Listen to this video or don't listen to it.....


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.

[ame=]2012 The TRUTH You're NOT being TOLD - YouTube[/ame]

You will find out in about 3 months. He makes some prediuctions of major earth quakes happening in the next two months.

Yeah, and in about three months you'll be sending an update that he was off by a few months. The ONLY thing you know about gravity is that it keeps your BIG ignorant ass tethered to terra firma!

I know as much aboput gravity as you do. absolutly nothing. But what I do know if I was you I would be ready in the next few months, it may get pretrty bad. But what the heck if nothing happens I still have a lot of supplies. and you will have?
bigrebnc1775 said:
You will find out in about 3 months. He makes some prediuctions of major earth quakes happening in the next two months.
Merci for the video!
There will be a bunch of people feeling stupid on 12/22/12.

I will however predict that somewhere on earth there will be a massive 4.5 magnitude earthquake on 12/21/12.
There will be a bunch of people feeling stupid on 12/22/12.

I will however predict that somewhere on earth there will be a massive 4.5 magnitude earthquake on 12/21/12.

It won't be me Everybody should be prepared for the worse and hope for the best

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