Louie Gohmert calls for RICO probe to find out who's paying for Honduras migrant caravan

Louie seems to be the only politician that has any interest in this much asked question right here on USMB!

Who's financing the Honduras migrant caravan of illegal immigrants, with as many as 10,000 snaking their way into illegally entering the U.S.?

Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas has a sensible suggestion for finding out: using the RICO statutes. According to the Washington Examiner, citing Fox News, Gohmert said:

We have got to have the DOJ investigate where the funding is coming from to send these thousands and thousands of people to the U.S. ... You can use RICO to go after them.

The question, which the incurious media show no sign of wanting to answer, is worth asking, given the expense the taxpayers will be saddled with as thousands of them openly climb over border fences, dare border officials to fire on them to stop them, worm their way in through asylum legal maneuvering, or put up big sob stories with photos of mothers and crying children as a means to get in and get the benefit packages. It's a certainty that quite a few will get in, unless President Trump can be genuinely effective at stopping them, and right now that's not a certainty.

Read more at americanthinker.com ..

Find whose paying for it lmfao, it doesn't take much to know it's coming from SOROS, anything using investigation has already been compromised that way they can blame just the one they want to when it's not the person at all. But because sheep feel so comfy and deep heartedly trust their little Gov. parents they will take it as a solid " thats who did it" ..

When they come out and say who we already know it is , that's a different story. Obviously they were not compromised.
Pay who and for what? The marchers were told to bring their own provisions and money for the march. The Mexican government, both local and federal is providing porta potties and water along the way. In Mexico, there is a lot of sympathy and support for the marchers. In fact, many Mexicans have joined the March.

So what you're telling me is that people who are so poor in Honduras that they feel the need to migrate to the US are paying an estimated $7,000 per person to make the trip to the US? Something's not right with that concept, Flopper. Someone has to be footing the bill for food, gasoline and all those rows of tents people are sleeping in. Since the average per capita income in Honduras is slightly above $2,000...you're talking about someone shelling out over three times their yearly income to make this move! Think about that! Where is that money coming from? It's obviously NOT coming from the marchers themselves! So who is it that's footing the bill for this?
No, they done need $7,000 a person for a 35 day trip on foot. $200 a day for walkers sleeping on the side of the road is ridiculous. Of course they have needs and they have have money. These people are not indigents. They were told when they started that they are responsible for their personal expenses.

This caravan started with 150 people in Northern Honduras. Hundreds more jointed as the caravan made it's way through Honduras and Guatemala. Thousands have joined the caravan in Mexico. Most will not make it to the US border.

Every year for over 15 years, Pueblo Sin Fronteras, a human rights group that supports open boarders has organized this caravan. They claim to have organized over a 1000 caravans in Central and South American.

Pueblo Sin Fronteras has 3 trucks in this caravan to provide water and emergency aid. They do have some large tents but certainly not enough for thousands of people. They claim they are supported by local merchants, internet contributions, and contributions by other human rights groups. There is no evidence that the Democratic Party or any billionaires are supporting this march.

This whole thing is pretty silly. These caravans are media events that provide organizations like Pueblo Sin Fronteras the coverage they need to publicize the plight of the refuges and to raise funds. Less than 1% are given asylum.

The US should not accept applications for asylum at the border. Applications should be accepted from within the US and at any US consulate or US embassy. Of course that's not going happen. Trump needs these caravans to support his demand for a wall. For media it's a huge even. Liberal organizations like Pueblo Sin Fronteras would disappear.
Louie seems to be the only politician that has any interest in this much asked question right here on USMB!

Who's financing the Honduras migrant caravan of illegal immigrants, with as many as 10,000 snaking their way into illegally entering the U.S.?

Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas has a sensible suggestion for finding out: using the RICO statutes. According to the Washington Examiner, citing Fox News, Gohmert said:

We have got to have the DOJ investigate where the funding is coming from to send these thousands and thousands of people to the U.S. ... You can use RICO to go after them.

The question, which the incurious media show no sign of wanting to answer, is worth asking, given the expense the taxpayers will be saddled with as thousands of them openly climb over border fences, dare border officials to fire on them to stop them, worm their way in through asylum legal maneuvering, or put up big sob stories with photos of mothers and crying children as a means to get in and get the benefit packages. It's a certainty that quite a few will get in, unless President Trump can be genuinely effective at stopping them, and right now that's not a certainty.

Read more at americanthinker.com ..

Find whose paying for it lmfao, it doesn't take much to know it's coming from SOROS, anything using investigation has already been compromised that way they can blame just the one they want to when it's not the person at all. But because sheep feel so comfy and deep heartedly trust their little Gov. parents they will take it as a solid " thats who did it" ..

