder and there was no mercy in the 19th century you want to take us back to. Is that really worth doing?
I've noticed Liberals can become quite offended by the phrase and I can't for the life of me figure out why such a thing could be considered offensive to a real American. The meaning and implication to me is clear....there were times when this country was better than it is today...let's work toward becoming the type citizens we were during those times. Why does that notion suck again?
I'm offended by people who don't think America is great right now. If you don't think so, find someplace better to live.
I've noticed Liberals can become quite offended by the phrase and I can't for the life of me figure out why such a thing could be considered offensive to a real American. The meaning and implication to me is clear....there were times when this country was better than it is today...let's work toward becoming the type citizens we were during those times. Why does that notion suck again?
I'm offended by people who don't think America is great right now. If you don't think so, find someplace better to live.

You think that a country is great when median incomes dip and debt rises and fake narratives are sold as invaders come into the country? Fuck you; I don't care if you're offended.
Let me see
1. It means we're going back to limiting women from being able to work, get educated and throwing them back into the kitchen.
2. It means that human rights mean less and people are treated like shit as a pass time.
3. It means we have less freedom in our lives
4. most people were paid next to shit and were used as serfs to make the rich richer. This was before TR and FDR reformed things and added rights.
5. Disabled people were considered unable to work and thought of as a joke. Not something I want to see in my life time.

Lets just say that live was far harder and there was no mercy in the 19th century you want to take us back to. Is that really worth doing?

What makes you so sure of the era being referenced in such an ambiguous phrase?
Liberals think America will be great when it's a third world country
I've noticed Liberals can become quite offended by the phrase and I can't for the life of me figure out why such a thing could be considered offensive to a real American. The meaning and implication to me is clear....there were times when this country was better than it is today...let's work toward becoming the type citizens we were during those times. Why does that notion suck again?
I'm offended by people who don't think America is great right now. If you don't think so, find someplace better to live.

What criteria are you using to qualify America as great today?
Let me see
1. It means we're going back to limiting women from being able to work, get educated and throwing them back into the kitchen.
2. It means that human rights mean less and people are treated like shit as a pass time.
3. It means we have less freedom in our lives
4. most people were paid next to shit and were used as serfs to make the rich richer. This was before TR and FDR reformed things and added rights.

Lets just say that live was far harder and there was no mercy in the 19th century you want to take us back to. Is that really worth doing?
Your delusional. Throw away your tin foil hat.
Liberals think America will be great when it's a third world country


and you think allowing corporations to pollute like they currently do in China won't do that under your policies?

And you think by mistreating disabled people, women and anyone that isn't rich is going to allow for upward mobility. Look at some history.

Allowing giant monopolies to control entire industries is somehow good?

Your policies are bad for America....
I've noticed Liberals can become quite offended by the phrase and I can't for the life of me figure out why such a thing could be considered offensive to a real American.
The meaning and implication to me is clear....there were times when this country was better than it is today...let's work toward becoming the type citizens we were during those times.
Why does that notion suck again?
Perhaps if "Make America great again" was meant in purely economic terms, we could all get behind it. But social issues are the concern. Civil, minority, women's and Gay rights are threatened by reversal to a time when their concerns were ignored.

Trump's campaign was kicked off by calling immigrants rapists, murderers, drug dealers. We know this is demonizing ethnic groups for no good purpose. Trump then went on to say a judge born in Indiana could not rule justly because of his Mexican heritage. After that, Trump said that John McCain who had been held in captivity and tortured while serving his country (something Trump himself avoided) was not a hero due to his POW status.

If making America great means making it in the myopic and bigoted vision of a man lacking character, I say no thanks. America is doing just fine.
Why don't rich NFL players join the President of the United States and try to make America great again if they are so concerned about what they perceive as America's flaws? The short answer is that it ain't about America's greatness, it's about left wing politics. Everything is about politics.
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Well, we'd probably need to start interfering in other countries' elections...

