Little David Hoggwash.......

OP--Totally discredited, conspiracy Nut Job. Seriously, the impossibilities You dupes go for...

Discredited by whom? The video speaks for itself, "comrade".
hiw warped logic he has is since he did not watch it and HE says it has been discredited,that makes it so.LOL
Yeah sure... You people are morons as well as dupes. You think other students and journalist s wouldn't notice he was fake? You are brain dead conspiracy nuts.
CT CHECK: Did David Hogg Attend a California High School? - › fact-check › d...
Claim: Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting survivor David Hogg went to high school in California, not Florida, and is an actor.
Claimed by: Internet
Fact check by False

FACT CHECK: Did David Hogg Lie About Being on Campus During Mass ... › fact-check › d...
Claim: Marjory Stoneman Douglas student David Hogg was caught lying about being on campus during a February 2018 school shooting when he told CBS that he had to...
Claimed by: Silence Is Consent
Fact check by False

David Hogg Archives | › tag › david-ho...

No 'Crisis Actors' in Parkland, Florida - › 2018/02 › n...
Claim: Is David Hogg a student at Stoneman Douglas High School or a paid "crisis actor"?
Claimed by: Ask FactCheck
Fact check by Hogg Is A Student

Parkland Students Find Themselves Targets of Lies and Personal Attacks ... › parkl...

2 days ago · Two of the most vocal survivors, Emma González, 18, and David Hogg, 17, .... We welcome suggestions and tips from readers on what to fact-check on ...
Say David Hogg is a crisis actor. - PolitiFact › feb › blog-posting
Claim: Say David Hogg is a crisis actor.
Claimed by: Bloggers
Fact check by PolitiFact: Pants on Fire

David Hogg not at school during shooting? Bloggers spread ... - PolitiFact › mar › blog-posting
Claim: Says David Hogg wasn’t at school during the Parkland school shooting.
Claimed by: Internet rumors
Fact check by PolitiFact: Pants on Fire


Joe, the alleged shooter put that on a youtube video and the owner of the channel contacted the FBI about it when it happened.....then the day of the shooting? They contacted the owner of the channel....SO, the FBI did not follow up on the lead....that is a fact and the tint of his skin played no part in the equation.

Again, isn't against the law to say stupid stuff on YouTube... Have you met YouTube?

all the above mentioned facts of that day inclduing...

Nobody has time for your batshit crazy, Cocksucker Dale. I knew it was only a matter of time before you tried to claim this didn't happen, either.

I can see why you want gun bans because you live in Chicago, a commie stronghold and it is part of the commie manifesto.

Yup, we are such a Commie Stronghold that major corporations are based out of here. No doubt, these guys in their silk suits read Marx to each other.

Here is a suggestion, if and when this corporate "gubermint" ever decides to do a total banning of guns? Put your ass out in front for a "door to door" confiscation.

No, I'll leave that to the professionals. Just like when I need RATS exterminated, I call professionals. The thing is, when America finally gets fed up with the 3% of you compensating for tiny dicks, most us us will cheer when the ATF frog-marches you out of the neighborhood.

This country isn't China or the old USSR. Most of us know real history.

The problem in China or Russia wasn't a lack of guns... it was too many guns in the hands of people who had been brutalized for years.
I said from the very beginning that the Parkland High School shooting narrative reeked to high heaven, but I have kept quiet for the most part just waiting for that one piece of indisputable evidence that could prove that this was a "deep state" psy-op.

Simply put, David Hogg is a crisis actor. Did teen-agers die at the school? I believe so...did the "powers that be" pull the strings and allow them to be sacrifice for the "greater good" in order to push an agenda that was sure to pull at the heartstrings of Americans and "guilt" them into accepting even more draconian laws that put restrictions on what little freedoms they have left? ABSOLUTELY. Three deputies stood down because they were told to do so, CNN was on the scene as if they had been given advance notice....the head sheriff is a DNC shill....the school cameras were on 20 minute delays, multiple witnesses said that there was more than one shooter AND before the bodies were even buried, a George Soros NGO is organizing an anti-gun march with David Hogg ( son of a former FBI agent that had been on TV before in California and was busted for rehearsing his lines for the Communist News Network AFTER this event) is put out in front of the world to be the face of the movement for disarming citizens that actually obey the acts, statutes and codes of USA.INC.