When they come out and say who we already know it is , that's a different story. Obviously they were not compromised.
Pay who and for what? The marchers were told to bring their own provisions and money for the march. The Mexican government, both local and federal is providing porta potties and water along the way. In Mexico, there is a lot of sympathy and support for the marchers. In fact, many Mexicans have joined the March.

So what you're telling me is that people who are so poor in Honduras that they feel the need to migrate to the US are paying an estimated $7,000 per person to make the trip to the US? Something's not right with that concept, Flopper. Someone has to be footing the bill for food, gasoline and all those rows of tents people are sleeping in. Since the average per capita income in Honduras is slightly above $2,000...you're talking about someone shelling out over three times their yearly income to make this move! Think about that! Where is that money coming from? It's obviously NOT coming from the marchers themselves! So who is it that's footing the bill for this?
No, they done need $7,000 a person for a 35 day trip on foot. $200 a day for walkers sleeping on the side of the road is ridiculous. Of course they have needs and they have have money. These people are not indigents. They were told when they started that they are responsible for their personal expenses.

This caravan started with 150 people in Northern Honduras. Hundreds more jointed as the caravan made it's way through Honduras and Guatemala. Thousands have joined the caravan in Mexico. Most will not make it to the US border.

Every year for over 15 years, Pueblo Sin Fronteras, a human rights group that supports open boarders has organized this caravan. They claim to have organized over a 1000 caravans in Central and South American.

Pueblo Sin Fronteras has 3 trucks in this caravan to provide water and emergency aid. They do have some large tents but certainly not enough for thousands of people. They claim they are supported by local merchants, internet contributions, and contributions by other human rights groups. There is no evidence that the Democratic Party or any billionaires are supporting this march.

This whole thing is pretty silly. These caravans are media events that provide organizations like Pueblo Sin Fronteras the coverage they need to publicize the plight of the refuges and to raise funds. Less than 1% are given asylum.

The US should not accept applications for asylum at the border. Applications should be accepted from within the US and at any US consulate or US embassy. Of course that's not going happen. Trump needs these caravans to support his demand for a wall. For media it's a huge even. Liberal organizations like Pueblo Sin Fronteras would disappear.

If the average income for someone from Honduras is $2,000...it's logical to assume the people who are in this caravan are most likely below that average income. So explain to me how it is that someone making that little money suddenly has the funds saved up to pay for this trip? I think someone with deep pockets is footing the bill for the majority of this and I'd frankly be shocked if George Soros isn't the guy.
This dopey thread and the concept behind it is promoting ignoring and repealing Constitutional Rights of American citizens through the threat of some kind of bogus investigation to learn which Americans may be supporting a legal activity, but one that one partisan political group is opposed to. It's calling for government funds and resources to harass Americans for conducting Constitutionally protected activities. It's called fascism.
There is no constitutional right to organize and finance a mob of thousands storming our borders and demanding entry.
It's a hostile threatening action when combined with sympathizers and quislings in the US who are ready to
take up their lawless cause in a bloodless assault on our nation.
It's called an attack and we have a right to know who is responsible.

Standing up for people who are fearful for their life if they go back is not assaulting the nation. This is what this nation was built on since the days the Pilgrims landed seeking religious freedom. If there is a mob it is Trump and his alt-right supporters like you.
There are proper channels for legitimate refugees. Joining in a mob of thousands and pushing over fences and fighting with cops is not the proper method.
If we left things up to fools like you much of Central America would be here living on the US dole and most of Africa and Asia would not be far behind.

How many refugees have you taken into your home, sport?

They have not been fighting with cops. Since they have not arrived, you cannot state they are doing the wrong thing. These drug cartels that are a huge problem in these countries are financed by the desire for drugs in the US. We are responsible for it. We should be discussing the problem with our allies but Trump has alienated our allies.
Are you also going to deny the mob has been tearing down fences designed to keep them out of Mexico?
I can state this mob is doing the wrong thing based on how they've broken their way into Mexico and have turned down
offers of asylum in that country (Mexico) and benefits thereof which demonstrates they aren't looking to truly
gain refuge unless they can get a free ride from Uncle Scam, courtesy of US tax payer.

