London: Years of Liberal Dogma.


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
MAX HASTINGS: Years of liberal dogma have spawned a generation of amoral, uneducated, welfare dependent, brutalised youngsters

09/08/11 22:20

1. "If you live a normal life of absolute futility, which we can assume most of this week’s rioters do, excitement of any kind is welcome. The people who wrecked swathes of property, burned vehicles and terrorised communities have no moral compass to make them susceptible to guilt or shame.

2. They are illiterate and innumerate, beyond maybe some dexterity with computer games and BlackBerries.
They are essentially wild beasts.. I use that phrase advisedly, because it seems appropriate to young people bereft of the discipline that might make them employable; of the conscience that distinguishes between right and wrong.

3. They respond only to instinctive animal impulses — to eat and drink, have sex, seize or destroy the accessible property of others.

4. The depressing truth is that at the bottom of our society is a layer of young people with no skills, education, values or aspirations. They do not have what most of us would call ‘lives’: they simply exist.

5. The notions of doing a nine-to-five job, marrying and sticking with a wife and kids, taking up DIY or learning to read properly, are beyond their imaginations.

6. Today, those at the bottom of society behave no better than their forebears, but the welfare state has relieved them from hunger and real want.
When social surveys speak of ‘deprivation’ and ‘poverty’, this is entirely relative. Meanwhile, sanctions for wrongdoing have largely vanished.

7. A key factor in delinquency is lack of effective sanctions to deter it. From an early stage, feral children discover that they can bully fellow pupils at school, shout abuse at people in the streets, urinate outside pubs, hurl litter from car windows, play car radios at deafening volumes, and, indeed, commit casual assaults with only a negligible prospect of facing rebuke, far less retribution.

8. Anyone who reproaches a child, far less an adult, for discarding rubbish, making a racket, committing vandalism or driving unsociably will receive in return a torrent of obscenities, if not violence.
So who is to blame? The breakdown of families, the pernicious promotion of single motherhood as a desirable state, the decline of domestic life so that even shared meals are a rarity, have all contributed importantly to the condition of the young underclass.
The social engineering industry unites to claim that the conventional template of family life is no longer valid.

9. And what of the schools? I do not think they can be blamed for the creation of a grotesquely self-indulgent, non-judgmental culture.
This has ultimately been sanctioned by Parliament, which refuses to accept, for instance, that children are more likely to prosper with two parents than with one, and that the dependency culture is a tragedy for those who receive something for nothing. The judiciary colludes with social services and infinitely ingenious lawyers to assert the primacy of the rights of the criminal and aggressor over those of law-abiding citizens, especially if a young offender is involved.

10. They have no code of values to dissuade them from behaving anti-socially or, indeed, criminally, and small chance of being punished if they do so.
They have no sense of responsibility for themselves, far less towards others, and look to no future beyond the next meal, sexual encounter or TV football game."

Read more: UK riots 2011: Liberal dogma has spawned a generation of brutalised youths | Mail Online

This is the handwriting on the wall: conservatism, traditional values and morality ....or what we are witnessing in London today????
This is the crossroads.
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Way to post one old guy's opinion... Liberal dogma? Please give me a break. ALL "liberals" I know:

1. Have jobs, not just jobs but REALLY good jobs - most are in the science and creative fields. Most make really good money.

2. I am one of those who grew up in poverty being raised by a single mother, and my dad abandoned us when I was 12 and refused to pay child support for the three of us. I guess that makes me and the millions like me morally adrift animals. I'll let you take that up with my mom.

3. All of the "liberals" I know are very well educated and hold advanced degrees, and very much make education a priority with their children. You righties on the other hand seem bound and determined to denigrate education... so which is it?

4. I gather from your little highlighting session that people who do not make a living wage, (interestingly in a time when there are very few living wage jobs to be had) should starve.

5. These riots started due to the shooting of an unarmed man, who is a member of this disenfranchised class. This is what happens when you impose austerity measures on people already struggling. Seems you dolts won't learn your lessons from the French Revolution.

You are probably the biggest partisan hack I have ever seen other than Jarhead. Congratulations.
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Way to post one old guy's opinion... Liberal dogma? Please give me a break. ALL "liberals" I know:

1. Have jobs, not just jobs but REALLY good jobs - most are in the science and creative fields. Most make really good money.