You should seriously weigh and consider the ramifications of being "guilted" into acquiescing to the desires of those that control us via the foreign owned and controlled banking system or as I call them "the shadow government" that owns the media thus controls the narrative. When a group of very powerful people that pull the levers are working so hard to make you defenseless, you can bet that what they have planned for us isn't going to be a bed of roses. Below is proof that we were ONCE again lied to as it pertains to the Parkland high school shooting.

How did little David "Scoops" Hogg find out that there was a shooting, bicycle three miles to the school and then enter it ahead of the police, find a school room to enter and then conduct interviews with scared students hiding in a closet while a "shooter" was running amok? Hmmmmmmmmmm?????

Well if nothing else, an interesting comment to entertain. I especially like the "USA.INC." touch.
Again, the rest of us are tired of watching kids get rolled out in body bags so you can get to 'Valhalla".

You fucks cant wait for the next shooting so you can exploit them before there body bags are zipped up.

so very true.this shill played dodgeball on the evidence of how the FBI AND ATF with the blessing of the clintons and janet reno murdered woemn and children plus defends the governments fairy tales of 9/11, a paid shill not worth the time or trouble same as wrongwinger and the other shill i was talking about.
OP--Totally discredited, conspiracy Nut Job. Seriously, the impossibilities You dupes go for...

Discredited by whom? The video speaks for itself, "comrade".
hiw warped logic he has is since he did not watch it and HE says it has been discredited,that makes it so.LOL
Yeah sure... You people are morons as well as dupes. You think other students and journalist s wouldn't notice he was fake? You are brain dead conspiracy nuts.
CT CHECK: Did David Hogg Attend a California High School? - › fact-check › d...
Claim: Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting survivor David Hogg went to high school in California, not Florida, and is an actor.
Claimed by: Internet
Fact check by False

FACT CHECK: Did David Hogg Lie About Being on Campus During Mass ... › fact-check › d...
Claim: Marjory Stoneman Douglas student David Hogg was caught lying about being on campus during a February 2018 school shooting when he told CBS that he had to...
Claimed by: Silence Is Consent
Fact check by False

David Hogg Archives | › tag › david-ho...

No 'Crisis Actors' in Parkland, Florida - › 2018/02 › n...
Claim: Is David Hogg a student at Stoneman Douglas High School or a paid "crisis actor"?
Claimed by: Ask FactCheck
Fact check by Hogg Is A Student

Parkland Students Find Themselves Targets of Lies and Personal Attacks ... › parkl...

2 days ago · Two of the most vocal survivors, Emma González, 18, and David Hogg, 17, .... We welcome suggestions and tips from readers on what to fact-check on ...
Say David Hogg is a crisis actor. - PolitiFact › feb › blog-posting
Claim: Say David Hogg is a crisis actor.
Claimed by: Bloggers
Fact check by PolitiFact: Pants on Fire

David Hogg not at school during shooting? Bloggers spread ... - PolitiFact › mar › blog-posting
Claim: Says David Hogg wasn’t at school during the Parkland school shooting.
Claimed by: Internet rumors
Fact check by PolitiFact: Pants on Fire

considering how i owned your ass and took you to school that ike was pals with stalin and you played dodgeball as well as the fact you are a a zionist paid shill that ignores the corrupton of israel,you DO know you are rambling talking to yourself with your propaganda pieces you know?:haha:
OP--Totally discredited, conspiracy Nut Job. Seriously, the impossibilities You dupes go for...

Discredited by whom? The video speaks for itself, "comrade".
hiw warped logic he has is since he did not watch it and HE says it has been discredited,that makes it so.LOL
Yeah sure... You people are morons as well as dupes. You think other students and journalist s wouldn't notice he was fake? You are brain dead conspiracy nuts.
CT CHECK: Did David Hogg Attend a California High School? - › fact-check › d...
Claim: Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting survivor David Hogg went to high school in California, not Florida, and is an actor.
Claimed by: Internet
Fact check by False

FACT CHECK: Did David Hogg Lie About Being on Campus During Mass ... › fact-check › d...
Claim: Marjory Stoneman Douglas student David Hogg was caught lying about being on campus during a February 2018 school shooting when he told CBS that he had to...
Claimed by: Silence Is Consent
Fact check by False

David Hogg Archives | › tag › david-ho...