And if you are telling me the US is the only market for illegal drugs around then you are even more full of crap than I originally thought, and that's saying something. You know what alienates allies? Standing back and letting a mob
loose on your allies. You are truly full of it.
Liberals on Ice

Just like Mexico did, we can let the Mayan mass through on its way to Canada. Make it True-D'oh!'s problem.
Why is everything so difficult for congress? Gohment should be able to put a call into the CIA and get the freaking answer in half a day. That's what the CIA is supposed to be doing. The problem is that left wing operatives in the the CIA and the radical democrat faction are working against the welfare of the U.S. for political purposes. Drain the freaking swamp.
Things are difficult for congress because within each party, the congress, government officials, and the people are deeply divided in their beliefs. Feelings are so strong that cooperation and compromise is seen as weakness. Until there is real leadership dedicated to bringing the nation together, there will be little real progress. What one party accomplishes can be quickly erases by the other party that gets control of government.
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Oh, please! Yes ..STEALING CHILDREN! What else do you call it? And now the pot/kettle argument of why-didn't-Regan/Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama-fix-it. They all tried to take steps. I don't have a thumb-tip history, but I remember that all Obama could get from the McConnell Senate and Boehner House is DACA and incessant stonewalling.

But that was then and this is now. What are we going to do NOW? I want to sort thru the applicants and you want to send in the US Army. See any chance of a compromise there?

So when parents break the law and have their children removed from their custody...something that happens every single day all across America...is that the authorities "stealing" their children? Obviously not! So what's different about this? It's not been politicized...that's what! By the way...those same children that you deem to have been "stolen" from their parents very likely had just been put in danger by those very same parents when they made the journey to come to America! When we removed them from their parents they were fed, clothed, housed in air conditioned and safe lodging and even schooled! The truth is...most of those kids have never been treated BETTER than they were when they were "stolen"!

As for your claim that it was the McConnell Senate and the Boehner House that kept Democrats from passing immigration reform? That is LAUGHABLE! Democrats controlled the House! Democrats controlled the Senate! Democrats controlled the White House! They passed ObamaCare and the GOP was powerless to stop it! So why didn't they also pass immigration reform? Why? BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T WANT TO BECAUSE THEY WANTED TO USE IMMIGRATION AGAINST THE GOP!!!
I think you got your first paragraph from German archives. I think that's what they told themselves when they 'absorbed' Polish (blond) children and placed them in German homes.

You've made the so-called "Obamacare" (the ACA) into a thing of Republican-led contempt and only wanted to stop it because you feared Obama's popularity. Republican added some 60 amendments that were compromised into the bill and then all voted against it, making it crystal clear that McConnell did a little adjusting among his troops. Did it ever occur to you most folks wanted it, even knowing it was imperfect. It was still better than what they had. I also think that in spite of the Republican ads about keeping pre-existing conditions that are lies because they are suing to allow insurers to charge more even as they tell you otherwise, I guess you think that one will go over big in Duptopia too?

LOL...so now I'm a Nazi because I point out that the children separated from their parents were probably treated better by us...than they were by their parents? I wish you on the left would lay off all the Nazi references...it's ridiculous and makes you look foolish!
Actually, most folks do lay off the Nazi references. But I cannot help but get chills since I grew up in that period. And I so regret that new generations have grown that do not remember the results of an event that began so similar to today's political climate. When I see a Trump Rally, I cannot help but think of Nuremberg. I remember seeing the adoration on the faces of the crowd as he spoke while he gathered power over the people and surrounded himself with willing confederates. Those who spoke out died first.
Oldstyle, there's a place in the Bible that I quote to myself a lot from the Book of Exodus.
You know the story...about how Joseph got sent to Egypt and worked his way up to Pharoah's BFF because of his wisdom and saving the King's butt by being prepared for famine. But the first chapter of Exodus has one line that explains the whole misery that followed for the line of Jacob. It says, 'and there rose up a Pharoah who knew not Joseph'.

When I look at today's divisiveness and chaos and continual discord here in the land of e pluribus unum, I think of that line.... when I wonder how a land of highest intellect and culture and schools could devolve into the monster of the 20th century, and then look around at seeming parallels..I bite the bullet for the scorn I know you will spew at reminders that there rose up a generation that knew not how the holocaust all began.

What do Donald J. Trump's policies have to do with the holocaust? That's the most absurd analogy I've heard on here in a LONG time! There was divisiveness and discord before Trump even decided to run! Has it gotten worse since Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in what was a shocking election to you on the left? Oh yeah!!! I hate to break this to you, Bullwinkle...but that's happening because you progressives are poor losers! REALLY POOR LOSERS!!! You can't seem to grasp that the electorate wasn't on board with your agenda...don't like the leaders of your party very much...and are starting to view you as the Party of Smear! That's on YOU...not on Donald Trump!
The electorate by a margin of 3 million votes said no to the conservative agenda and Donald Trump.
We aren't trying to populate a growing and largely empty nineteenth century America with settlers and workers anymore.
Since the sixties and Teddy Kennedy's "immigration reform" law the goal has been to stop bringing white people into America in favor of anything and anybody else.

We pump billions in foreign aid into Central American countries so their incredibly corrupt and inept governments can fight the gangs of cartels and at least make their nations habitable but to hear the apologists living in a city like Managua, Nicaragua is like living in Fellujah, Iraq at the height of war.