Instances of the United States overthrowing, or attempting to overthrow, a foreign government since the Second World War. (* indicates successful ouster of a government)

  • China 1949 to early 1960s
  • Albania 1949-53
  • East Germany 1950s
  • Iran 1953 *
  • Guatemala 1954 *
  • Costa Rica mid-1950s
  • Syria 1956-7
  • Egypt 1957
  • Indonesia 1957-8
  • British Guiana 1953-64 *
  • Iraq 1963 *
  • North Vietnam 1945-73
  • Cambodia 1955-70 *
  • Laos 1958 *, 1959 *, 1960 *
  • Ecuador 1960-63 *
  • Congo 1960 *
  • France 1965
  • Brazil 1962-64 *
  • Dominican Republic 1963 *
  • Cuba 1959 to present
  • Bolivia 1964 *
  • Indonesia 1965 *
  • Ghana 1966 *
  • Chile 1964-73 *
  • Greece 1967 *
  • Costa Rica 1970-71
  • Bolivia 1971 *
  • Australia 1973-75 *
  • Angola 1975, 1980s
  • Zaire 1975
  • Portugal 1974-76 *
  • Jamaica 1976-80 *
  • Seychelles 1979-81
  • Chad 1981-82 *
  • Grenada 1983 *
  • South Yemen 1982-84
  • Suriname 1982-84
  • Fiji 1987 *
  • Libya 1980s
  • Nicaragua 1981-90 *
  • Panama 1989 *
  • Bulgaria 1990 *
  • Albania 1991 *
  • Iraq 1991
  • Afghanistan 1980s *
  • Somalia 1993
  • Yugoslavia 1999-2000 *
  • Ecuador 2000 *
  • Afghanistan 2001 *
  • Venezuela 2002 *
  • Iraq 2003 *
  • Haiti 2004 *
  • Somalia 2007 to present
  • Libya 2011*
  • Syria 2012
I'm pretty sure it means "I can see just by the fact that you showed up here to watch an orange klown that you're not real deep thinkers and will be easily impressed by empty emotional candy sound bites and aren't going to challenge me with rational thought, and that's why I love the poorly educated".

It had to be shortened because that would never fit on a hat.
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I'm pretty sure it means "I can see just by the fact that you showed up here to watch an orange klown that you're easily impressed by empty emotional candy sound bites and aren't going to challenge me with rational thought, and that's why I love the poorly educated".

What about the poorest of all the poorly educated...Blacks and Hispanics?
Is that why the DNC loves Blacks and Hispanics so much? Are you implying they're easily conned because they're iQ challenged and ignorant? The ole give a cheesy cell phone get a vote trick?
I've noticed Liberals can become quite offended by the phrase and I can't for the life of me figure out why such a thing could be considered offensive to a real American.
The meaning and implication to me is clear....there were times when this country was better than it is today...let's work toward becoming the type of citizens we were during those times.
Why does that notion suck again?
Who is Trump making great?

The rich
I've noticed Liberals can become quite offended by the phrase and I can't for the life of me figure out why such a thing could be considered offensive to a real American.
The meaning and implication to me is clear....there were times when this country was better than it is today...let's work toward becoming the type of citizens we were during those times.
Why does that notion suck again?
As it is apparent you are out of touch with the real world let me explain. America is and was great until tRump got elected. The position of our nation in the world is in the bottom of the outhouse. #45 has done nothing but praise himself at doing nothing but waving his hand and touching his thumb and index finger. These are the hallmarks of aq grifter/conman.
I'm pretty sure it means "I can see just by the fact that you showed up here to watch an orange klown that you're easily impressed by empty emotional candy sound bites and aren't going to challenge me with rational thought, and that's why I love the poorly educated".

What about the poorest of all the poorly educated...Blacks and Hispanics?
Is that why the DNC loves Blacks and Hispanics so much? Are you implying they're easily conned because they're iQ challenged and ignorant? The ole give a cheesy cell phone get a vote trick?

I'm not "implying" anything. That's Rump's phrase. You can go ask him what it means.

And I'm pretty sure he wasn't talking about 'blacks and Hispanics'. His adjectives for those groups are "lazy" and "rapists". Respectively.
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I've noticed Liberals can become quite offended by the phrase and I can't for the life of me figure out why such a thing could be considered offensive to a real American.
The meaning and implication to me is clear....there were times when this country was better than it is today...let's work toward becoming the type of citizens we were during those times.
Why does that notion suck again?
It means America first in all aspects to me.

Great slogan
Let me see
1. It means we're going back to limiting women from being able to work, get educated and throwing them back into the kitchen.
2. It means that human rights mean less and people are treated like shit as a pass time.
3. It means we have less freedom in our lives
4. most people were paid next to shit and were used as serfs to make the rich richer. This was before TR and FDR reformed things and added rights.
5. Disabled people were considered unable to work and thought of as a joke. Not something I want to see in my life time.

Lets just say that live was far harder and there was no mercy in the 19th century you want to take us back to. Is that really worth doing?

What makes you so sure of the era being referenced in such an ambiguous phrase?
Your history.

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