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My grandson voted at school today.

His mother asked who he voted for, he said Bush of course.

She asked who won?

He said "I don't know the second graders are still counting"
171 Bush
112 Kerry

Don't forget, Alaska always votes Republican, so let's just safely say 174 to 112!

(I know, only 3 electoral votes, but we're helping! :D)

wolvie20m said:
FJ don't watch CNN, CNN sux balls only reason I ever watched it cause I didn't have Fox news.

Watching Fox on the TV, but I like the interface for tracking on the CNN website.
Wisconsin 10 ? Bush up (I hurried to put this for you Shattered, LOL)

We got dumped into swing state status this year.. I just want to know who we need to swing on outta here. :D
I definitely like the emotional 'unbiased' accounts of the news...

ethics smethics, they don't need no ethics.

It'll be a see saw of tabulatings from here on..
Bush has taken the shots from Miami, Broward and half of Palm Beach. Palm Beach is going 3:2 for Kerry but there's not enough precincts left to let Kerry take the lead as a result of Palm Beach.

Bottom line: Kerry has used up most of his ammo in FL and Bush is still ahead by 3 points. :beer:
Kentucky said:
Bush has taken the shots from Miami, Broward and half of Palm Beach. Palm Beach is going 3:2 for Kerry but there's not enough precincts left to let Kerry take the lead as a result of Palm Beach.

Bottom line: Kerry has used up most of his ammo in FL and Bush is still ahead by 3 points. :beer:

I know.
here is a live ticker for Ohio, see if this works.

ok it works, but you will have to refresh the page periodically to get latest results.

<script language="Javascript" src=""></script>

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