The reality of the situation is somewhat different.

"Nicaragua has low overall reported crime rates; however, U.S. citizens experience a significant number of violent and non-violent crimes. The most frequently reported crime is theft, but U.S. citizens have also reported sexual assaults and other violent incidents while in Nicaragua." Nicaragua 2017 Crime & Safety Report
Contrary to popular conception, foreign aid is not a unilateral gift. There are always strings attached to Foreign aid, flyover rights, a military base, a trade treaty, cooperation on illegal drug trafficking, immigration, extradition rights, etc. Foreign aid, is a big negotiating chip when dealing with small countries. In other words, foreign aid makes it more difficult for a country to oppose the US.
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Louie seems to be the only politician that has any interest in this much asked question right here on USMB!

Who's financing the Honduras migrant caravan of illegal immigrants, with as many as 10,000 snaking their way into illegally entering the U.S.?

Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas has a sensible suggestion for finding out: using the RICO statutes. According to the Washington Examiner, citing Fox News, Gohmert said:

We have got to have the DOJ investigate where the funding is coming from to send these thousands and thousands of people to the U.S. ... You can use RICO to go after them.

The question, which the incurious media show no sign of wanting to answer, is worth asking, given the expense the taxpayers will be saddled with as thousands of them openly climb over border fences, dare border officials to fire on them to stop them, worm their way in through asylum legal maneuvering, or put up big sob stories with photos of mothers and crying children as a means to get in and get the benefit packages. It's a certainty that quite a few will get in, unless President Trump can be genuinely effective at stopping them, and right now that's not a certainty.

Read more at americanthinker.com ..

Find whose paying for it lmfao, it doesn't take much to know it's coming from SOROS, anything using investigation has already been compromised that way they can blame just the one they want to when it's not the person at all. But because sheep feel so comfy and deep heartedly trust their little Gov. parents they will take it as a solid " thats who did it" ..

When they come out and say who we already know it is , that's a different story. Obviously they were not compromised.
Pay who and for what? The marchers were told to bring their own provisions and money for the march. The Mexican government, both local and federal is providing porta potties and water along the way. In Mexico, there is a lot of sympathy and support for the marchers. In fact, many Mexicans have joined the March.

So what you're telling me is that people who are so poor in Honduras that they feel the need to migrate to the US are paying an estimated $7,000 per person to make the trip to the US? Something's not right with that concept, Flopper. Someone has to be footing the bill for food, gasoline and all those rows of tents people are sleeping in. Since the average per capita income in Honduras is slightly above $2,000...you're talking about someone shelling out over three times their yearly income to make this move! Think about that! Where is that money coming from? It's obviously NOT coming from the marchers themselves! So who is it that's footing the bill for this?
No, they done need $7,000 a person for a 35 day trip on foot. $200 a day for walkers sleeping on the side of the road is ridiculous. Of course they have needs and they have have money. These people are not indigents. They were told when they started that they are responsible for their personal expenses.

This caravan started with 150 people in Northern Honduras. Hundreds more jointed as the caravan made it's way through Honduras and Guatemala. Thousands have joined the caravan in Mexico. Most will not make it to the US border.

Every year for over 15 years, Pueblo Sin Fronteras, a human rights group that supports open boarders has organized this caravan. They claim to have organized over a 1000 caravans in Central and South American.

Pueblo Sin Fronteras has 3 trucks in this caravan to provide water and emergency aid. They do have some large tents but certainly not enough for thousands of people. They claim they are supported by local merchants, internet contributions, and contributions by other human rights groups. There is no evidence that the Democratic Party or any billionaires are supporting this march.

This whole thing is pretty silly. These caravans are media events that provide organizations like Pueblo Sin Fronteras the coverage they need to publicize the plight of the refuges and to raise funds. Less than 1% are given asylum.

The US should not accept applications for asylum at the border. Applications should be accepted from within the US and at any US consulate or US embassy. Of course that's not going happen. Trump needs these caravans to support his demand for a wall. For media it's a huge even. Liberal organizations like Pueblo Sin Fronteras would disappear.

If the average income for someone from Honduras is $2,000...it's logical to assume the people who are in this caravan are most likely below that average income. So explain to me how it is that someone making that little money suddenly has the funds saved up to pay for this trip? I think someone with deep pockets is footing the bill for the majority of this and I'd frankly be shocked if George Soros isn't the guy.
If someone like Soros was putting up the money, the caravan would be a lot bigger. However, there is no evidence he supported it.
The current caravan started in Honduras with only 150 people. Most of the people that joined the Caravan came from Mexico and Guatemala.