2. I am one of those who grew up in poverty being raised by a single mother, and my dad abandoned us when I was 12 and refused to pay child support for the three of us. I guess that makes me and the millions like me morally adrift animals. I'll let you take that up with my mom.

3. All of the "liberals" I know are very well educated and hold advanced degrees, and very much make education a priority with their children. You righties on the other hand seem bound and determined to denigrate education... so which is it?

4. I gather from your little highlighting session that people who do not make a living wage, (interestingly in a time when there are very few living wage jobs to be had) should starve.

5. These riots started due to the shooting of an unarmed man, who is a member of this disenfranchised class. This is what happens when you impose austerity measures on people already struggling. Seems you dolts won't learn your lessons from the French Revolution.

You are probably the biggest partisan hack I have ever seen other than Jarhead. Congratulations.

Lulz at number 1

Most union employees are democrats/libs
Was unaware that policing streets, putting out fires, building cars, building houses, laying bricks, installing electrical outlets, plumbing pipes, and all the other blue collar jobs were considered "science". Lmao
Was unaware that policing the streets UNION, putting out fires UNION, building cars UNION, building houses MOSTLY ILLEGAL LABOR, laying bricks UNION and ILLEGAL LABOR, installing electrical outlets UNION, plumbing pipes UNION, and all the other blue collar jobs SEE UNIONS were considered "science". Lmao

I didn't say they were ALL science jobs. Sheesh, and every single job you posted above is generally done by people who vote democrat. Do you not realize that? And many of those are active in UNIONS, at that... What is your problem with that? If we keep on the road we are on, unions will come roaring back, as workers are being raped by their employers more every year. Mark my words.

Are you now denigrating hard working blue collar Americans' jobs? I guess the fat-assed hedge fund manager is the only "Real American" earning his pay, huh...
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Actually, many are Raygun Dems who will be sorry.

Hastings is a bit of a racist Tory. Only party in the modern world that rivals Pubs for being regressive, flag waving, dittohead savage capitalists. The poor and students don't like all the cuts on their back, with too low taxes for the rich.
Way to post one old guy's opinion... Liberal dogma? Please give me a break. ALL "liberals" I know:

1. Have jobs, not just jobs but REALLY good jobs - most are in the science and creative fields. Most make really good money.

2. I am one of those who grew up in poverty being raised by a single mother, and my dad abandoned us when I was 12 and refused to pay child support for the three of us. I guess that makes me and the millions like me morally adrift animals. I'll let you take that up with my mom.

3. All of the "liberals" I know are very well educated and hold advanced degrees, and very much make education a priority with their children. You righties on the other hand seem bound and determined to denigrate education... so which is it?

4. I gather from your little highlighting session that people who do not make a living wage (interestingly in a time when there are very few living wage jobs to be had) that these people should starve.

5. These riots started due to the shooting of an unarmed man, who is a member of this disenfranchised class. This is what happens when you impost austerity measures on people already struggling. Seems you dolts won't learn your lessons from the French Revolution.

You are probably the biggest partisan hack I have ever seen other than Jarhead. Congratulations.

"...grew up in poverty being raised by a single mother, and my dad abandoned us when I was 12 and refused to pay child support for the three of us. I guess that makes me and the millions like me morally adrift animals."
An amazing story. I wish there were more like you. I'll chalk it up to the strength of character of your mom, and your own.

"Here is the lottery ticket that single mothers are handing their innocent children by choosing to raise them without fathers: Controlling for socioeconomic status, race, and place of residence, the strongest predictor of whether a person will end up in prison is that he was raised by a single parent. By 1996, 70 percent of inmates in state juvenile detention centers serving long-term sentences were raised by single mothers. Seventy-two percent of juvenile murderers and 60 percent of rapists come from single-mother homes. Seventy percent of teenage births, dropouts, suicides, runaways, juvenile delinquents, and child murderers involve children raised by single mothers. Girls raised without fathers are more sexually promiscuous and more likely to end up divorced. A 1990 study by the Progressive Policy Institute showed that after controlling for single motherhood, the difference between black and white crime rates disappeared.

