Mail-In Voting, Revisited?

Bad news champ, PA did away with signature match requirements.
Not quite. It was ruled that a ballot could not be rejected SOLELY because of signature matching.

Here are three samples of Donald Trump, Jr.'s signature.



For the 30th time.

About 10% of the states--red states, blue states, etc... have had mail in voting for many election cycles. Never, not once, has anyone questioned the validity of the elections they held. The only loser from an election that was held 3 years ago questioning the validity of mail in voting is the blob. Zero evidence of massive voter fraud has ever been presented.

If anything, we need more mail in voting, same day voting for registration, and after hours voting,
Mail-in voting invites voter fraud

For years libs fought against voter Id at the polling places because that made it harder to cheat

Now the left has won the ultimate victory
Someone shows up at a mailbox with their ballot, it is already filled out, signed and sealed
Never seen anyone fill out a ballot at a mailbox
It's a hypothetical situation allowing for the voter buyer to verify the vote of the vote seller.
Not quite. It was ruled that a ballot could not be rejected SOLELY because of signature matching.

Here are three samples of Donald Trump, Jr.'s signature.



Could you positively identify any of those examples as Trump jr?

I couldnt

Maybe none of them are his
It's a hypothetical situation allowing for the voter buyer to verify the vote of the vote seller.

Quite stupid actually

You want to post someone 24/7 at dozens of public mailboxes on the hope someone would show up with an unfilled out ballot that you can buy?
Mail-in voting invites voter fraud

For years libs fought against voter Id at the polling places because that made it harder to cheat

Now the left has won the ultimate victory
Motor-Voter, thanks to The Rapist-In-Chief, is what FUCKED American Elections.

It's just been one assault after another on fair elections since then.

Republicans are too afraid of being called "RAY-CIST!!" if they resist.

Motor-Voter, thanks to The Rapist-In-Chief, is what FUCKED American Elections.
Trump was the rapist in chief. And yep, he tried to fuck America.
It's just been one assault after another on fair elections since then.
Yawn. Any proof?
Republicans are too afraid of being called "RAY-CIST!!" if they resist.

You’re also not intelligent enough to make a civil argument. All of the angry rhetoric has gotten you blown out of court and made you even more of laughing stock.
did you even read your own link...

“The Pennsylvania Election Code does not authorize the county board of elections to set aside returned absentee or mail-in ballots based solely on signature analysis by the county board of elections.”

So the signature doesn't remotely match, and as long as everything else is okay with the ballot, it's counted.
Trump was the rapist in chief. And yep, he tried to fuck America.

Yawn. Any proof?

You’re also not intelligent enough to make a civil argument. All of the angry rhetoric has gotten you blown out of court and made you even more of laughing stock.
"Prove it!" The refrain of every criminal since the beginning of time. figures

Intelligent enough? Why would I waste it on a dimocrap scumbag?? I would rather give my dog a Kobe Steak. Angry Americans?? You haven't seen 'angry' yet.

We have a peaceful 'revolution' every 4 years in this Country. It's called 'Voting'. Once people start to think, rightly or wrongly, that their vote doesn't matter any more, that might change.

And our side is much better equipped to win that ugly battle. One which I don't want to see. Ever again.

But, that is what you side is counting on, isn't it? That it would be so ugly, it would be something we wouldn't want to happen.

Keep pushing.

But why do we still have mail-in voting?
We have mail in voting so Democrats can cheat and steal elections, period.

Example: In my blue state where mail in voting has been implemented for years, the Dem rigging and cheating is obvious. Did you know that our ballots were once secured in a sealed, glued security envelope. Upon receipt they remove the ballot from the outer mailing envelope but the ballot remained sealed from prying eyes in the glued inner envelope until opened in front of monitors to be counted. NO LONGER, now the ballot is simply inserted into an open sleave. You can easily remove the ballot and take a look at how someone voted and nobody will ever know you accidently on purpose tossed that ballot in the trash if it doesn't support Democrats.

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