The average gross salary in Honduras is $22,237 US/yr. The poorest make around $2,000 a year. However the poorest people are not on these caravans because they can't afford it.

Traveling by foot across Mexico is very cheap if you're sleeping on the side of the road and eating food from roadside bodegas. You can get by on $10/day easily if you live like the natives. However, most of the people that joint these caravans never complete the journey, probably because they run out of money.

Pueblo Sin Fronteras solicits donation online and has fund raising all over Central America. They list their patrons on their website. This is really the only evidence of who supports them.

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We aren't trying to populate a growing and largely empty nineteenth century America with settlers and workers anymore.
Since the sixties and Teddy Kennedy's "immigration reform" law the goal has been to stop bringing white people into America in favor of anything and anybody else.

We pump billions in foreign aid into Central American countries so their incredibly corrupt and inept governments can fight the gangs of cartels and at least make their nations habitable but to hear the apologists living in a city like Managua, Nicaragua is like living in Fellujah, Iraq at the height of war.

The reality of the situation is somewhat different.

"Nicaragua has low overall reported crime rates; however, U.S. citizens experience a significant number of violent and non-violent crimes. The most frequently reported crime is theft, but U.S. citizens have also reported sexual assaults and other violent incidents while in Nicaragua." Nicaragua 2017 Crime & Safety Report
Contrary to popular conception, foreign aid is not a unilateral gift. There are always strings attached to Foreign aid, flyover rights, a military base, a trade treaty, cooperation on illegal drug trafficking, immigration, extradition rights, etc. Foreign aid, is a big negotiating chip when dealing with small countries. In other words, foreign aid makes it more difficult for a country to oppose the US.
Not difficult enough, obviously. One of those conditions should be stopping nations like Nicaragua from letting mobs of
gangsters, women and children (escorted and not), already deported people, etc. use their country as a staging area for mass movements of people showing up on our border demanding entrance.

Because we know once they get here the fifth column of sympathizers and open borders advocates, already in place, will ramp up their endless campaign of propaganda, disinformation and political pressure to make America the world's soup kitchen and flop house with benefits, for whoever gets here and puts their hand out, and the precedence that would set would be a green light for the endless waves of "refugees" that would surely follow.
We aren't trying to populate a growing and largely empty nineteenth century America with settlers and workers anymore.
Since the sixties and Teddy Kennedy's "immigration reform" law the goal has been to stop bringing white people into America in favor of anything and anybody else.

We pump billions in foreign aid into Central American countries so their incredibly corrupt and inept governments can fight the gangs of cartels and at least make their nations habitable but to hear the apologists living in a city like Managua, Nicaragua is like living in Fellujah, Iraq at the height of war.

The reality of the situation is somewhat different.

"Nicaragua has low overall reported crime rates; however, U.S. citizens experience a significant number of violent and non-violent crimes. The most frequently reported crime is theft, but U.S. citizens have also reported sexual assaults and other violent incidents while in Nicaragua." Nicaragua 2017 Crime & Safety Report
Contrary to popular conception, foreign aid is not a unilateral gift. There are always strings attached to Foreign aid, flyover rights, a military base, a trade treaty, cooperation on illegal drug trafficking, immigration, extradition rights, etc. Foreign aid, is a big negotiating chip when dealing with small countries. In other words, foreign aid makes it more difficult for a country to oppose the US.
Not difficult enough, obviously. One of those conditions should be stopping nations like Nicaragua from letting mobs of
gangsters, women and children (escorted and not), already deported people, etc. use their country as a staging area for mass movements of people showing up on our border demanding entrance.

Because we know once they get here the fifth column of sympathizers and open borders advocates, already in place, will ramp up their endless campaign of propaganda, disinformation and political pressure to make America the world's soup kitchen and flop house with benefits, for whoever gets here and puts their hand out, and the precedence that would set would be a green light for the endless waves of "refugees" that would surely follow.
Nicaragua’s “containment wall” at it's borders effectively block most migrants.
We aren't trying to populate a growing and largely empty nineteenth century America with settlers and workers anymore.
Since the sixties and Teddy Kennedy's "immigration reform" law the goal has been to stop bringing white people into America in favor of anything and anybody else.

We pump billions in foreign aid into Central American countries so their incredibly corrupt and inept governments can fight the gangs of cartels and at least make their nations habitable but to hear the apologists living in a city like Managua, Nicaragua is like living in Fellujah, Iraq at the height of war.

The reality of the situation is somewhat different.

