List some good science fiction movies.

How about Forbidden Planet from 1956? For its time, the production values were so fantastic, it still looks good even compared to today's special effects. And lots of really chilling moments, like the bizarre, alien footprints that invisible "mind monster" left wherever it went. The plot had an ambitious, pure, hard-core science fiction basis.
The Tempest in space.
Try Sean Connery's Outland. It's a crime drama on a huge Io colony that looks and feels like it's set in the same sci-fi universe as Alien. Frances Sternhagen steals the show as the station's grouch of a doctor.
It was High Noon in space.

Yes, it's that too. I found that some sci-fi stories are sort of a space-traveling version of centuries-older stories. Star Trek's "Elaan of Troyus" was Shakespeare's "Taming of the Shew" set on a spaceship, for example. Or how Star Wars' Jediism philosophy borrows plenty from the Japanese Shinto religion.
If you are looking for an unconventional science fiction movie, I recommend "World's End" with Simon Pegg.

It's about a bunch of Brits who are trying to drink their way along this famed bar crawl, and become aware of aliens that are slowly taking over the bodies of the townspeople.

Lots of bar room humor, and some pretty funny sight gags. If you wanna just veg and see a funny science fiction movie, this one is pretty good.
Eh, fuck it! Loved that movie laughed my ass off.. try Doctor Who you can watch 50 years of that and Torchwood both good brit stuff!
Try some of the 30s, 40s, and 50s sci-fi movies.

Even if the plots are lame, you can get a laugh out of the costumes and special effects.

That damn spider move always freaked me out and the Alfred Hitchcock the birds ( or what ever it was called )



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Another good series that was on SyFy is "Blood Drive". It's about people who are racing cars that eat people.

Some really funny stuff on that show as well.
If you're looking for a good science fiction western, I highly recommend the television series "Firefly", or, if you don't want to watch 16 hours of show, simply watch the movie "Serenity" which is a movie version of Firefly.

Too bad that show got taken off of the air, because that was my "must watch" on Saturdays.

At least for fourteen of them...
If you're looking for a good science fiction western, I highly recommend the television series "Firefly", or, if you don't want to watch 16 hours of show, simply watch the movie "Serenity" which is a movie version of Firefly.

Too bad that show got taken off of the air, because that was my "must watch" on Saturdays.

At least for fourteen of them...

Actually, I think only 11 episodes aired in the original run.
Not the most known ones like Terminator, Bladerunner or 2001 but more obscure titles.

I need a good escape from reality.

I'm very fond of a pair of Russian movies: Night Watch (Ночной дозор) and its sequel Day Watch (Дневной Дозор).

Night Watch was supposedly the very first big international blockbuster film out of post-Soviet Russia. The DVD has, on one side the sound track in Russian, with rather clever animated English subtitles; and on the other side, soundtracks and subtitles in several languages, including English. The Day Watch DVD is less fancy, just having one side with the expected collection of languages for audio and subtitles.

I searched to find a trailer for it, and could find none that really do it justice. The best I found is this:

Trust me, it's a much better movie (well, pair of movies; you really need to watch them both together) than this trailer leads you to expect. I note, also, that the trailer describes Night Watch as “The First Chapter in an Epic Horror Trilogy”. That's not really right. Only two movies, not three, with the story spread across the two. Perhaps, at the time the trailer was made, it was expected that the second movie would be two movies, but it wasn't.

I don't think I'd quite classify this as “horror” either.

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I like "Metropolis"

....but being a silent movie from 1927....I understand is not the populous(meaning population) cup of tea...I do understand it.

"Metropolis" is a 1927 German expressionist epic science-fiction drama film directed by the great Fritz Lang.

Not the most known ones like Terminator, Bladerunner or 2001 but more obscure titles.

I need a good escape from reality.

Another really good movie that I highly recommend, is Always, made in 1989, with Richard Dreyfuss, John Goodman, Holly Hunter, and Audrey Hepburn (it was Ms. Hepburn's last movie).

This trailer is better than the one I found for my previous recommendation. There's a big twist, not far into the movie, that I think it better to watch this movie the first time not knowing what is coming up. This trailer doesn't give it away, though it faintly hints at it.

Star Gate, The Forbin project, This island Earth, Alien, Blade Runner....

I watched The Forbin Project some years ago, and was struck by the unintentional quaintness of the movie, being watched so long after it had been made. What, at the time, was intended to be a depiction of ultra modern, futuristic computer equipment, to me at the time I watched it, was a collection of long-obsolete antiques.

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