Listen To Them Snivel and Whine


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

When the idiot trump began his political campaign he made his hate-filled and racist agenda clear to everyone during the primary race. Not only did he lie about the records of his Republican opponents, he insulted them with childish name-calling, and belittled them. His schoolyard bullying tactics did have the desired effect, they impressed the low-intelligence conservative voters the idiot trump was targeting.

As his campaign shifted into high gear, there came incident after incident when the idiot trump urged those attending his rallies to commit violent acts. After which, the idiot trump denied making his videotaped statements. But his advocacy of violence, which was also designed to impress the low-intelligence conservative voters, validated the hatred felt by those conservatives in attendance, and those who would later see the news reports and videos.

The idiot trump even suggested Second Amendment fanatics consider assassination of anyone attempting to pass gun regulations. (His low-intelligence conservative voters were made to understand who was to be the idiot trump’s intended assassination target.)

Making America great again quickly became the idiot trump’s euphemism for making American white again and was embraced by conservatives. At last, they would have a president who thought as they did and hated the same individuals and groups.

The low-intelligence conservatives could only see good times ahead for themselves, with the promises of no more environmental regulations, another massive tax cut for the 0.1% and Big Business, the deportation of all undocumented workers, the rise of Nazism, and the acceptance among conservatives of open racism and bigotry. What could possibly go wrong.

One of the first drawbacks of their support for the idiot trump and his agenda of hate was discovered by farmers. When the idiot trump promised to deport undocumented workers, farmers naturally thought their “wetbacks” would be spared, and permitted to remain in the U.S. so as to harvest crops, prune, irrigate, and perform other maintenance in orchards, groves, vineyards, etc.

Nope. The farmers are now sniveling and whining about how portions or all of many types of their crops were left to rot in the fields. All due to a lack of seasonal workers for harvesting and to man packing facilities. The sniveling farmers found white folks, not only unwilling to work in the boiling hot sun, but lacking the skills and knowledge necessary to pick the fruit ready for harvest and leave the rest for a second picking. Also, the vast majority of white people are unable to perform the grueling and tedious jobs involved in packing and shipping. The white workers who do apply to work in the fields are also clueless in the methods used to properly prune and shape the trees and vines.

So, the farmers, while still devoted Republicans, found they screwed themselves when they voted for the idiot trump. As did other business owners, big and small, who prefer the cheap labor of undocumented workers, rather than paying white citizens a livable wage. And now, all the can do is cry about the idiot trump deporting their cheap labor pool.

The Heritage Foundation, you know, the ultra-conservative think tank dedicated to the protection of corporate interests, even their experts in promoting the snake oil of supply-side economics and “trickle down” are wringing their hands over the loss of several million U.S. jobs (but mostly snivel about lower corporate profits) that will be the end results of the idiot trump’s tariffs and trade wars.

It remains one of the most, if not the most comical aspect of conservatism, how the low-intelligence conservative voters consistently shoot themselves in their collective foot, and still call it “winning”. And, as their lives circle the toilet bowl, the low-intelligence conservatives refuse to admit they totally fvcked up when they voted for the idiot trump. Instead, they will weep and wail while they blame the poor, the non-whites, and every other scapegoat they’ve been taught to blame by the GOP.

As the idiot trump continues to screw his “suckers” and receive their undying admiration for doing so, rational people can go on laughing at them. At least until Mueller throws the idiot trump and his entire gang of swamp rats in the pokey.

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Trump found his idiots.

Yes, the low-intelligence conservatives are FUNNY.
And you prove that how... by making an ASININE comment?

Give it rest Einstein, your brain is on overload just trying to fucking type.

Idiot fucking leftist bubble head.
Christ another 'I hate Trump' manifesto from the left. Its funny these people are so triggered they feel compelled to waste an hour writing these things. :auiqs.jpg:

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