Liz Cheney: We're Not Going To Let Trump Testify In Public To The January 6 Committee

I didn't ask how old she was when she wrote about it in her diary. I asked how old was she when they showered.

You are capable of understanding the difference, aren't you??
" ‘I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate)’"

She was old enough to remember it, and to note that it probably wasn't appropriate (so she was probably old enough for it to make her uncomfortable). Plus, she writes it in conjunction to her having sex at a young age, so, unless you think she was having sex at 3 years old, it's likely her being a teen is accurate.
So? He still had 3 others she accepted and offered him to add two others. It would have been 5 Democrats, 5 Republicans. Republicans can now howl at the moon that McCarthy pulled all 5 seats instead of filling them.
You aren't getting it, the committee shouldn't have been a congressional committee at all.

And again, who's to say if mccarthy tried to pick 2 others that Pelosi wouldn't have rejected them as well. If you are going to tell one side that they can choose their own members, but then start rejecting those members, it doesn't appear she was really wanting them to have real choice.
Prove it....

Yet another rightard thinks "probably not appropriate" equates to sexual assault.

So if some Republican actually sexually assaulted you, you would think of that as ... probably not appropriate, huh?

So according to you, a grown man showering with an 11 year old girl, his own daughter, is fine? It‘s not grooming?
He says he followed the Proud Boys. The FBI said they weren't even aware at first he had gone inside the Capitol.

Didn't you read the NYTimes article you posted?
Yes, I did, but the FBI is not high on my list of credible people.

Amazing how the Democrats worship the FBI. But it makes sense. You sure loved them when they were trying to blackmail MLK into committing suicide, and shooting innocent children.
Yet more reason for McCarthy to place Republicans on that committee. What a pity he didn't.
An attack dog Repub leader would be doing the exact same thing and learn even more from what Progs do. Repubs act somewhat submissive to Progs. Repub voters need leaders we can follow. Then we can become just like Progs in public in all ways.
" ‘I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate)’"

She was old enough to remember it, and to note that it probably wasn't appropriate (so she was probably old enough for it to make her uncomfortable). Plus, she writes it in conjunction to her having sex at a young age, so, unless you think she was having sex at 3 years old, it's likely her being a teen is accurate.

it's likely her being a teen is accurate.


The fact that you say, "likely" is proof you don't know how old she was. So why make up numbers when you don't what you're talking about?
You aren't getting it, the committee shouldn't have been a congressional committee at all.

And again, who's to say if mccarthy tried to pick 2 others that Pelosi wouldn't have rejected them as well. If you are going to tell one side that they can choose their own members, but then start rejecting those members, it doesn't appear she was really wanting them to have real choice.

For fuck's sake. :eusa_doh:

Congress assembles committees all the time to investigate all sorts of things. That's what they do. There was absolutely nothing wrong with Congress investigating Sedition Day.
Yes, I did, but the FBI is not high on my list of credible people.

Amazing how the Democrats worship the FBI. But it makes sense. You sure loved them when they were trying to blackmail MLK into committing suicide, and shooting innocent children.


Then why post that article if you don't believe it?? And why make up shit that's not in there if you really read it?

Then why post that article if you don't believe it?? And why make up shit that's not in there if you really read it?
I made up no shit.

I posted the NYT article, so that Democrats would believe it, since the number one news network frightens them so much. I didn't say that I trusted FBI "sources."

Do you believe that the FBI is being forthcoming about the agents and informers it had in the crowd on Jan 6?
I made up no shit.

I posted the NYT article, so that Democrats would believe it, since the number one news network frightens them so much. I didn't say that I trusted FBI "sources."

Do you believe that the FBI is being forthcoming about the agents and informers it had in the crowd on Jan 6?

Of course you made up shit. You claimed the FBI sent him to the Capitol. Then you posted a NYTimes article as evidence of such, though the NYTimes said no such thing. That means your claim that the FBI sent him there came from YOU, not the NYTimes article you linked.

And coming from YOU means you made it up.

Try sticking to reality, not your hallucinations.
Of course you made up shit. You claimed the FBI sent him to the Capitol. Then you posted a NYTimes article as evidence of such, though the NYTimes said no such thing. That means your claim that the FBI sent him there came from YOU, not the NYTimes article you linked.

And coming from YOU means you made it up.

Try sticking to reality, not your hallucinations.
I guess you don't understand what an "informant" is. They aren't people who see a crime or criminal activity and go tell law enforcement. Those people are called witnesses. Informants are people who get caught in criminal activity themselves, or who have charges ginned up against them by law enforcement and then sell their souls in exchange for no or light prosecution.

They then become near slaves to law enforcement. They go where law enforcement sends then. They stay away from where they are told to stay away from.

But you're theory is that an FBI informant was randomly in DC that day, seeing the cherry blossoms and what not. He saw the crowd and said, "well this in unusual. I better call my FBI handler and earn some brownie points by telling him they are breaching the Capitol."

Yeah, yeah. That's what happened. That's the ticket!
I guess you don't understand what an "informant" is. They aren't people who see a crime or criminal activity and go tell law enforcement. Those people are called witnesses. Informants are people who get caught in criminal activity themselves, or who have charges ginned up against them by law enforcement and then sell their souls in exchange for no or light prosecution.

They then become near slaves to law enforcement. They go where law enforcement sends then. They stay away from where they are told to stay away from.

But you're theory is that an FBI informant was randomly in DC that day, seeing the cherry blossoms and what not. He saw the crowd and said, "well this in unusual. I better call my FBI handler and earn some brownie points by telling him they are breaching the Capitol."

Yeah, yeah. That's what happened. That's the ticket!


You made it up. Even funnier, you're now citing yourself as the source for your claim since you can't cite the NYTimes, the FBI or the informant, none of whom claim the FBI sent the informant to the Capitol.
it's likely her being a teen is accurate.


The fact that you say, "likely" is proof you don't know how old she was. So why make up numbers when you don't what you're talking about?
You're right, I don't know how old she was, but neither do you, as fas we know, its never stated. What I have, however, are statements from her own diary that would indicate that those showers took place in a similar time to when she was having sex at a young age, which would point to those teenage years.

You seem to be using the plausible deniabilty defense here. Look at the facts. She wrote about it in the same context of her young sexual activities, she apparently recognized that the showers occurred at an age that it made her uncomfortable, and, the fact that she says they were "probably not appropriate" would indicate that she was probably too old to be taking showers with her dad.
For fuck's sake. :eusa_doh:

Congress assembles committees all the time to investigate all sorts of things. That's what they do. There was absolutely nothing wrong with Congress investigating Sedition Day.

It is if the congress has an already stated agenda.

Tell you what, if you think it's OK for congress to investigate Trump, then would you at least agree that if they decide to refer it to the DOJ, that NONE of their findings be turned over to the doj? I mean, if they do, then it is the same as them doing a criminal investigation of their political rival. It doesn't matter if their investigation now is just a standard congressional investigation. The moment they turn over ANY of their findings for criminal referral,.it's the same as if they had been helping in a criminal investigation...against their political rival.

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