No 'Crisis Actors' in Parkland, Florida - › 2018/02 › n...
Claim: Is David Hogg a student at Stoneman Douglas High School or a paid "crisis actor"?
Claimed by: Ask FactCheck
Fact check by Hogg Is A Student

Parkland Students Find Themselves Targets of Lies and Personal Attacks ... › parkl...

2 days ago · Two of the most vocal survivors, Emma González, 18, and David Hogg, 17, .... We welcome suggestions and tips from readers on what to fact-check on ...
Say David Hogg is a crisis actor. - PolitiFact › feb › blog-posting
Claim: Say David Hogg is a crisis actor.
Claimed by: Bloggers
Fact check by PolitiFact: Pants on Fire

David Hogg not at school during shooting? Bloggers spread ... - PolitiFact › mar › blog-posting
Claim: Says David Hogg wasn’t at school during the Parkland school shooting.
Claimed by: Internet rumors
Fact check by PolitiFact: Pants on Fire

considering how i owned your ass and took you to school that ike was pals with stalin and you played dodgeball as well as the fact you are a a zionist paid shill that ignores the corrupton of israel,you DO know you are rambling talking to yourself with your propaganda pieces you know?:haha:
You have confused me with someone else, totally wrong LOL. Of course, the right Wingers in Israel are corrupt and wrong. Just like here.
OP--Totally discredited, conspiracy Nut Job. Seriously, the impossibilities You dupes go for...

Discredited by whom? The video speaks for itself, "comrade".
hiw warped logic he has is since he did not watch it and HE says it has been discredited,that makes it so.LOL
Yeah sure... You people are morons as well as dupes. You think other students and journalist s wouldn't notice he was fake? You are brain dead conspiracy nuts.
CT CHECK: Did David Hogg Attend a California High School? - › fact-check › d...
Claim: Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting survivor David Hogg went to high school in California, not Florida, and is an actor.
Claimed by: Internet
Fact check by False

FACT CHECK: Did David Hogg Lie About Being on Campus During Mass ... › fact-check › d...
Claim: Marjory Stoneman Douglas student David Hogg was caught lying about being on campus during a February 2018 school shooting when he told CBS that he had to...
Claimed by: Silence Is Consent
Fact check by False

David Hogg Archives | › tag › david-ho...

No 'Crisis Actors' in Parkland, Florida - › 2018/02 › n...
Claim: Is David Hogg a student at Stoneman Douglas High School or a paid "crisis actor"?
Claimed by: Ask FactCheck
Fact check by Hogg Is A Student

Parkland Students Find Themselves Targets of Lies and Personal Attacks ... › parkl...

2 days ago · Two of the most vocal survivors, Emma González, 18, and David Hogg, 17, .... We welcome suggestions and tips from readers on what to fact-check on ...
Say David Hogg is a crisis actor. - PolitiFact › feb › blog-posting
Claim: Say David Hogg is a crisis actor.
Claimed by: Bloggers
Fact check by PolitiFact: Pants on Fire

David Hogg not at school during shooting? Bloggers spread ... - PolitiFact › mar › blog-posting
Claim: Says David Hogg wasn’t at school during the Parkland school shooting.
Claimed by: Internet rumors
Fact check by PolitiFact: Pants on Fire


Highly respected like all journalists who care about the facts. As opposed 2 right wing GOP propagandists Fox Rush Etc and God knows what garbage you listen 2. There is the whole world of Journalism and then there's your bubble of billionaire BS, super duper dupe.
OP--Totally discredited, conspiracy Nut Job. Seriously, the impossibilities You dupes go for...

Discredited by whom? The video speaks for itself, "comrade".
hiw warped logic he has is since he did not watch it and HE says it has been discredited,that makes it so.LOL
Yeah sure... You people are morons as well as dupes. You think other students and journalist s wouldn't notice he was fake? You are brain dead conspiracy nuts.
CT CHECK: Did David Hogg Attend a California High School? - › fact-check › d...
Claim: Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting survivor David Hogg went to high school in California, not Florida, and is an actor.
Claimed by: Internet
Fact check by False

FACT CHECK: Did David Hogg Lie About Being on Campus During Mass ... › fact-check › d...
Claim: Marjory Stoneman Douglas student David Hogg was caught lying about being on campus during a February 2018 school shooting when he told CBS that he had to...
Claimed by: Silence Is Consent
Fact check by False

David Hogg Archives | › tag › david-ho...

