Mail-In Voting, Revisited?

Police in big cites are appointed by the ruling democrat party

But even if police chiefs were elected it would be by the same voters who elect democrats for all the other positions

And dont forget the really crazy lib district attorney
I was going to say it's not the police's fault at this point. There is so much crime now it's a war zone. And probably the only thing that works sometimes, is Republican policies. Like not needing a warrant, roughing up suspects, torture, I suppose a more authoritarian regime might work. I don't love all liberal policies but I also don't want a guy who's so pro law and order he's willing to break the law in order to achieve it. Ya dig?
Everybody following this thread knows where the massive mail-in voter fraud took place. Philadelphia, Cleveland, Atlanta, Detroit...the usual shit-hole districts. Saying they have mail-in in Utah and don't have a problem with it - is believable.

Massive voter fraud?
Other than you don’t like that you lost, can you show us some?
I was going to say it's not the police's fault at this point. There is so much crime now it's a war zone. And probably the only thing that works sometimes, is Republican policies. Like not needing a warrant, roughing up suspects, torture, I suppose a more authoritarian regime might work. I don't love all liberal policies but I also don't want a guy who's so pro law and order he's willing to break the law in order to achieve it. Ya dig?
Just dont try to blame republicans for the failures of soft-on-crime democrats

Or at least notice the lie when libs tell it
For the 30th time.

About 10% of the states--red states, blue states, etc... have had mail in voting for many election cycles. Never, not once, has anyone questioned the validity of the elections they held. The only loser from an election that was held 3 years ago questioning the validity of mail in voting is the blob. Zero evidence of massive voter fraud has ever been presented.

If anything, we need more mail in voting, same day voting for registration, and after hours voting,
Bulllshit. Jimmy Carter questioned the use of mail in voting 20 years ago. And all of his concerns are still valid today.
Just dont try to blame republicans for the failures of soft-on-crime democrats

Or at least notice the lie when libs tell it

Chances are if it was you or a love one you'd want them to get a second chance. You'd see it the other way. It's why we don't let the victims family dole out the sentence. Right? So as a society do you disagree with letting murderers out? Are you sure? All murderers or just more? I would probably agree with you that we let animals out when we shouldn't. Much much much more scrutiny should be given before we let an animal out. He did what? Holy fuck is he going to do that again? That has to be our main concern. And they can be very convincing. I wish we looked closer at how they acted while in prison.

BUT, I remember this serial killer who was the model inmate after he murdered his parents. Years later they let him out. He even ran the bible study group. Total con man. Took years to pull that con off. When he got out went on a serial killer spree.
Bulllshit. Jimmy Carter questioned the use of mail in voting 20 years ago. And all of his concerns are still valid today.
He probably saw a lot of shady shit going on in red states where the black vote didn't seem to be showing up. Exit polling showed Republicans lost and Republicans said mail in voting is how they won. They manufactured those votes. Today, hopefully, we have Democrats watching Republicans in those red states but I doubt it.

We trust swing states and blue states.
We have mail in voting so Democrats can cheat and steal elections, period.
As pointed out, republicans tend to be more prone to vote, no matter what the obstacles put in their way. Democrats tend to put less effort into it.
So the harder it is to vote, shifts the voter turn out toward the republicans. The easier it is, the more it shifts it toward the democrats.
Bulllshit. Jimmy Carter questioned the use of mail in voting 20 years ago. And all of his concerns are still valid today.

It's 2023, there have been a lot of improvements. Concerns then are not valid today.

#1 Computer systems are vastly improved. Each individual ballot package is bar/QR coded not only to the individual, but as a uniquely serial numbered package.

#2 Much closer data systems between the USPS and the election office on valid addresses.

$3 Complete tracking of the mail-in ballot from request, to processing, to mailing, to return mail-in, to security validation.

#4 Ballot scanning technology where the security envelope is scanned which facilitates the examination of election teams in performing security evaluations. Not only is the ballot envelope scanned systems present side-by-side comparisons of the envelope and their current voter registration record and signatures. Some including all past mail-in ballot signatures and in my state a display of my DMV signature.

#5 Because each ballot package is tracked as a unique entity, there is instant available to election offices on the status of a voter. Such as do they have an outstanding mail-in package, preventing both mail-in and in-person duplicate votes being caste.

#6 Not only are we seeing improvement in the technology, but changes in the information that is submitted as part of multi-factor authentication as part of the security process. This includes such things as Date of Birth, full or partial Social Security Numbers, and/or State issued ID numbers (like drivers license), or the individuals unique Voter Registration Number.

All this prevents the "absentee voter fraud" that many feared in 2005 when the Carter Commission issued it's report close to 2 decades ago.

Welcome to the modern world where today you can track it all the way from beginning to end.

Just to point out.

When you request a mail-in ballot that ballot package is bar/QR coded not only to you personally, but also as to the package.