"Nicaragua has low overall reported crime rates; however, U.S. citizens experience a significant number of violent and non-violent crimes. The most frequently reported crime is theft, but U.S. citizens have also reported sexual assaults and other violent incidents while in Nicaragua." Nicaragua 2017 Crime & Safety Report
Contrary to popular conception, foreign aid is not a unilateral gift. There are always strings attached to Foreign aid, flyover rights, a military base, a trade treaty, cooperation on illegal drug trafficking, immigration, extradition rights, etc. Foreign aid, is a big negotiating chip when dealing with small countries. In other words, foreign aid makes it more difficult for a country to oppose the US.
Not difficult enough, obviously. One of those conditions should be stopping nations like Nicaragua from letting mobs of
gangsters, women and children (escorted and not), already deported people, etc. use their country as a staging area for mass movements of people showing up on our border demanding entrance.

Because we know once they get here the fifth column of sympathizers and open borders advocates, already in place, will ramp up their endless campaign of propaganda, disinformation and political pressure to make America the world's soup kitchen and flop house with benefits, for whoever gets here and puts their hand out, and the precedence that would set would be a green light for the endless waves of "refugees" that would surely follow.
Nicaragua’s “containment wall” at it's borders effectively block most migrants.
How do you account for the many caravans of migrants leaving Nicaragua then? Maybe your definition of "effectively"
is different than that of most standard dictionarys.
We aren't trying to populate a growing and largely empty nineteenth century America with settlers and workers anymore.
Since the sixties and Teddy Kennedy's "immigration reform" law the goal has been to stop bringing white people into America in favor of anything and anybody else.

We pump billions in foreign aid into Central American countries so their incredibly corrupt and inept governments can fight the gangs of cartels and at least make their nations habitable but to hear the apologists living in a city like Managua, Nicaragua is like living in Fellujah, Iraq at the height of war.

The reality of the situation is somewhat different.

"Nicaragua has low overall reported crime rates; however, U.S. citizens experience a significant number of violent and non-violent crimes. The most frequently reported crime is theft, but U.S. citizens have also reported sexual assaults and other violent incidents while in Nicaragua." Nicaragua 2017 Crime & Safety Report
Contrary to popular conception, foreign aid is not a unilateral gift. There are always strings attached to Foreign aid, flyover rights, a military base, a trade treaty, cooperation on illegal drug trafficking, immigration, extradition rights, etc. Foreign aid, is a big negotiating chip when dealing with small countries. In other words, foreign aid makes it more difficult for a country to oppose the US.
Not difficult enough, obviously. One of those conditions should be stopping nations like Nicaragua from letting mobs of
gangsters, women and children (escorted and not), already deported people, etc. use their country as a staging area for mass movements of people showing up on our border demanding entrance.

Because we know once they get here the fifth column of sympathizers and open borders advocates, already in place, will ramp up their endless campaign of propaganda, disinformation and political pressure to make America the world's soup kitchen and flop house with benefits, for whoever gets here and puts their hand out, and the precedence that would set would be a green light for the endless waves of "refugees" that would surely follow.
Nicaragua’s “containment wall” at it's borders effectively block most migrants.
How do you account for the many caravans of migrants leaving Nicaragua then? Maybe your definition of "effectively"
is different than that of most standard dictionarys.
I don't know of any large caravans coming out of Nicaragua. There are a relatively tiny number of Nicaraguans who have tried a caravan to join with Hondurans. Nicaragua has barricades on all roads leading north or south at their border.
Fake News. Must not have provided much much because most of them are walking and begging for food and shelter on the way. The majority have dropped out and looking for a way back home.
You radical right wingers will believe anything and if you do not have anything to believe you will make up something.
Actually, most folks do lay off the Nazi references. But I cannot help but get chills since I grew up in that period. And I so regret that new generations have grown that do not remember the results of an event that began so similar to today's political climate. When I see a Trump Rally, I cannot help but think of Nuremberg. I remember seeing the adoration on the faces of the crowd as he spoke while he gathered power over the people and surrounded himself with willing confederates. Those who spoke out died first.
Oldstyle, there's a place in the Bible that I quote to myself a lot from the Book of Exodus.
You know the story...about how Joseph got sent to Egypt and worked his way up to Pharoah's BFF because of his wisdom and saving the King's butt by being prepared for famine. But the first chapter of Exodus has one line that explains the whole misery that followed for the line of Jacob. It says, 'and there rose up a Pharoah who knew not Joseph'.

When I look at today's divisiveness and chaos and continual discord here in the land of e pluribus unum, I think of that line.... when I wonder how a land of highest intellect and culture and schools could devolve into the monster of the 20th century, and then look around at seeming parallels..I bite the bullet for the scorn I know you will spew at reminders that there rose up a generation that knew not how the holocaust all began.