No 'Crisis Actors' in Parkland, Florida - › 2018/02 › n...
Claim: Is David Hogg a student at Stoneman Douglas High School or a paid "crisis actor"?
Claimed by: Ask FactCheck
Fact check by Hogg Is A Student

Parkland Students Find Themselves Targets of Lies and Personal Attacks ... › parkl...

2 days ago · Two of the most vocal survivors, Emma González, 18, and David Hogg, 17, .... We welcome suggestions and tips from readers on what to fact-check on ...
Say David Hogg is a crisis actor. - PolitiFact › feb › blog-posting
Claim: Say David Hogg is a crisis actor.
Claimed by: Bloggers
Fact check by PolitiFact: Pants on Fire

David Hogg not at school during shooting? Bloggers spread ... - PolitiFact › mar › blog-posting
Claim: Says David Hogg wasn’t at school during the Parkland school shooting.
Claimed by: Internet rumors
Fact check by PolitiFact: Pants on Fire

considering how i owned your ass and took you to school that ike was pals with stalin and you played dodgeball as well as the fact you are a a zionist paid shill that ignores the corrupton of israel,you DO know you are rambling talking to yourself with your propaganda pieces you know?:haha:
Ike was Pals with Stalin? Dodgeball? WTF are you talking about? Nonsensical as always with you GOP Chumps...
OP--Totally discredited, conspiracy Nut Job. Seriously, the impossibilities You dupes go for...

Discredited by whom? The video speaks for itself, "comrade".
hiw warped logic he has is since he did not watch it and HE says it has been discredited,that makes it so.LOL
Yeah sure... You people are morons as well as dupes. You think other students and journalist s wouldn't notice he was fake? You are brain dead conspiracy nuts.
CT CHECK: Did David Hogg Attend a California High School? - › fact-check › d...
Claim: Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting survivor David Hogg went to high school in California, not Florida, and is an actor.
Claimed by: Internet
Fact check by False

FACT CHECK: Did David Hogg Lie About Being on Campus During Mass ... › fact-check › d...
Claim: Marjory Stoneman Douglas student David Hogg was caught lying about being on campus during a February 2018 school shooting when he told CBS that he had to...
Claimed by: Silence Is Consent
Fact check by False

David Hogg Archives | › tag › david-ho...

No 'Crisis Actors' in Parkland, Florida - › 2018/02 › n...
Claim: Is David Hogg a student at Stoneman Douglas High School or a paid "crisis actor"?
Claimed by: Ask FactCheck
Fact check by Hogg Is A Student

Parkland Students Find Themselves Targets of Lies and Personal Attacks ... › parkl...

2 days ago · Two of the most vocal survivors, Emma González, 18, and David Hogg, 17, .... We welcome suggestions and tips from readers on what to fact-check on ...
Say David Hogg is a crisis actor. - PolitiFact › feb › blog-posting
Claim: Say David Hogg is a crisis actor.
Claimed by: Bloggers
Fact check by PolitiFact: Pants on Fire

David Hogg not at school during shooting? Bloggers spread ... - PolitiFact › mar › blog-posting
Claim: Says David Hogg wasn’t at school during the Parkland school shooting.
Claimed by: Internet rumors
Fact check by PolitiFact: Pants on Fire

considering how i owned your ass and took you to school that ike was pals with stalin and you played dodgeball as well as the fact you are a a zionist paid shill that ignores the corrupton of israel,you DO know you are rambling talking to yourself with your propaganda pieces you know?:haha:
You have confused me with someone else, totally wrong LOL. Of course, the right Wingers in Israel are corrupt and wrong. Just like here.
Guy is obsessed with telling people he "owned them". Delusional/ego thing going on.
I said from the very beginning that the Parkland High School shooting narrative reeked to high heaven, but I have kept quiet for the most part just waiting for that one piece of indisputable evidence that could prove that this was a "deep state" psy-op.