If you request a mail-in ballot package and don't receive it, the election office checks to see if it was generated and mailed. If so and it wasn't received, then they cancel that ballot package bar/QR code that it can't be used to vote.

The election office can then reissued a mailed ballot package, the person can then use early voting, or vote on election day.


So every vote mailed in has the QR code scanned prior to being counted? Even in those districts that continued to work after everyone else was sent home and the windows were covered up?
It's 2023, there have been a lot of improvements. Concerns then are not valid today.

#1 Computer systems are vastly improved. Each individual ballot package is bar/QR coded not only to the individual, but as a uniquely serial numbered package.

#2 Much closer data systems between the USPS and the election office on valid addresses.

$3 Complete tracking of the mail-in ballot from request, to processing, to mailing, to return mail-in, to security validation.

#4 Ballot scanning technology where the security envelope is scanned which facilitates the examination of election teams in performing security evaluations. Not only is the ballot envelope scanned systems present side-by-side comparisons of the envelope and their current voter registration record and signatures. Some including all past mail-in ballot signatures and in my state a display of my DMV signature.

#5 Because each ballot package is tracked as a unique entity, there is instant available to election offices on the status of a voter. Such as do they have an outstanding mail-in package, preventing both mail-in and in-person duplicate votes being caste.

#6 Not only are we seeing improvement in the technology, but changes in the information that is submitted as part of multi-factor authentication as part of the security process. This includes such things as Date of Birth, full or partial Social Security Numbers, and/or State issued ID numbers (like drivers license), or the individuals unique Voter Registration Number.

All this prevents the "absentee voter fraud" that many feared in 2005 when the Carter Commission issued it's report close to 2 decades ago.

Welcome to the modern world where today you can track it all the way from beginning to end.

Bullshit A dem operative goes into a nursing home and collects 100 ballots and stuffs them in a drop box.
And if it's in a Southern State you say it's a Democratically run city. Convienent.
hahaha….because all dirty, dangerous shitholes are Dem run.
So you have no experience or example of a big city where Republicans have solved the crime problem?
Democrats NEVER solve problems…they create them and then pretend they’re trying to solve them.
For whatever reason, Republicans are not an option to the citizens of Detroit. They believe you'll do worse. Or, they believe your policies are why the crime is so high. Economic opportunities or the lack of.
Dark people in dark shitholes are single issue voters…Dems own their filthy asses on the promise of free shit and the fuck whitey mantra.
And evidence shows uneducated whites are starting to commit more murder and rape and drug od's because in recent decades, their Home Depot jobs don't pay enough. Economic despair.
You’ll need to provide a link to that lying retarded bullshit because all white, all poor Appalachia is far safer than any diverse Dem run shithole.
"There's not much violent crime here. There's a bit of the usual enterprise one finds everywhere there are drugs and poor people, which is to say, everywhere. But even the crime here is pretty well predictable. The police chief's assistant notes that if they know the nature and location of a particular crime, they can more or less drive straight to the perpetrator.
There's a great deal of drug use, welfare fraud, and the like, but the overall crime rate throughout Appalachia is about two thirds the national average, and the rate of violent crime is half the national average."

So coming soon to a Republican run city near you is fentynol and murder. Why? Because to Republicans, they're n*#*$s too.
hahaha….Because you say so huh? We believe you.

Bullshit A dem operative goes into a nursing home and collects 100 ballots and stuffs them in a drop box.

In most states, medical professionals collecting completed mail-in ballots is perfectly legal.

You think grandma in a walker is going to hump miles to get to either a drop box or a mail box?

hahaha….because all dirty, dangerous shitholes are Dem run.

Democrats NEVER solve problems…they create them and then pretend they’re trying to solve them.

Dark people in dark shitholes are single issue voters…Dems own their filthy asses on the promise of free shit and the fuck whitey mantra.

You’ll need to provide a link to that lying retarded bullshit because all white, all poor Appalachia is far safer than any diverse Dem run shithole.
"There's not much violent crime here. There's a bit of the usual enterprise one finds everywhere there are drugs and poor people, which is to say, everywhere. But even the crime here is pretty well predictable. The police chief's assistant notes that if they know the nature and location of a particular crime, they can more or less drive straight to the perpetrator.
There's a great deal of drug use, welfare fraud, and the like, but the overall crime rate throughout Appalachia is about two thirds the national average, and the rate of violent crime is half the national average."

hahaha….Because you say so huh? We believe you.


Specifically white uneducated Americans. Everyone else is used to being shit on. But not white uneducated people. They've been coddled for centuries. When finally all their best jobs went overseas in the Bush years, that's when they started falling apart. That's when we started noticing they are the biggest snowflakes.

The people who benefited from white priviledge and told blacks to pick themselves up by their bootstraps and quit making excuses, as soon as they went from Big 3 jobs to Walmart and Home Depot pay, they went right to fentynol and crime.

And it's not just white uneducated men. It's also white uneducated women too. That's the most interesting and telling part of the study.

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