I'm curious...did the adoration on the faces of the crowd when Barack Obama spoke give you the same chills? Or is it just adoration on the faces of people who aren't liberals that make you "chilly"? (eye roll)
Nope, I didn't get concerned 'chills' re Obama. I may think that the chest-clutching devotion I saw on some was a bit overboard, but most of it was youngsters who feel everything a little deeper than their more experienced elders. However, the key is the message they are hearing. I also get that same feeling I saw on our kids when Obama get elected of 'chill thrill' when I hear "Amazing Grace" or the " Battle Hymn of the Republic" by a good voice or group of voices.

Oldstyle, you agree with the message Trump is tossing like paper towels to he devotees, but if you could stretch enough to step into my shoes you would hear the same old 'aryan' message our fathers heard of everything to restrictions on some citizens (voter suppression), the cultish adoration of a person, the slow building of a conforming exec branch force (Newt Gingrich Suggests Kavanaugh Could Block Democratic Bid To Get Trump's Tax Returns).

You will point out that there has always been voter suppression of some kind or another. Yes, but did you notice that the American Congress addressed that and that the SCOTUS decided that certain States who used this ploy to keep a status quo were UnConstitutional. Now Scotus says we don't need those laws anymore so the rolled back the laws ensuring every citizen has that right...and look what we now got..an in-your-face attempt in GA and ND to prevent votes.

I am not especially bright, and I am a child of my environment knowing my views are what I see and might be different if chance had placed me somewhere else with different background. But I have tried to be honest in what I see in Trump, and he scares the crap out of me. Not because of what he is, the world is full of guys like him. But because of guys like you who hear his lies, see him change 180 daily, and just don't care. He doesn't just say things that don't happen for cause...he lies thru his teeth, and none of his devotees care, as he attempts to re-inforce his hold on DOJ/FBI/CIA/NSA and now SCOTUS.

You think the Trump Presidency is "scary"? Really? Has he used the IRS against his political opponents? Barack Obama did! Has he used FISA court warrants to spy on his political opponents? Obama did! Has he used Executive Orders to do an end run around Congress? Obama routinely did! So why is the Trump Presidency "scary" to you? Because he's doing good things with the economy? Because unemployment is at historically low levels? Because he's reworked trade agreements that were bad for Americans and replaced them with ones that are better for us? Because he wants to make our border secure and actually reform an immigration system that anyone with even a dollop of common sense admits is broken?
Fool. The guy in charge of the IRS under Obama was a hold over from Bush because Republicans wouldn't pass Obama's nominee. Gawd you're stupid.

Bush holdover Douglas Shulman, followed by acting commissioner Steven Miller were in charge of the IRS during the scandal. It was Obama's nominee, John Koskinen, that stopped the practice.

How come you clowns don't know anything. Just the most stupid people on earth. If you are going to make claims, make sure you have "FACTS", not "alternative facts".

The person that worked with the Obama White House to illegally target conservative groups was Lois Lerner, R-Derp! You remember Lois...she's the one who took the 5th so she wouldn't have to explain what it was that she did? Koskinen was the guy Obama brought in to cover up what Lerner did. He's the guy who hid the fact that the IRS had erased hard drives that contained emails dealing with the targeting of conservative groups and contacts with the Obama White House. Are those the "FACTS" that you're talking about?
I never knew that Lois Lerner was in charge of the IRS under Bush.
Actually, most folks do lay off the Nazi references. But I cannot help but get chills since I grew up in that period. And I so regret that new generations have grown that do not remember the results of an event that began so similar to today's political climate. When I see a Trump Rally, I cannot help but think of Nuremberg. I remember seeing the adoration on the faces of the crowd as he spoke while he gathered power over the people and surrounded himself with willing confederates. Those who spoke out died first.
Oldstyle, there's a place in the Bible that I quote to myself a lot from the Book of Exodus.
You know the story...about how Joseph got sent to Egypt and worked his way up to Pharoah's BFF because of his wisdom and saving the King's butt by being prepared for famine. But the first chapter of Exodus has one line that explains the whole misery that followed for the line of Jacob. It says, 'and there rose up a Pharoah who knew not Joseph'.

When I look at today's divisiveness and chaos and continual discord here in the land of e pluribus unum, I think of that line.... when I wonder how a land of highest intellect and culture and schools could devolve into the monster of the 20th century, and then look around at seeming parallels..I bite the bullet for the scorn I know you will spew at reminders that there rose up a generation that knew not how the holocaust all began.

I'm curious...did the adoration on the faces of the crowd when Barack Obama spoke give you the same chills? Or is it just adoration on the faces of people who aren't liberals that make you "chilly"? (eye roll)
Adoration? Hardly. He's just the Former President of the United States.