Various studies have come up with slightly different numbers, but all the figures are grim. According to the Index of Leading Cultural Indicators, children from single-parent families account for 63 percent of all youth suicides, 70 percent of all teenage pregnancies, 71 percent of all adolescent chemical/substance abuse, 80 percent of all prison inmates, and 90 percent of all homeless and runaway children.

A study cited in the Village Voice produced similar numbers. It found that children brought up in single-mother homes 'are five times more likely to commit suicide, nine times more likely to drop out of high school, 10 times more likely to abuse chemical substances, 14 times more likely to commit rape (for the boys), 20 times more likely to end up in prison, and 32 times more likely to run away from home.' Single motherhood is like a farm team for future criminals and social outcasts.

....Many of these studies, for example, are from the 1990s, when the percentage of teenagers raised by single parents was lower than it is today. In 1990, 28 percent of children under eighteen were being raised in one-parent homes (mother or father), and 71 percent were being raised in two-parent homes. By 2005, more than one-third of all babies born in the United States were illegitimate. That's a lot of social problems coming.
...Imagine an America with 70 percent fewer juvenile delinquents, 70 percent fewer teenage births, 63 to 70 percent fewer teenage suicides, and 70 percent to 90 percent fewer runaways and you will appreciate what the sainted single mothers have accomplished." -- P.37-38

You will note that we do not read about adopted children filling up the prisons, welfare rolls, and runaway shelters. Adopted children are no worse off -- and, indeed, are generally better off -- than nonadopted children." -- P.43

"A 2008 study led by Georgia State University economist Benjamin Scafidi found that single mothers -- unwed or divorced -- cost the US taxpayer $112 billion every year." -- P.51

"According to the US Justice Department crime statistics, domestic abuse is virtually nonexistent for married women living with their husbands. From 1993 to 2005, the number of married women victimized by their husbands ranged from 0.9 to 3.2 per 1000. Domestic violence was about 40 times more likely among divorced or separated women, ranging from 37.7 to 118.5 per 1000. Even never married women were more than twice as likely to be victims of domestic violence as married women." -- P.57-58
Bureau of Justice Statistics Intimate Partner Violence in the U.S.

"A Cornell study found that unwed mothers are 30 percent less likely to marry than other single women..." -- P.70
From “Guilty”

Now, which of the above statistics would you like to dispute?

Next: "I gather from your little highlighting session that people who do not make a living wage (interestingly in a time when there are very few living wage jobs to be had) that these people should starve."

This statement is far less 'gathering' and far more fabricating a defense of that seems hardly convincing.

"These riots started blah, blah, blah....."
I believe that I'll accept the analysis of journalist Max Hastings, over your assault on logic.

But I will congratulate you on have a life that has, in the face of the overwhelming statistics, been blessed.
While you have proven successful on the one hand, you do seem unable to understand current events intelligently.

Perhaps when you grow up.
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Was unaware that policing the streets UNION, putting out fires UNION, building cars UNION, building houses MOSTLY ILLEGAL LABOR, laying bricks UNION and ILLEGAL LABOR, installing electrical outlets UNION, plumbing pipes UNION, and all the other blue collar jobs SEE UNIONS were considered "science". Lmao

I didn't say they were ALL science jobs. Sheesh, and every single job you posted above is generally done by people who vote democrat. Do you not realize that? And many of those are active in UNIONS, at that...

Are you now denigrating hard working blue collar Americans' jobs? I guess the fat-assed hedge fund manager is the only "Real American" earning his pay, huh...

Duh... Lol, that was the point of my post.
But I will congratulate you on have a life that has, in the face of the overwhelming statistics, been blessed.
While you have proven successful on the one hand, you do seem unable to understand current events intelligently.

God, you are dumb. People are not statistics. I see and understand the current events quite well, actually. Do YOU not see the same statistics you quoted going up while wages, benefits and compensation for workers is going DOWN drastically? Do you think that is a coincidence? What were the tax rates when we had the "golden age" of middle class prosperity? When was the last time mothers didn't have to work to just survive? What were the tax rates then? When did this really come to a head... the 80's and 90's right? What policies produced this hugely skewed income disparity? Were these policies written for the people of AGAINST the people in favor of the private sector? You have nothing but your corporate overlords to blame for the mess the world is in.
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This is "social justice".

