Log of Liberal GREED


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
There is no one more greedy than the lazy liberal...

We often hear teachers explain how much they love their students, and that they are the reason they do what they do. So why is it so many teachers are willing to screw students over and strike, leaving them high and dry? What’s more important - The kids? Or the almighty dollar?
There is no one more greedy than the lazy liberal...

We often hear teachers explain how much they love their students, and that they are the reason they do what they do. So why is it so many teachers are willing to screw students over and strike, leaving them high and dry? What’s more important - The kids? Or the almighty dollar?

It's not just the money. It's the security of knowing that they will keep their jobs no matter how poorly they perform. They don't have to worry about being good at their jobs and they don't concern themselves with the number of students who can't pass basic skills tests. I'd be curious to know how many public union members support the way the union bosses spend millions on campaign ads for their candidate. .
The #2 goon of some national teacher's union was on FOXNews on Sunday and when asked why it was bad that Scott Walker got more money into the classroom for the students with his budget cuts, the goon tried to claim the teacher's pay is just as important.

They are all about increasing their paychecks and benefits, they don't give a shit that millions have been wasted on education with incompetent teachers in the classroom. The teacher's union of Chicago are on the verge of striking this summer over their contract.....so much for the kiddies in summer school.

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