Simply put, David Hogg is a crisis actor. Did teen-agers die at the school? I believe so...did the "powers that be" pull the strings and allow them to be sacrifice for the "greater good" in order to push an agenda that was sure to pull at the heartstrings of Americans and "guilt" them into accepting even more draconian laws that put restrictions on what little freedoms they have left? ABSOLUTELY. Three deputies stood down because they were told to do so, CNN was on the scene as if they had been given advance notice....the head sheriff is a DNC shill....the school cameras were on 20 minute delays, multiple witnesses said that there was more than one shooter AND before the bodies were even buried, a George Soros NGO is organizing an anti-gun march with David Hogg ( son of a former FBI agent that had been on TV before in California and was busted for rehearsing his lines for the Communist News Network AFTER this event) is put out in front of the world to be the face of the movement for disarming citizens that actually obey the acts, statutes and codes of USA.INC.

You should seriously weigh and consider the ramifications of being "guilted" into acquiescing to the desires of those that control us via the foreign owned and controlled banking system or as I call them "the shadow government" that owns the media thus controls the narrative. When a group of very powerful people that pull the levers are working so hard to make you defenseless, you can bet that what they have planned for us isn't going to be a bed of roses. Below is proof that we were ONCE again lied to as it pertains to the Parkland high school shooting.

How did little David "Scoops" Hogg find out that there was a shooting, bicycle three miles to the school and then enter it ahead of the police, find a school room to enter and then conduct interviews with scared students hiding in a closet while a "shooter" was running amok? Hmmmmmmmmmm?????

You know that this story has been proven false and the author of the original report has retracted it and apologized, right?

It Was a Mistake. It Was Wrong. And I'm Sorry.

UPDATE: CBS Video Confusing. Hogg Was on Campus.
I said from the very beginning that the Parkland High School shooting narrative reeked to high heaven, but I have kept quiet for the most part just waiting for that one piece of indisputable evidence that could prove that this was a "deep state" psy-op.

Simply put, David Hogg is a crisis actor. Did teen-agers die at the school? I believe so...did the "powers that be" pull the strings and allow them to be sacrifice for the "greater good" in order to push an agenda that was sure to pull at the heartstrings of Americans and "guilt" them into accepting even more draconian laws that put restrictions on what little freedoms they have left? ABSOLUTELY. Three deputies stood down because they were told to do so, CNN was on the scene as if they had been given advance notice....the head sheriff is a DNC shill....the school cameras were on 20 minute delays, multiple witnesses said that there was more than one shooter AND before the bodies were even buried, a George Soros NGO is organizing an anti-gun march with David Hogg ( son of a former FBI agent that had been on TV before in California and was busted for rehearsing his lines for the Communist News Network AFTER this event) is put out in front of the world to be the face of the movement for disarming citizens that actually obey the acts, statutes and codes of USA.INC.

You should seriously weigh and consider the ramifications of being "guilted" into acquiescing to the desires of those that control us via the foreign owned and controlled banking system or as I call them "the shadow government" that owns the media thus controls the narrative. When a group of very powerful people that pull the levers are working so hard to make you defenseless, you can bet that what they have planned for us isn't going to be a bed of roses. Below is proof that we were ONCE again lied to as it pertains to the Parkland high school shooting.

How did little David "Scoops" Hogg find out that there was a shooting, bicycle three miles to the school and then enter it ahead of the police, find a school room to enter and then conduct interviews with scared students hiding in a closet while a "shooter" was running amok? Hmmmmmmmmmm?????

You know that this story has been proven false and the author of the original report has retracted it and apologized, right?

It Was a Mistake. It Was Wrong. And I'm Sorry.

UPDATE: CBS Video Confusing. Hogg Was on Campus.

the shills are coming out in full force now.LOL
OP--Totally discredited, conspiracy Nut Job. Seriously, the impossibilities You dupes go for...

Discredited by whom? The video speaks for itself, "comrade".
hiw warped logic he has is since he did not watch it and HE says it has been discredited,that makes it so.LOL
Yeah sure... You people are morons as well as dupes. You think other students and journalist s wouldn't notice he was fake? You are brain dead conspiracy nuts.
CT CHECK: Did David Hogg Attend a California High School? - › fact-check › d...
Claim: Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting survivor David Hogg went to high school in California, not Florida, and is an actor.
Claimed by: Internet
Fact check by False

FACT CHECK: Did David Hogg Lie About Being on Campus During Mass ... › fact-check › d...
Claim: Marjory Stoneman Douglas student David Hogg was caught lying about being on campus during a February 2018 school shooting when he told CBS that he had to...
Claimed by: Silence Is Consent
Fact check by False

David Hogg Archives | › tag › david-ho...

