Looks like Warren

The usual garbage Fox hatchet job lol, brainwashed functional moron. I have now seen one form, a registration form for the Texas bar that she had already passed and had no bearing on anything. She was in her twenties and liked the fact that she had a great great grandmother who was an Indian. Her DNA test proved that she was right. Talk about your GOP political correctness going wild.... Anything to distract from the fact that she would help your family and friends have a much better life instead of the GOP giveaway to the rich and screwjob for everyone else you cluelessly support now and for the last 30 years no doubt.
Anyone who rides the elevator filled with American indians has more AI DNA on them than Warren has.
I did find her recipe for lobster cakes in the Cree indian cookbook she put the recipe in rather fancy.........considering there were/are NO Cree indians living within a thousand miles from where lobsters are harvested. LOL!
Bulshit dumbass, 30000 live in Quebec along the coast LOL just north of Maine you know LOL and many more in Labrador and Newfoundland....https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...Vaw11V9q4ZMkR5NzyFaNjz9YI&cshid=1573396464806
Biden is cooked & Sanders had a heart attack. Feminists everywhere rejoice, Warren until she loses to Trump.
At least she'll "win" the "popular" vote. You're going to need a tissue. Trump needs to contact tribal Indians now, get dirt on Pocahontas.
Are you kidding? If the Democrats end up with Woo Woo Warren as their best hope to lose against Trump again next year, half the Democrats will just stay home banging their heads on their door frames while the other half jump off the roof of their houses.
She has the policies that people want. you people have no idea what you're talking about of course....

The problem with Democrat "policies" is that the moment they are elected, they all evaporate into unobtainium. We all know that electing a Democrat only leads to one thing.
Biden is cooked & Sanders had a heart attack. Feminists everywhere rejoice, Warren until she loses to Trump.

At least she'll "win" the "popular" vote. You're going to need a tissue. Trump needs to contact tribal Indians now, get dirt on Pocahontas.
I doubt she wins the nomination, Biden is the front runner. She probably has a shot at VP.

HOW STUPID DOES SHE THINK WE ARE? WAIT, DON’T ANSWER THAT: Not content with trying to outdo Hillary’s “plain folk” masquerade (“I’m gonna get me a beer“); now she tweets out a picture of her family with their humble station wagon that isn't a station wagon:

Which is all well and good, except that’s a 1953 Lincoln Capri. Hardly the preferred ride of working class families. It sold back then for $3,766, which adjusted for inflation, is equal to $35,436.09 in 2019. Not exactly “dust-bowl” poor. This was Lincoln's top of the line car in 1953. They did not offer the Continental that year.

It's all fakery and lies with these folks, all the way down.
“SWIFT BOATING” MEANS TO TELL THE TRUTH, WHICH ISN’T USUALLY HER BAG. How Elizabeth Warren Just ‘Swift Boated’ Herself On Health Care.

The past several weeks have seen Warren turn her biggest strength—her wonky, “I’ve got a plan for that” persona—into a weakness. On November 1, she released her first health-care plan, replete with multiple documents highlighting supposed savings under a single-payer health-care system, and her plan for raising revenue to pay for such a system without raising taxes on the middle class.​

Warren’s first plan drew mockery from her fellow Democratic candidates and conservative commentators alike for its unrealistic gimmicks and assumptions. Most notably, Warren’s plan failed to concede what one of her own advisors implicitly admitted: That an $8.8 trillion “employer contribution” would ultimately come out of the pockets of the middle class. Meanwhile, her opponents continued to hammer Warren for wanting to strip away the existing insurance of millions of Americans, including union workers who negotiated their health coverage at the bargaining table.​

Her initial plan failed so badly that exactly two weeks later, Warren felt the need to reboot. She released another health plan, this one highlighting a supposed “transition period,” to get ahead of criticism from her fellow Democrats in the upcoming presidential debate.​

This plan pledged that, within her first 100 days in office, Warren would work to enact “a true Medicare for All option”—one that people could select if they chose, but would not require individuals to give up their existing coverage. Only later, “no later than my third year in office,” would Warren “fight to pass legislation that would complete the transition” to a full single-payer system.​

The second plan seems like a deliberate dodge, an attempt for Warren to have her cake and eat it too.​
Senator Pocahontas wants to take money from the military to pay for Medicare For All...i call it good luck to all!
Is Warren over?

Plus: Joe Biden’s heartbeat continues.

Reuters reports that her numbers, for the first time in "Many Moons" have tumbled in their latest Ipsos poll back into single digits — and they’re not alone:

Support for U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren dropped nationally to its lowest level in four months, and nearly one in three potential Democratic primary voters say they do not know which candidate to pick with the first nominating contests less than two months away, according to a Reuters/Ipsos public opinion poll. …

Support dropped by 2 percentage points for former Vice President Joe Biden to 19%. It fell by 3 points for U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont to 14%, and it declined by 1 point to 6% for Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Indiana.

Bloomberg, a billionaire media mogul, entered the race as the fifth-most popular candidate with 4% support.

Support for Warren dropped by 2 points to 9% in the national poll, the worst showing for the U.S. senator from Massachusetts in the Reuters/Ipsos poll since August.​
I don't think any dirt will need to be dug up.

Warren will do herself in by speaking.

Pocahontas has already done herself in. When she marked the 100% American Indian race on the TX bar form, she exploited one of the five races recognized by the US Census, the American Indian race. Much worse than wearing blackface at a costume party, claiming to be a minority/ protected race is as racist as it gets. She will never get past this one.

Warren STILL hasn't gotten past this one.

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