Magaphobia On The Rise: Woman Attacks Man In Mexican Restaurant For Wearing MAGA Hat

It's apparent that Magaphobia is on the rise and it's getting worse. An unhinged magaphobic woman decided to attack an innocent man for wearing his prestigious Make America Great Again hat. The end results did not turn out in her favor.

Woman assaults man wearing ‘MAGA’ hat at Mexican eatery, claims she's the victim, video shows
Wear the hat & might as well broadcast that you support bigotry & hate. I know it is hard for you Trumpettes to understand but most people don;t like bigotry & hate. You display it,expect a backlash & not run crying when a woman knocks your hat off.

Ummm, no!

So by your standards someone can knock the shit out of someone if they wear a Malcolm X hat or Barack Obama T-Shirt.

The hat is just a hat and to say it stand for anything is just plain stupid!

Next you will support Cubs fans beating up Astros fans because Illinois is Blue and Texas is Red...

Oh fuck off,. Trump encouraged far more violence than that.

Knocking off a hat is not assaulting someone unless you are a panty waisted MAGA hat weary Trumpette pussy.

Don't think that's assault? Try it on a cop

Oh please. You wear the MAGA hat in support of Trump. Trump spews hate & bigotry. Therefore wearing the MAGA says the wearer does too
Black unemployment = all time low
Hispanic unemployment = all time low

This is what's causing you guys to melt down.
Go pound sand.

Exxxxxactly. The real bigotry was 50 years of failure on the Democrat plantation.

It's apparent that Magaphobia is on the rise and it's getting worse. An unhinged magaphobic woman decided to attack an innocent man for wearing his prestigious Make America Great Again hat. The end results did not turn out in her favor.

Woman assaults man wearing ‘MAGA’ hat at Mexican eatery, claims she's the victim, video shows
Wear the hat & might as well broadcast that you support bigotry & hate. I know it is hard for you Trumpettes to understand but most people don;t like bigotry & hate. You display it,expect a backlash & not run crying when a woman knocks your hat off.
Thanks for proving you suffer from magaphobia!
The man should have gotten up and just flattened that woman. He should have broke her jaw and left her unconscious.
I remember the time wife and I wore White Pride World Wide shirts into a mexican some odd looks like we were crazy gringo's LMAO. It wasn't planned we had come from a relatives house and were hungry and had never ate there so we stopped and ate.
It's apparent that Magaphobia is on the rise and it's getting worse. An unhinged magaphobic woman decided to attack an innocent man for wearing his prestigious Make America Great Again hat. The end results did not turn out in her favor.

Woman assaults man wearing ‘MAGA’ hat at Mexican eatery, claims she's the victim, video shows

Please summit police report. There should be one.

And when you get to the summit of that police report, for pity's sake, stick a flag in it!!!

No I insist, because Fox from now on should post a footnote to the police report, they need to show where they go info from. In my case I do not believe this crap.

Just to take information from the Coastguard man and his white supremacy and hatred for Democrats that planned a huge terrorist attack that the Potus has not even tweeted about, this crap is on Fox News and very little about the coastguard man.
The irony is, you brought the hate on yourself. Maybe you shouldn't of cheered Hillary when she called half of america, deplorable.
Lying fuck.

She called half of Trumpettes deplorables. Abn accurate statement.
It's apparent that Magaphobia is on the rise and it's getting worse. An unhinged magaphobic woman decided to attack an innocent man for wearing his prestigious Make America Great Again hat. The end results did not turn out in her favor.

Woman assaults man wearing ‘MAGA’ hat at Mexican eatery, claims she's the victim, video shows

Please summit police report. There should be one.

And when you get to the summit of that police report, for pity's sake, stick a flag in it!!!

No I insist, because Fox from now on should post a footnote to the police report, they need to show where they go info from. In my case I do not believe this crap.

Just to take information from the Coastguard man and his white supremacy and hatred for Democrats that planned a huge terrorist attack that the Potus has not even tweeted about, this crap is on Fox News and very little about the coastguard man.
The irony is, you brought the hate on yourself. Maybe you shouldn't of cheered Hillary when she called half of america, deplorable.
Lying fuck.

She called half of Trumpettes deplorables. Abn accurate statement.
She called Trump supporters a basket of deplorables. Which is almost half of america. Plus she thinks all minorities look alike. So she is also a racist.
Give her a suspended sentence, and then deport her ass, with the proviso that if she is ever in the country again, she does the time.