No 'Crisis Actors' in Parkland, Florida - › 2018/02 › n...
Claim: Is David Hogg a student at Stoneman Douglas High School or a paid "crisis actor"?
Claimed by: Ask FactCheck
Fact check by Hogg Is A Student

Parkland Students Find Themselves Targets of Lies and Personal Attacks ... › parkl...

2 days ago · Two of the most vocal survivors, Emma González, 18, and David Hogg, 17, .... We welcome suggestions and tips from readers on what to fact-check on ...
Say David Hogg is a crisis actor. - PolitiFact › feb › blog-posting
Claim: Say David Hogg is a crisis actor.
Claimed by: Bloggers
Fact check by PolitiFact: Pants on Fire

David Hogg not at school during shooting? Bloggers spread ... - PolitiFact › mar › blog-posting
Claim: Says David Hogg wasn’t at school during the Parkland school shooting.
Claimed by: Internet rumors
Fact check by PolitiFact: Pants on Fire



snopes? I did not even bother to see where he got it, thats like asking bill "I NEVER HAD SEX WITH THIS WOMAN" if he has ever stolen any money from anybody before.snopes? comedy gold,thats getting DESPERATE.:haha: considering WHO the poster was,i would never have expected anything differently of course.:abgg2q.jpg:
Joe, the alleged shooter put that on a youtube video and the owner of the channel contacted the FBI about it when it happened.....then the day of the shooting? They contacted the owner of the channel....SO, the FBI did not follow up on the lead....that is a fact and the tint of his skin played no part in the equation.

Again, isn't against the law to say stupid stuff on YouTube... Have you met YouTube?

all the above mentioned facts of that day inclduing...

Nobody has time for your batshit crazy, Cocksucker Dale. I knew it was only a matter of time before you tried to claim this didn't happen, either.

I can see why you want gun bans because you live in Chicago, a commie stronghold and it is part of the commie manifesto.

Yup, we are such a Commie Stronghold that major corporations are based out of here. No doubt, these guys in their silk suits read Marx to each other.

Here is a suggestion, if and when this corporate "gubermint" ever decides to do a total banning of guns? Put your ass out in front for a "door to door" confiscation.

No, I'll leave that to the professionals. Just like when I need RATS exterminated, I call professionals. The thing is, when America finally gets fed up with the 3% of you compensating for tiny dicks, most us us will cheer when the ATF frog-marches you out of the neighborhood.

This country isn't China or the old USSR. Most of us know real history.

The problem in China or Russia wasn't a lack of guns... it was too many guns in the hands of people who had been brutalized for years.
:dig: as always.:2up:
Discredited by whom? The video speaks for itself, "comrade".
hiw warped logic he has is since he did not watch it and HE says it has been discredited,that makes it so.LOL
Yeah sure... You people are morons as well as dupes. You think other students and journalist s wouldn't notice he was fake? You are brain dead conspiracy nuts.
CT CHECK: Did David Hogg Attend a California High School? - › fact-check › d...
Claim: Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting survivor David Hogg went to high school in California, not Florida, and is an actor.
Claimed by: Internet
Fact check by False

FACT CHECK: Did David Hogg Lie About Being on Campus During Mass ... › fact-check › d...
Claim: Marjory Stoneman Douglas student David Hogg was caught lying about being on campus during a February 2018 school shooting when he told CBS that he had to...
Claimed by: Silence Is Consent
Fact check by False

David Hogg Archives | › tag › david-ho...

No 'Crisis Actors' in Parkland, Florida - › 2018/02 › n...
Claim: Is David Hogg a student at Stoneman Douglas High School or a paid "crisis actor"?
Claimed by: Ask FactCheck
Fact check by Hogg Is A Student

Parkland Students Find Themselves Targets of Lies and Personal Attacks ... › parkl...