Coming soon to the Obamanation, as promised by the Hussein.
This is "social justice".

Coming soon to the Obamanation, as promised by the Hussein.

I'm not sure that we are destined to that fate...but if we are you can see the reason in the post above yours, post #10.

This sad, frustrated, unhappy individual refuses to put the blame on a lack of personal responsibility.
No jobs, nothing to do with their lives, poverty and what does GB do? Cut teen clubs and police forces.

But I will congratulate you on have a life that has, in the face of the overwhelming statistics, been blessed.
While you have proven successful on the one hand, you do seem unable to understand current events intelligently.

God, you are dumb. People are not statistics. I see and understand the current events quite well, actually. Do YOU not see the same statistics you quoted going up while wages, benefits and compensation for workers is going DOWN drastically? Do you think that is a coincidence? What were the tax rates when we had the "golden age" of middle class prosperity? When was the last time mothers didn't have to work to just survive? What were the tax rates then? When did this really come to a head... the 80's and 90's right? What policies produced this hugely skewed income disparity? Were these policies written for the people of AGAINST the people in favor of the private sector? You have nothing but your corporate overlords to blame for the mess the world is in.

Wow, you are an unhappy fellow, aren't you.
I understand it, you explained why in post #4...
and, if what you said is true, then you are correct: those experiences were certainly
not your fault.

But to spread the blame to society rather than placing it where it belongs is neither fair nor smart.

1. "God, you are dumb." Actually, no, I'm not. But you are reallly, really angry. I think we've covered why....
Ironic that you appeal to God, as the lack of such appeal by anti-religion Liberals is in large measure the source of the problem, as Max Hastings hints.

2. "People are not statistics."
Truly a vapid explanation of the statistics that I have provided. And wrong.
When you calm down, even you will see that.

3. "Do YOU not see the same statistics you quoted going up while wages, benefits and compensation for workers is going DOWN drastically?"
You surprise me with how little you understand economics.
Consider this: What is the purpose of the dollars that one earns? buy things.

If you earn fewer dollars, but can obtain far more with those dollars, what have you lost?
Here is your economics lesson for the day:

In 1949, someone who worked minimum wage over the summer would have enough money to buy the following items from that year’s Sears’ catalogue: A Smith-Corona typewriter, Argus 21 35mm camera, Silvertone AM-FM table radio, and Silvertone 3-speed phonograph.
In 2009, the same person, working the same number of hours at minimum wage, would now be able to purchase: A Dell laptop computer, HP color ink printer, scanner, copier, Canon 8 megapixel digital camera, GPS system, 32” LCD HDTV television, 8GB iPod Nano, GE microwave, Haier refrigerator/freezer, Toshiba DVD/VCR combo, RCA home theater system, Uniden cordless phone, RCA AM/FM radio, Camcorder, Sony PlayStation 2, as well as several other things.
Mark J. Perry, “Young Americans: Luckiest Generation in History,” CARPE DIEM: Young Americans: Luckiest Generation in History

This, of course, also explains why government statistics on poverty are incorrect.

4. "When was the last time mothers didn't have to work to just survive?"
Another grave and serious misunderstanding that colors your misconceptions.
Survive? "Continue to live or exist, esp. in spite of danger or hardship."

You see, Liberals win the argument by control of the language. Mothers hardly need to work to survive, but do so for material betterment. Now, if spiritual were more important than the material, then folks would tend to be conservatives, not liberals.
My point?
Liberalism leads not only to the events in London, but to the unhappiness which you evince.

Now, I hope you have learned something today...and the test of that is simple: which of us is really dumb?
Way to post one old guy's opinion... Liberal dogma? Please give me a break. ALL "liberals" I know:

1. Have jobs, not just jobs but REALLY good jobs - most are in the science and creative fields. Most make really good money.

2. I am one of those who grew up in poverty being raised by a single mother, and my dad abandoned us when I was 12 and refused to pay child support for the three of us. I guess that makes me and the millions like me morally adrift animals. I'll let you take that up with my mom.

3. All of the "liberals" I know are very well educated and hold advanced degrees, and very much make education a priority with their children. You righties on the other hand seem bound and determined to denigrate education... so which is it?