Oh, so when members of the media spoke about getting a tingle up their leg when they heard Barry speak you don't think there was some SERIOUS adoration going on? Come on...it was an eight year long slobbering love affair with Obama and the main stream media! He's not just another President of the United States he was the culmination of forty years of Affirmative Action and the liberal takeover of the education system and the media!
Sheesh, one guy, Chris Mathews said that and here you are 8 years later saying memberS of the media? And have now assigned the emotion to every member not on Trump TV?

Oh, you think that Chris Matthews was alone in his adoration of Barack Obama? Sheesh is right, Bullwinkle!
We know you're not alone in your hatred.

Course, hate and black people go together for the GOP.

But not just black people. The GOP hates so many, we sometimes lose count.
Louie seems to be the only politician that has any interest in this much asked question right here on USMB!

Who's financing the Honduras migrant caravan of illegal immigrants, with as many as 10,000 snaking their way into illegally entering the U.S.?

Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas has a sensible suggestion for finding out: using the RICO statutes. According to the Washington Examiner, citing Fox News, Gohmert said:

We have got to have the DOJ investigate where the funding is coming from to send these thousands and thousands of people to the U.S. ... You can use RICO to go after them.

The question, which the incurious media show no sign of wanting to answer, is worth asking, given the expense the taxpayers will be saddled with as thousands of them openly climb over border fences, dare border officials to fire on them to stop them, worm their way in through asylum legal maneuvering, or put up big sob stories with photos of mothers and crying children as a means to get in and get the benefit packages. It's a certainty that quite a few will get in, unless President Trump can be genuinely effective at stopping them, and right now that's not a certainty.

Read more at americanthinker.com ..
If he does not stop them, his name will be "mud"
You have to ask,

Who benefits?

The only one benefiting from this caravan and using it for his and R's purpose, much like with the DNC and Podesta stolen emails and wikileaks, is TRUMP.... that's a fact.

Who actually caused it, should be investigated.
What caused it? The last wave of illegals who go in and are still in.
Louie seems to be the only politician that has any interest in this much asked question right here on USMB!

Who's financing the Honduras migrant caravan of illegal immigrants, with as many as 10,000 snaking their way into illegally entering the U.S.?

Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas has a sensible suggestion for finding out: using the RICO statutes. According to the Washington Examiner, citing Fox News, Gohmert said:

We have got to have the DOJ investigate where the funding is coming from to send these thousands and thousands of people to the U.S. ... You can use RICO to go after them.

The question, which the incurious media show no sign of wanting to answer, is worth asking, given the expense the taxpayers will be saddled with as thousands of them openly climb over border fences, dare border officials to fire on them to stop them, worm their way in through asylum legal maneuvering, or put up big sob stories with photos of mothers and crying children as a means to get in and get the benefit packages. It's a certainty that quite a few will get in, unless President Trump can be genuinely effective at stopping them, and right now that's not a certainty.

Read more at americanthinker.com ..
If he does not stop them, his name will be "mud"
You have to ask,

Who benefits?

The only one benefiting from this caravan and using it for his and R's purpose, much like with the DNC and Podesta stolen emails and wikileaks, is TRUMP.... that's a fact.

Who actually caused it, should be investigated.
What caused it? The last wave of illegals who go in and are still in.
Well, today they are supposed to announce the plan
..for the life of me they should just STFU and implant it with NO advanced warning....this advance warning shit is what the mulatto did, tell IDIS we are leaving in 3 months, and they just waited until we were gone to continue to cause death and destruction....personally. I want to see them use some of their new ACCUSTIC weapons on them drive them out of their minds and not a bloody death recorded!
I'm curious...did the adoration on the faces of the crowd when Barack Obama spoke give you the same chills? Or is it just adoration on the faces of people who aren't liberals that make you "chilly"? (eye roll)
Adoration? Hardly. He's just the Former President of the United States.

Oh, so when members of the media spoke about getting a tingle up their leg when they heard Barry speak you don't think there was some SERIOUS adoration going on? Come on...it was an eight year long slobbering love affair with Obama and the main stream media! He's not just another President of the United States he was the culmination of forty years of Affirmative Action and the liberal takeover of the education system and the media!
Sheesh, one guy, Chris Mathews said that and here you are 8 years later saying memberS of the media? And have now assigned the emotion to every member not on Trump TV?

Oh, you think that Chris Matthews was alone in his adoration of Barack Obama? Sheesh is right, Bullwinkle!
We know you're not alone in your hatred.

Course, hate and black people go together for the GOP.

But not just black people. The GOP hates so many, we sometimes lose count.

What's amusing, R-Derp...is that you're not perceptive enough to figure out that Democrats need to push the whole "Republicans are racists!" theme because if they DON'T black people are going to figure out that liberals have been using black votes to stay in power for the last fifty years and have given the black community little in return! If that happens you progressives are well and truly Fubared!

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