2 days ago · Two of the most vocal survivors, Emma González, 18, and David Hogg, 17, .... We welcome suggestions and tips from readers on what to fact-check on ...
Say David Hogg is a crisis actor. - PolitiFact › feb › blog-posting
Claim: Say David Hogg is a crisis actor.
Claimed by: Bloggers
Fact check by PolitiFact: Pants on Fire

David Hogg not at school during shooting? Bloggers spread ... - PolitiFact › mar › blog-posting
Claim: Says David Hogg wasn’t at school during the Parkland school shooting.
Claimed by: Internet rumors
Fact check by PolitiFact: Pants on Fire

considering how i owned your ass and took you to school that ike was pals with stalin and you played dodgeball as well as the fact you are a a zionist paid shill that ignores the corrupton of israel,you DO know you are rambling talking to yourself with your propaganda pieces you know?:haha:
You have confused me with someone else, totally wrong LOL. Of course, the right Wingers in Israel are corrupt and wrong. Just like here.
Guy is obsessed with telling people he "owned them". Delusional/ego thing going on.

coming from a troll who runs off from pesky facts what a traiters FDR and IKE were,talk about delusional.:haha: the truth hurts your feeling how i owbed you back then same as him.:haha::itsok: you are WAYYYYYY to easy to own on FDR' and Ikes corruption shill same as him.:iyfyus.jpg::itsok::itsok:
I said from the very beginning that the Parkland High School shooting narrative reeked to high heaven, but I have kept quiet for the most part just waiting for that one piece of indisputable evidence that could prove that this was a "deep state" psy-op.

Simply put, David Hogg is a crisis actor. Did teen-agers die at the school? I believe so...did the "powers that be" pull the strings and allow them to be sacrifice for the "greater good" in order to push an agenda that was sure to pull at the heartstrings of Americans and "guilt" them into accepting even more draconian laws that put restrictions on what little freedoms they have left? ABSOLUTELY. Three deputies stood down because they were told to do so, CNN was on the scene as if they had been given advance notice....the head sheriff is a DNC shill....the school cameras were on 20 minute delays, multiple witnesses said that there was more than one shooter AND before the bodies were even buried, a George Soros NGO is organizing an anti-gun march with David Hogg ( son of a former FBI agent that had been on TV before in California and was busted for rehearsing his lines for the Communist News Network AFTER this event) is put out in front of the world to be the face of the movement for disarming citizens that actually obey the acts, statutes and codes of USA.INC.

You should seriously weigh and consider the ramifications of being "guilted" into acquiescing to the desires of those that control us via the foreign owned and controlled banking system or as I call them "the shadow government" that owns the media thus controls the narrative. When a group of very powerful people that pull the levers are working so hard to make you defenseless, you can bet that what they have planned for us isn't going to be a bed of roses. Below is proof that we were ONCE again lied to as it pertains to the Parkland high school shooting.

How did little David "Scoops" Hogg find out that there was a shooting, bicycle three miles to the school and then enter it ahead of the police, find a school room to enter and then conduct interviews with scared students hiding in a closet while a "shooter" was running amok? Hmmmmmmmmmm?????

You know that this story has been proven false and the author of the original report has retracted it and apologized, right?

It Was a Mistake. It Was Wrong. And I'm Sorry.

UPDATE: CBS Video Confusing. Hogg Was on Campus.

the shills are coming out in full force now.LOL

Joe, the alleged shooter put that on a youtube video and the owner of the channel contacted the FBI about it when it happened.....then the day of the shooting? They contacted the owner of the channel....SO, the FBI did not follow up on the lead....that is a fact and the tint of his skin played no part in the equation.

Again, isn't against the law to say stupid stuff on YouTube... Have you met YouTube?

all the above mentioned facts of that day inclduing...

Nobody has time for your batshit crazy, Cocksucker Dale. I knew it was only a matter of time before you tried to claim this didn't happen, either.

I can see why you want gun bans because you live in Chicago, a commie stronghold and it is part of the commie manifesto.

Yup, we are such a Commie Stronghold that major corporations are based out of here. No doubt, these guys in their silk suits read Marx to each other.

Here is a suggestion, if and when this corporate "gubermint" ever decides to do a total banning of guns? Put your ass out in front for a "door to door" confiscation.

No, I'll leave that to the professionals. Just like when I need RATS exterminated, I call professionals. The thing is, when America finally gets fed up with the 3% of you compensating for tiny dicks, most us us will cheer when the ATF frog-marches you out of the neighborhood.

This country isn't China or the old USSR. Most of us know real history.

The problem in China or Russia wasn't a lack of guns... it was too many guns in the hands of people who had been brutalized for years.