4. I gather from your little highlighting session that people who do not make a living wage, (interestingly in a time when there are very few living wage jobs to be had) should starve.

5. These riots started due to the shooting of an unarmed man, who is a member of this disenfranchised class. This is what happens when you impose austerity measures on people already struggling. Seems you dolts won't learn your lessons from the French Revolution.

You are probably the biggest partisan hack I have ever seen other than Jarhead. Congratulations.

ROFLMAO! Get the fuck outta here!
Actually, many are Raygun Dems who will be sorry.

Hastings is a bit of a racist Tory. Only party in the modern world that rivals Pubs for being regressive, flag waving, dittohead savage capitalists. The poor and students don't like all the cuts on their back, with too low taxes for the rich.

Hastings is definitely a Tory, but racist? Or do the two just go hand in hand?
Way to post one old guy's opinion... Liberal dogma? Please give me a break. ALL "liberals" I know:

1. Have jobs, not just jobs but REALLY good jobs - most are in the science and creative fields. Most make really good money.

2. I am one of those who grew up in poverty being raised by a single mother, and my dad abandoned us when I was 12 and refused to pay child support for the three of us. I guess that makes me and the millions like me morally adrift animals. I'll let you take that up with my mom.

3. All of the "liberals" I know are very well educated and hold advanced degrees, and very much make education a priority with their children. You righties on the other hand seem bound and determined to denigrate education... so which is it?

4. I gather from your little highlighting session that people who do not make a living wage, (interestingly in a time when there are very few living wage jobs to be had) should starve.

5. These riots started due to the shooting of an unarmed man, who is a member of this disenfranchised class. This is what happens when you impose austerity measures on people already struggling. Seems you dolts won't learn your lessons from the French Revolution.

You are probably the biggest partisan hack I have ever seen other than Jarhead. Congratulations.

Lol! Another expert from 8,000 miles away! Before you respond with such asinine partisan hackery, just make sure you are on firm ground, which you are not in this case. This has nothing to do with whether the rioters and looters are liberals, cons, independents or nazis! it as everything to do with liberalist policies implemented over the years. It has everything to do with the breakdown of discipline and the lack of appropriate punishment as a deterrent.

It started with the policies of banning completely any form of corporal punishment in schools right down to the situation that even if a teacher lays a hand on a pupil, even to restrain, they will be subjected to suspension, probably court and loss of job. Liberal policies have stripped teachers of the tools necessary to maintain control in the education environment. Liberalist policies also determined that competition was a bad thing for young children, so what did they force through. Competitive games were banned in most primary schools. Give us a break! Life is one huge competition!

We have seen the abolishment of the death sentence and the huge watering down of judicial sentencing to the extent that many criminals now receive nothing more than a slap on the wrist and a community sentence of a few weeks tidying the streets.

There are thousand upon thousand of teenage girls who want to get pregnant. Why? So thay get free accommodation, free furniture, washing machine etc and a montly income. The more brats they pump out, the more income they gain.

These fucking scum bags aren't poor! They all have expensive cell phones wear designer clothes, smoke and drink. What you don't see, as I have this morning, are these same scumbags leaving courts and giving V signs and saying who cares. They ain't gonna jail us!

I could go on, but quite frankly I know I would be wasting my breath. After all, some of you guys seem to think you know more about foreign countries than those who live in them! Just keep you partisan hackery for your own politics for it's more than obvious you know fuck all about ours!
What you've described are socialist policies, Colin. Maybe you guys have gone overboard. Though I don't agree with beating children or the death penalty.

Last night the rightwingloons were rioting. I suppose liberals made them do that, too?
What you've described are socialist policies, Colin. Maybe you guys have gone overboard. Though I don't agree with beating children or the death penalty.

Last night the rightwingloons were rioting. I suppose liberals made them do that, too?

Whatevah, Ravi. I'm sure your superior knowledge of life on the ground here is far superior to mine. You just keep on making it a right versus left situation but you'll have to excuse me for pissing myself laughing.

Rightwing riots? Really? Do you mean the vigilantes on the streets to protect their neighbourhood? Wrong again! These groups were infiltrated by extremist rightwingers, but the police were aware and battened them down. They did not contribute to any riots.

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