Also, look everyone involved in her life. Was she sponsored? Anyone who sponsored her, should be deported to. Did she sponsor anyone? Look at them. Are they pieces of shit too? Deport them.
and the little man didn't like a female calling him names, and so he called the cops. snowflake.
and the little man didn't like a female calling him names, and so he called the cops. snowflake.

Suck it:

"According to court documents, Rosaine Santos, 41, is accused of first verbally assaulting the man, then hitting him on the head...

The video shows Santos yelling at Turner and grabbing and pulling his hat off."

Police Charge Falmouth Woman With Assaulting Man Wearing ‘MAGA’ Hat

I can't stand Trump, and I think most of his sycophantic worshipers are too blinded by their distaste for their "opposition" to rationally evaluate his performance in office (as long as someone is poking a finger in the eyes of the left, they're happy), but that's assault no matter how you slice it... It may not be brutal, but no one has the right to do what she did...

So, again, suck it.
It's apparent that Magaphobia is on the rise and it's getting worse. An unhinged magaphobic woman decided to attack an innocent man for wearing his prestigious Make America Great Again hat. The end results did not turn out in her favor.

Woman assaults man wearing ‘MAGA’ hat at Mexican eatery, claims she's the victim, video shows
Wear the hat & might as well broadcast that you support bigotry & hate. I know it is hard for you Trumpettes to understand but most people don;t like bigotry & hate. You display it,expect a backlash & not run crying when a woman knocks your hat off.
^ This left wing position is why Trump is president.
It's apparent that Magaphobia is on the rise and it's getting worse. An unhinged magaphobic woman decided to attack an innocent man for wearing his prestigious Make America Great Again hat. The end results did not turn out in her favor.

Woman assaults man wearing ‘MAGA’ hat at Mexican eatery, claims she's the victim, video shows
Wear the hat & might as well broadcast that you support bigotry & hate. I know it is hard for you Trumpettes to understand but most people don;t like bigotry & hate. You display it,expect a backlash & not run crying when a woman knocks your hat off.
^ This left wing position is why Trump is president.
Don't blame others for your stupidity.
It's apparent that Magaphobia is on the rise and it's getting worse. An unhinged magaphobic woman decided to attack an innocent man for wearing his prestigious Make America Great Again hat. The end results did not turn out in her favor.

Woman assaults man wearing ‘MAGA’ hat at Mexican eatery, claims she's the victim, video shows

Know as party of slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, KKK, and lynching laws, Democrats invented yet another of their masterpiece work... "modern day lynching".
Yet, who are the nazis again? Who are the evil mean spirited intolerant folks again? Who resorts to physical violence again?

A Massachusetts woman has been charged with assault and battery and disorderly conduct after attacking a man wearing a Make America Great Again (MAGA) hat in a bar last week, NECN News reported.

Police in Falmouth, Mass., were called to the Casa Vallarta bar at about 8 p.m. Friday after Rosiane Santos, 41, allegedly went on a drunken rampage, verbally assaulting and attacking a man who says he was minding his own business.

Bryton Turner said it was due to the MAGA hat he was wearing.

Turner recorded the incident with his phone saying, "Ignorant people like this. I'm just trying to sit here, eat a nice meal."

The video shows Santos walking up behind Turner and knocking the hat off his head.

"That's the problem with America these days. People are just ignorant. They want to lash out on people who are educated," Turner said in the video.

He said he wasn't going to press charges, but then she tried to grab his hat again in front of four police officers. "Not smart," he said. "There she is getting cuffed. Have a nice night in the cell, Rosie."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Another mentally unstable liberal snowflake was triggered by a red MAGA hat and attacked its wearer.

Answering Hillary's call for a lack of civility and more violent intolerance, the woman abandoned all civility to throw a tantrum in response to a MAGA-hat wearing customer in a restaurant.

The Trump supporters began filming the woman's meltdown using his phone to do so. She assaulted the man, attempting to knock the hat from his head.

This snowflake was arrested for assault, having to learn the hard way that snowflakes are NOT allowed to put their hands on anyone else.

The woman told police she had been drinking but tried to flip the script by claiming SHE was the VICTIM of discrimination because a Trump supporter was wearing a hat showing support for the President and the message promoting 'Make America Great Again'.

The police did their part in trying to make America great again by taking her criminal violent ass to jail!


Woman arrested for assaulting man wearing MAGA hat on Cape Cod


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