No, Cocksucker Joe, I didn't say it didn't' happen...what I am saying is that there was foreknowledge of it and let's just say that Cruz was "helped" much like whomever was playing the Paddock character in Vegas was "helped". HOLY shit, even Stevie Wonder could see through this load of bullshit...the kind of bullshit that you dine on like it was filet mignon courtesy of your beloved lamestream media daily. If they told you that the moon was made of blue cheese? You would sit back in your La-Z-Boy recliner and think about how good it would taste to have a finely cut piece on a Ritz cracker.

Chicago, commie stronghold? Google "Chicago, communist party" and let me know what you come up with.....

"Dale Smith, post: 19608933, member: 55673"]Here is a suggestion, if and when this corporate "gubermint" ever decides to do a total banning of guns? Put your ass out in front for a "door to door" confiscation.[/QUOTE]

No, I'll leave that to the professionals. Just like when I need RATS exterminated, I call professionals. The thing is, when America finally gets fed up with the 3% of you compensating for tiny dicks, most us us will cheer when the ATF frog-marches you out of the neighborhood"

First off, thank you for admitting that the ultimate goal of the fabian socialists (such as yourself) is total gun confiscation...we already knew it but you validated that. Secondly, you think only 3% of the population has a firearm? Once again you reveal your ignorance. Let's say that your home is invaded by armed you think that by "dropping trou" and exposing your (snicker) "massive manhood" that you are going to scare and cause gun welding thugs to scurry away? What they will do is call you a "queer" and rape your significant other in front of you and the best you can do is toss her/him a pillow so that they are more comfortable during the attack....afterwards, you can call 911 and file a report because when seconds matter, the POOOLICE are just minutes away...that is, if you can gain access to a phone.

Let me put this in simple language that even a simpleton like you can understand.....Americans that know the score will never surrender their God given right to protect themselves and their families regardless of how many limp-dicked, emasculated commie weepers (like you) shed teeny tiny tears due to Operation Gladio "deep state" psy-ops that you have been sucked in by.

You are a butthurt pussy, Cocksucker Joe....and you are still waiting on your gonads to "drop"'s a pipedream for pussies like yourself. I call it like I see it, Cocksucker Joe because I am cursed with this gift of honesty.

Hope this helps!
I said from the very beginning that the Parkland High School shooting narrative reeked to high heaven, but I have kept quiet for the most part just waiting for that one piece of indisputable evidence that could prove that this was a "deep state" psy-op.

Simply put, David Hogg is a crisis actor. Did teen-agers die at the school? I believe so...did the "powers that be" pull the strings and allow them to be sacrifice for the "greater good" in order to push an agenda that was sure to pull at the heartstrings of Americans and "guilt" them into accepting even more draconian laws that put restrictions on what little freedoms they have left? ABSOLUTELY. Three deputies stood down because they were told to do so, CNN was on the scene as if they had been given advance notice....the head sheriff is a DNC shill....the school cameras were on 20 minute delays, multiple witnesses said that there was more than one shooter AND before the bodies were even buried, a George Soros NGO is organizing an anti-gun march with David Hogg ( son of a former FBI agent that had been on TV before in California and was busted for rehearsing his lines for the Communist News Network AFTER this event) is put out in front of the world to be the face of the movement for disarming citizens that actually obey the acts, statutes and codes of USA.INC.

You should seriously weigh and consider the ramifications of being "guilted" into acquiescing to the desires of those that control us via the foreign owned and controlled banking system or as I call them "the shadow government" that owns the media thus controls the narrative. When a group of very powerful people that pull the levers are working so hard to make you defenseless, you can bet that what they have planned for us isn't going to be a bed of roses. Below is proof that we were ONCE again lied to as it pertains to the Parkland high school shooting.

How did little David "Scoops" Hogg find out that there was a shooting, bicycle three miles to the school and then enter it ahead of the police, find a school room to enter and then conduct interviews with scared students hiding in a closet while a "shooter" was running amok? Hmmmmmmmmmm?????

You know that this story has been proven false and the author of the original report has retracted it and apologized, right?

It Was a Mistake. It Was Wrong. And I'm Sorry.

UPDATE: CBS Video Confusing. Hogg Was on Campus.

LOL! You can't spin what little David Hogg said..............
High school kids are kicking every wingnut’s ass, and I’m loving it! These "conservatives" have nothing to counter with except lies and attacks. On victims and survivors of a mad shooting. Pathetic.

Real Americans see the mask slip and November is going to be a bloodbath. Keep it up, deplorables! :21::21::21:

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